» Fiction » Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗». Author Britta Irene

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I know you?” I asked. He raised his eyebrows.
“Blunt much?” he asked with a chuckle. “I am part of the pack. But, I am on the opposite side of the state from you.” Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows.
“Other side of the state? Damn, I didn’t know that we went that far out.” I was amazed.
“Yeah. So I am going to be blunt about this. And I don't want you to freak out okay? This is going to be a surprise to you. Hell, it was to me.” He took a deep breath. “Okay. When I am around you, I feel… different. You know how it feels to be around James?” he asked.
“Um, yeah. Like only he holds me to the earth. I have no other reason to be here if it weren’t for him. But what does that have to do with you and me?” I asked. I honestly wasn’t seeing where he was going.
“That is how I feel when I am near you. I-I think you are my mate.” he said. My eyes widened in shock. What was he saying? I can’t be his mate, I am James’. If it is even possible, it is disgusting to have two mates. Just thinking about that makes me feel dirty and whorish.
“H-how can you say that?” I asked, stuttering a little.
“Look, this was a shock to me too. I have a mate. So you are not the only one torn here… but I feel a stronger pull towards you. But believe me, I am struggling too. Be with the one who u have had and loved for three years, or go towards the one who has the stronger pull on me. Be with the one who is faithful no matter what, or break her heart for someone who has a calling to me? I don’t know what to do. I am lost.” He had a look of hopelessness and pain. I had the sudden urge to make all of that to go away.
I took him into my arms and just held him. He reluctantly put his arms around me. We just sat there, me with my head on his chest, arms wrapped around each other, and not saying anything for a long time. It was not an awkward silence, one that you look for something to say, more like a content silence that soothes everything into its place. One that says ‘I am here for you.’ It was comforting.
The sun was just starting to come up when I broke our silence. We both seemed to have gone off into our own little worlds.
“I need to get back before James wakes up.” I said.
“I need to get there before Molly does. I don’t need her to worry.” We got up and started walking back to the mansion, side by side. The house was just barely peeking into view when he grabbed my elbow to stop me.
“Look, I don’t think that we-“
“Need to say anything about this to James and Molly? Couldn’t agree more.” I finished for him.
“We still need to talk this out. Next time it is my turn to go shopping, why don’t you come with me? Then we can work this out.” He said.
“Okay.” He pulled me in for a hug, and planted a kiss on my forehead. His lips lingered longer than they probably should have. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his warm lips on me. He broke away first. There was a look of longing in his eyes. We decided a while ago that we probably shouldn’t come in the same door. He headed towards the back, and I headed to the front door. I slipped upstairs into our room, and curled up under the blankets into James’ side. All the while thinking: what have I done? How can I even think about Tanner when I have James? What is going on inside me? Why did I even consider talking to Tanner?
The answer scared me: Tanner was right. There is definitely a pull between us that we can’t ignore.
Chapter Twenty.

I crept up the stairs into mine and James’ room. He was still fast asleep. He looked so… innocent. And pure. I just wanted to curl up into his side and never leave there.
What was I thinking? Tanner and I can’t be mates. I have James. And he has Molly. There is no way that I could even consider ‘us’. I loved James way too much. Besides, I told myself, I am sure he is just another Protector of mine. Tristan had said that I had more than the average person. For what reason I don’t know, but I believed him.
But deep down, I doubted my thinking. That pull was different. This was definitely the way I felt about James. May even be more. But I can’t be more attracted to Tanner. I loved James. I had a ring on my finger to prove it. I sighed. My life just got so complicated.
“Kyla babe? What are you doing over there? Come back to me.” James stated, groggily sitting up. I realized that I was still by the door staring at him.
“Sorry. I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you up.” I told him, shuffling across the room to the bed. Apparently, I moved too slow for him because he wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me closer. He sniffed me then let out a low growl. Oh shit. Can he smell Tanner? Crap crap crap!
“Why do you smell like another man?” He asked.
“Oh, um...” I had to think of something, “I was thirsty so I went downstairs to get some water. And I tripped. Tanner helped me up.” I said. I hope he didn’t hear the guilt in my voice, because it was obvious to me. I clouded my thoughts from him.
“Oh. Okay.” He said, satisfied with my answer. I relaxed a bit in his arms. He pulled me back and laid me on top of him. He kissed the top of my head repeatedly. I felt so good to be in his arms, but I couldn’t help to feel a little guilty. I don’t know why, because it’s not like I promised Tanner anything. But he was right; we definitely needed to talk about this.
James and I must have laid there for an hour. We watched the television that he had in his room. Ella knocked on the door.
“Hey, you guys want some breakfast?” she asked. I jumped when I heard my stomach growl. I didn’t realize I was that hungry. I giggled as I got off the bed and followed James downstairs to the kitchen to get my beloved food.
Bacon. That was the first thing that registered with me when I was going down stairs. I could smell it, and boy did it smell good.
Tanner. That was the first thing I saw when I entered the kitchen. This should be… interesting. Luckily for me though, he didn’t even look at me. I knew he could feel me though, because I felt chills go through my whole body. Then a tingling sensation. Why didn’t I feel that with James?
I got a plate and loaded it with bacon.
“Piggy.” Blade said when I sat down beside him at the table. I stole a piece of his bacon and shoved it in my mouth before he could do anything.
“If I were a piggy, that would make me a cannibal. That it just wrong.” I told him with my mouth full. He just rolled his eyes at me. James was silently laughing to himself.
“We are planning on heading back to school after lunch. You good with that Kyls?” James asked me.
“Fine with me.” I said in between bites again. My cell phone started ringing.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Kyla! Oh my gosh! I have been trying to get a hold of you forever! Have you not heard?” I heard my best friend Krissy’s voice.
“KRISSY! How’s my babe?” I asked jumping out of my seat and heading over to the window.
“I’m fine, but your brother isn’t! Oh gosh, I knew I should have just come and got you!” she said, rambling to herself.
“Whoa, hold on, what’s up with Kyle?” I asked, immediately catching my attention. What happened?
“Oh God, you don’t know do you? Yesterday he was in a bad accident. He-“I cut her off.
“WHAT! OH GOD WHERE IS HE? IM COMING NOW!” I screamed, running up to mine and James’ room at super speed. I threw on some clothes and yanked a brush through my hair. I grabbed my shoes and ran downstairs.
“He is at Greenland Hospital. Oh God, I thought you knew!” she yelled. I took James’ car keys off of the hook and ran out the door. He stood there looking confused. I kissed him on the cheek then got in the car. Tears were pouring down my face, making everything blurry. I angrily brushed them off then started the car.
“I’m on my way. When I get there, I expect the whole story, either from you or my brother.” I said. I hung up on her when she was about to say something. I didn’t care though. My brother was hurt. I can’t believe this. Today has not been a good day. First Tanner tells me that we might be with the wrong mates, and now Kyle. Oh God, oh God, oh God.
“Please let him be okay.” I said to no one in particular. I went about fifteen over the speed limit, and thankfully, I did not get pulled over. I don’t think I would have had the patience to talk to the officer and explain my situation.
I parked James’ car in the 2nd floor garage, and rushed through the elevator doors. I was bouncing the whole way until I made it to the lobby.
“What room in Kyle Grant in?” I asked the lady. My palms were all sweaty, and I still had tears running down my face.
“46 D” she told me. I didn’t even say thank you, I just ran off to find my brother’s room. I ran through the halls, and I finally found the right room. I didn’t even pause, I just bust right in. And I ran into a wall of girls.
“WHAT THE HELL? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!” I screeched. They all looked at me like I was insane, then moved out of a way, making a clear path from the door to my brother’s bed.
Kyle looked… weak. He had casts on his legs, and they were elevated up off the bed. His skin was pale, with a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead, telling of the pain he was in. You could see it in his bloodshot eyes, but the color was still the strong, radiant blue and silver I was used too.
“Well damn. Took you long enough to get here.” He said, jokingly. I could see the shine in his eyes. Well, I guess he

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