» Fiction » Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗

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was excited to see me. I am excited to see him too; just I don’t like the circumstances.
“You mind telling me what the hell happened? I mean, I get a call from Krissy this morning. I don’t get one from you, or the hospital, fifteen minutes after it happened, but the next day. I mean what the hell is this? Let’s not tell Kyla day?” I asked, walking towards his bed. I finished with a smack on his head. There were gasps coming from the girls in the room.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but I KNOW you didn’t just hit my man!” I really nasally voice shouted behind me.
I spun around, “Shut the hell up. God, I didn’t know that the nurses would let a damn clown inside. People these days…” I shook my head in disappointment. The girl did look like a clown. Way too much foundation that made her look orange, eye shadow and eye liner caked on, I guess in the hopes of making her eyes look bigger, but that was a fail. But the best part, the bright red lipstick on thin, cracked lips. Ew.
“Excuse me? I KNOW you didn’t come in here, hit my man then insult me!” she said. Haha, her plastic nose was getting red.
“Oh hunny, people insult you all the time. They are just afraid to do it to your face, in case you have one of those squirty flowers on your shirt.” I told her. It was probably the truth.
“Just because you are some slut that Kyle had a fling with-“I cut her off there with my laughing.
“Hey Kyle, why do people keep mistaking us as a couple? Can they not see the resemblance? Scoot over, fat ass.” Kyle moved over on the bed, and I sprawled out beside him.
“Girls, this is my twin, Kyla.” He told them. I gave a little princess wave.
“Nice to meet you. Not really. This dumb ass here got him hurt, so that is why you get to meet me. Other than that it is pretty good.” I said. I hit Kyle again. He just smiled wide and gave me a giant bear hug. What a loser.
“So, are you going to tell me what the hell happened?” I asked him, after he was done giving me hugs. Instead of his voice, the nasily voice answered my question.
“Well, he was...” I cut her off.
“Was I talking to you? I don’t think so. Now scram.” I told her with a dismissal wave of my hand.
“Kyle! Are you going to let this bitch talk to me that way?” she shrieked.
“Actually, yes. You are starting to piss me off. Leave Carolina.” He told her. I got a smug look on my face. Victory.
“Fine! Girls, let’s go!” she shrieked. Again. What is up with this girl and shrieking?
“No. We are staying here with Kyle and… what’s your name again?” one brave girl said.
“Kyla. I can tell that I’m going to like you.” I told the girl. She beamed at me, and the clown screamed in frustration and left. Thank God.
“Aw guys, the circus just left.” I said, in mock sadness.
“Cut the crap Kyla. You know you hate clowns. They scare you to death.” Kyle said. He knows me so well.
“Anyways,” I said, emphasizing it,” Are you going to tell me what exactly happened?”
“Well, I was on my way back to school from picking up some lunch, when a drunk driver came. He slammed into me, and I slammed into a tree.” He told me.
“What side of the car was the other driver slammed into?” I asked wearily. I’m afraid I know the answer to this.
“Passenger side. Why does it matter?” he asked curiously.
“Can I talk to you, alone?” I said the alone loudly so that the chattering girls around us could hear.
“Sure. You girls should head on back anyway. Get a shower. Change your clothes. Get some real coffee and good food. I will still probably be here when you get back.” He told them. They all filed out of the room, with choruses of ‘goodbyes’ and ‘love you’ and ‘see ya later’.
“Now, what do you have going through that sinister but smart brain of yours?” I ignored that.
“Yesterday I had a… I don’t really know what to call it. I vision, or epiphany I guess. Well anyways, I was sitting in the Abernathy’s humungous mansion, then all the sudden I was in a car. But it wasn’t me in the car. The passenger side was smashed by another car, and the front was rammed into a tree. Kyle, do you think I was seeing what you were? Like, I was in your shoes?” this was so confusing.
“Hmm… this is… wild. That’s a good word for it. I don’t know. But I guess so. I know you have something else you need to say. Spit it out.” His eyes were sparkling, like they usually did when he was deep in thought that held his interests highly.
“Well, I have discovered recently what a Protector is. It’s like your own personal… guardian I guess would be a good word. They feel your physical and some emotional pain and you feel theirs. You can also communicate telepathically. I have two, that I know of, Blade and Tristan. Do you think that could be us? I felt your pain I your leg, we can talk into each other’s minds, and you always seem to know when I need you the most.” My brows were furrowed in thought, and my lips scrunched trying to decipher what this could mean.
“Well I guess we are. Either that or that twin telepathy is true. Or maybe twin telepathy is a protector; just not many people realize it.” He responded.
“Well then. Protectors it is.” I smiled at him. I always have loved spending time with my brother. He was always my best friend. I may have said on the outside that Krissy was, but Kyle knew everything about me.
The rest of the time we lounged on his bed flipping channels from movie to movie and joking with each other. I had finally convinced Kyle to watch Lion King, (it was at the part where Simba sings ‘I Just Can’t Wait to be King’... the best part of the whole movie. That and the Hakuna Matata) when Krissy came in.
“OH I JUST CANT WAAAITTT TO BE KIIIIINGGG!!!” Kyle and I were singing way off key when she burst into the room. She took in the sight before her, and started cracking up. Literally. She dropped all of the things she had in her hands, and fell to the floor clutching her stomach with tears streaming out of her eyes.
“You guys….never….. Change… do you?” she asked while still gasping for breath. We really had no response for her, other than turning up the television so that we could hear the movie over her laughter. I made her crack up even more. We just continued to sing, and she finally joined us like I knew she wanted to.
The door busted open, revealing James. He looked worried, but then when he saw us, he just shook his head and closed the door behind him.
“Gosh, I thought you guys were getting murdered or something. But it is just Kyla’s singing.” I threw a water bottle that was on the night stand at him. He caught it and took a swig.
“Thanks babe. I was really thirsty.” He told me.
“I don’t even know whose that was. That is nasty James.” My nose was curled up.
“Must have been one of the girls’.” Kyle offered, as he turned down the TV. The song was over anyway.
“Who are you?” Krissy asked.
“OH! Kris, I was you to meet my… err boyfriend, James. James, this is my best friend Krissy.” I said. James shot me a glance at the word boyfriend.
I haven’t told Kyle yet. He deserves to know before her.

I entered into his mind.
Instead of James’ voice responding, I heard Kyle’s.
I know you are engaged. I’m not dumb. I see the ring. I’m so happy for you… but… well we’ll talk later.

Uh oh. Is he says we need to talk, then I’m in trouble.
“Well, Kris, actually he isn’t my boyfriend. He is my fiancée.” I said. Her jaw dropped, and then she was straddling my lap, grasping my left hand. She started squealing when she saw the beautiful rock it sported.
“Calm down! It just happened yesterday morning!” I screamed back. She jumped off of me and went to hug James.
“Oh my gosh! Come on! I need to get to know you! Let’s go! You, sir, are going to buy me a coffee while you tell me about yourself!” she screamed, tugging him out the door. He shot me a ‘help me’ glance, but when Krissy wants something, she usually gets it. I just blew him a kiss and waved goodbye as he was tugged out the door by my best friend.

Chapter Twenty One.

While James and Krissy were off doing whatever Krissy was forcing him to do, Kyle and I talked. He told me he wasn’t too happy about me getting married at a young age, but he supported my decision. He knew what having a mate meant, his roommate had one, and that he couldn’t change what James and I were to each other.
It was about two hours later when Krissy and James came back. He looked like he had just run a 200 mile marathon, and she looked as refreshed as a daisy. His feet were dragging, and his shoulders were slumped. Krissy gave me a thumbs up and a wink of approval. Not that even if she had disapproved would I change my answer to marrying him. It is just a bonus plus that she liked him.
“You ready to go home babe? We have school tomorrow.” I said. Today was Sunday, making tomorrow Monday, also known as the worst day of the week.
“Yeah. I’ll go get the car. Hope you get better soon, Kyle,” he said, while giving him a brotherly tap on the back,” Krissy…” he gave a grimace. What had my best friend done to him?
“See you later man.” Kyle answered. Krissy blew him a kiss, which he rolled his eyes at, then he went out the room to get the car.
“Bye Kyle. I’ll visit you when I can. Bye Kris. Call me later.” I said, giving each of them a hug.
“I’m gonna head out too. See ya later Kyle.” She said with a wave.
Krissy and I walked down the hospital hallways to the front entrance. It was an awkward silence. That is weird because she and I always have something to say to one another.
“Well, it was good seeing you again.” I said as I walked closer to James, who was patiently waiting in the car.

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