» Fiction » Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗». Author Britta Irene

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me. Oh what a kiss. It was so passionate, and it showed every emotion that we had felt in the last couple of days. The pain, the sorrow, the loss, but also the joy and the love. It was like no other kiss that we had shared. He was the first to break it off.
“Come home?” he asked me. I turned to my plate and stuffed the rest of my bacon in my mouth, then jumped up and went back to Tristan’s room. I grabbed my suitcase and was back in the kitchen in a flash. Before we left, I wrote a note to Tristan.
Hey Prince.
I am going home. It smells weird in your apartment. I like ours better. You can keep that Starbucks. Take it as… my treat to you. Thanks for everything. Love ya.
~ Princess.
James looked it over then smiled at me, took my suitcase in one hand and my hand in the other, and together we left his apartment to go to ours. Our home. I liked the sound of that
Chapter Fifteen.

When we got back to our place, James immediately set my stuff down then he turned around and scooped me up so that I was eye level with him. He carried me over to the couch and we collapsed back onto it giggling. He looked deep into my eyes.
“I love you. I don’t ever want to lose you again.” He told me.
“I love you too. And I don’t want you to lose me. Ever.” He smiled at this and brought his mouth down to mine.
“Well, since we are both called in sick, we can just hang out here, right?” he asked with a mysterious glint in his eyes.
“How did you know that I was called in sick?” I asked him. Did I tell him? I don’t remember doing so. Maybe Tristan told him.
“Babe, I was down there when Tristan called it in. I saw the Diane type in ‘Kyle Grant’ and then ‘Tristan Correla’. So, naturally I figured that you are taking a sick day.”
“Oh. Okay. That makes sense.” I replied. He smiled down at me then rolled off of me. I suddenly felt cold.
“Wait come back. I was warm.” I complained.
“I am just getting some peanut butter cookies. I will be back, my love.” He told me sniggering.
I turned and grabbed the remote. I sat up and flipped through the channels.
“Ugh! There is nothing on! Gah!” I yelled. It infuriates me when not even one channel has something good on.
“Well, we can watch a movie.” James called from the kitchen. I could hear him rustling in the cabinets.
“Okay. Where are the movies?” I called back.
“I know exactly which movie to watch.” He said from the other side of the couch. I glanced up at him and took in his strong jaw line, with beautiful blue eyes, and hid dark hair that fell into his eyes. ‘Mine. All mine.’ I thought to myself. I was so glad that I had him back.
He glanced down at me and caught me staring. “I feel the same way babe.” He said. He leaned down over the back of the couch, and I grabbed a hold on his shirt and tugged him over the back and onto me.
“We don’t have to get a movie.” I told him. Gosh he had gorgeous eyes. But not only his eyes, his whole face, his whole body. All mine. No one else’s. I think I will tattoo ‘Property of Kyla Blaize Grant’ on his forehead if I knew that it wouldn’t ruin his face.
“You could tattoo it on my arm. And I will tattoo ‘Property of James Abernathy’ on yours.” He said. He was kidding, but I wasn’t.
“Great.” I said while pushing him off of me and getting up. “Let’s go. We can go to the place that I went to with Blade.” I said. I grabbed his keys and his wallet, yes he was going to pay, and walked out of the front door.
“Kyla. Do you think maybe a shower and new clothes would be helpful?” he called down to me. I glanced down and saw that I was still in my pajamas. My hair was probably still a mess, so I looked like a hobo.
“Oh yeah.” I said. I took off to the bedroom, lugging my suitcase behind me. Notice that I did not give James his keys. Or wallet. Because I know that if I do, he will talk me out of this. And I want the whole world to see that he is mine. All mine. Mine mine mine.
I got out some purple skinny jeans and a ripped v neck shirt. I went into the bathroom, still with his keys and wallet, and locked the door. I washed and conditioned my hair, and then I washed my body. I got out and towel dried and put on some Dark Kiss lotion [from Bath and Body Works. Stuff smells amazing.] I washed my face and brushed my teeth then got dressed. I put on my black and purple vans then headed out of the bathroom.
In my room, I put my snakebites and did my makeup. There. I am ready.
I headed out towards the living room when I heard Blade’s voice. This is going to be a perfect time to freak him out. *grin evilly.*
Hey Blade. Have you seen where my bra is?

I asked him through the bond. I hope that he doesn’t know about it yet, or it won’t be as fun. I heard James stifle a laugh.
What the hell?! Kyla! How the hell are you in my head?

He said into my mind and out loud. I heard some more stifled laughs, so that told me that the others were there too.
Never mind that! I need my bra!!

I whined into his mind.
I don’t know! I don’t go… ah… looking through your stuff! So I wouldn’t know where your… bra was.

He said. Score one for Kyla, zero for Blade. He was so funny when he was nervous. I decided that then was the time to round the corner.
“But Blade!” I said out loud. Everyone looked to me confused except for James. He heard the whole conversation. “It was my favorite bra! And who else am I going to go to for help? You are my guardian!” I said putting my hands on my hips. His face was priceless.
“So, you asked me where you put your bra?” he asked. All the guys started laughing. When they quieted down, I replied.
“Yes. You are my guardian. Help meh!!” I yelled while stomping my foot two year old style.
“Fine. What does it look like?” he asked while groaning. I smiled.
“Purple with black lace edges. I remember where I put it. Will you go get it for me?” I asked while taking James’ hand and leading him towards the door.
“Fine. Where?” I asked. I smiled even wider.
“Victoria Secret!” I said, then before I shut the door “Bye guys! Going to get tattoos!” I yelled. I heard and eruption of laughter from the other side of the door. And behind me.
“You make me laugh babe.” James said while pulling me into his arms. We fit perfectly together. Like two puzzle pieces finally finding their match.
“I love you.” James told me.
“I love you too.” I said while pulling him into the elevator where we started making out. Then we headed hand in hand to the car. Then to the tattoo shop.

Chapter Fifteen.

When we got back to our place, James immediately set my stuff down then he turned around and scooped me up so that I was eye level with him. He carried me over to the couch and we collapsed back onto it giggling. He looked deep into my eyes.
“I love you. I don’t ever want to lose you again.” He told me.
“I love you too. And I don’t want you to lose me. Ever.” He smiled at this and brought his mouth down to mine.
“Well, since we are both called in sick, we can just hang out here, right?” he asked with a mysterious glint in his eyes.
“How did you know that I was called in sick?” I asked him. Did I tell him? I don’t remember doing so. Maybe Tristan told him.
“Babe, I was down there when Tristan called it in. I saw the Diane type in ‘Kyle Grant’ and then ‘Tristan Correla’. So, naturally I figured that you are taking a sick day.”
“Oh. Okay. That makes sense.” I replied. He smiled down at me then rolled off of me. I suddenly felt cold.
“Wait come back. I was warm.” I complained.
“I am just getting some peanut butter cookies. I will be back, my love.” He told me sniggering.
I turned and grabbed the remote. I sat up and flipped through the channels.
“Ugh! There is nothing on! Gah!” I yelled. It infuriates me when not even one channel has something good on.
“Well, we can watch a movie.” James called from the kitchen. I could hear him rustling in the cabinets.
“Okay. Where are the movies?” I called back.
“I know exactly which movie to watch.” He said from the other side of the couch. I glanced up at him and took in his strong jaw line, with beautiful blue eyes, and hid dark hair that fell into his eyes. ‘Mine. All mine.’ I thought to myself. I was so glad that I had him back.
He glanced down at me and caught me staring. “I feel the same way babe.” He said. He leaned down over the back of the couch, and I grabbed a hold on his shirt and tugged him over the back and onto me.
“We don’t have to get a movie.” I told him. Gosh he had gorgeous eyes. But not only his eyes, his whole face, his whole body. All mine. No one else’s. I think I will tattoo ‘Property of Kyla Blaize Grant’ on his forehead if I knew that it wouldn’t ruin his face.
“You could tattoo it on my arm. And I will tattoo ‘Property of James Abernathy’ on yours.” He said. He was kidding, but I wasn’t.
“Great.” I said while pushing him off of me and

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