» Fiction » Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since, Walter Scott [good novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since, Walter Scott [good novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Walter Scott

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was charged with the inspection of the troops, and was likewise Quarter Master General of the army, and is now in France. They remained under arms at the Bridge, waiting the arrival of My Lord George Murray with the artilirie, whom Mons. de Cluny had orders to cover in passing the bridge. They arrived about sunsett closely pursued by the Duke of Comberland with the whole body of his cavalrie, reckoned upwards of 3000 strong, about a thousand of whom, as near as might be computed, dismounted, in order to cut off the passage of the artilirie towards the bridge, while the Duke and the others remained on horseback in order to attack the arrear. My Lord George Murray advanced, and although he found Mons. de Cluny and his tribe in good spirits under arms, yet the circumstance appear'd extremely delicate. The numbers were vastly unequall, and the attack seem'd very dangerous; so my Lord George declin'd giving orders to such time as he ask'd Mons. de Cluny's oppinion. "I will attack them with all my heart," says Mons. de Cluny, "if you order me." "I do order it then," answered my Lord George, and immediately went on himself along with Mons. de Cluny, and fought sword in hand on foot, at the head of the single tribe of Macphersons. They in a moment made their way through a strong hedge of thorns, under the cover whereof the cavalrie had taken their station, in the struggle of passing which hedge My Lord George Murray, being dressed EN MONTAGNARD, as all the army were, lost his bonnet and wig; so continued to fight bare-headed during the action, They at first made a brisk discharge of their firearms on the enemy, then attacked them with their sabres, and made a great slaughter a considerable time, which obliged Comberland and his cavalrie to fly with precipitation and in great confusion; in so much, that if the Prince had been provided in a sufficient number of cavalrie to have taken advantage of the disorder, it is beyond question that the Duke of Comberland and the bulk of his cavalrie had been taken prisoners. By this time it was so dark that it was not possible to view or number the slain, who filled all the ditches which happened to be on the ground where they stood. But it was computed that, besides those who went off wounded upwards of a hundred at least were left on the spot, among whom was Colonel Honeywood, who commanded the dismounted cavalrie, whose sabre, of considerable value, Mons. de Cluny brought off and still preserves; and his tribe lykeways brought off many arms;—the Colonel was afterwards taken up, and, his wounds being dress'd, with great difficultie recovered. Mons. de Cluny lost only in the action twelve men, of whom some haveing been only wounded, fell afterwards into the hands of the enemy, and were sent as slaves to America, whence several of them returned, and one of them is now in France, a serjeant in the Regiment of Royal Scots. How soon the accounts of the enemie's approach had reached the Prince, H. R. H. had immediately ordered Mi-Lord le Comte de Nairne, Brigadier, who, being proscribed, is now in France, with the three batalions of the Duke of Athol, the batalion of the Duke of Perth, and some other troups under his command, in order to support Cluny, and to bring off the artilirie. But the action was intirely over before the Comte de Nairne, with his command, cou'd reach nigh to the place. They therefore return'd all to Penrith, and the artilirie marched up in good order. Nor did the Duke of Comberland ever afterwards dare to come within a day's march of the Prince and his army dureing the course of all that retreat, which was conducted with great prudence and safety, when in some manner surrounded by enemies.']

33 (return)

As the heathen deities contracted an indelible obligation if they swore by Styx, the Scottish Highlanders had usually some peculiar solemnity attached to an oath which they intended should be binding on them. Very frequently it consisted in laying their hand, as they swore, on their own drawn dirk; which dagger, becoming a party to the transaction, was invoked to punish any breach of faith. But, by whatever ritual the oath was sanctioned, the party was extremely desirous to keep secret what the especial oath was, which he considered as irrevocable. This was a matter of great convenience, as he felt no scruple in breaking his asseveration when made in any other form than that which he accounted as peculiarly solemn; and therefore readily granted any engagement which bound him no longer than he inclined. Whereas, if the oath which he accounted inviolable was once publicly known, no party with whom he might have occasion to contract, would have rested satisfied with any other. Louis XI of France practised the same sophistry, for he also had a peculiar species of oath, the only one which he was ever known to respect, and which, therefore, he was very unwilling to pledge. The only engagement which that wily tyrant accounted binding upon him, was an oath by the Holy Cross of Saint Lo d'Angers, which contained a Portion of the True Cross. If he prevaricated after taking this oath, Louis believed he should die within the year. The Constable Saint Paul, being invited to a personal conference with Louis, refused to meet the king unless he would agree to ensure him safe conduct under sanction of this oath. But, says Comines, the king replied, he would never again pledge that engagement to mortal man, though he was willing to take any other oath which could be devised. The treaty broke off, therefore, after much chaffering concerning the nature of the vow which Louis was to take. Such is the difference between the dictates of superstition and those of conscience.]


ABIIT, EVASIT, ERUPIT, EFFUGIT, more correctly the quotation is, 'abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit': varying terms to express the haste, secrecy, and energy of the flight.

ABOON or ABUNE, above.

ACCOLADE, embrace.

ADSCRIPTI GLEBAE, slaves, transferred with the land to which they are bound, from one possessor to another.

AHINT, behind.

AITS, oats.

ALERTE A LA MURAILLE, 'Quick to the wall!'

ALEXANDER AB ALEXANDRO, Alexander the son of Alexander.

ALMA = 'alma mater terra', the land, the bounteous mother.

ALTER EGO, his other self.

AMBRY, AWMRY, chest.

ANENT, concerning.

ANILIA, old women's tales.

APOTHEOSIS, deification.


ASSOILZIED, acquitted, or absolved.

ASSYTHMENT, satisfaction.

BAFF, slap.

BAGGANETS, bayonets.

BARLEY, parley; CRY BARLEY IN A BRUILZIE, call a truce during a scrimmage.

BARON-BAILIE, steward of the estate.

BAWBEE, halfpenny.

BAXTER, baker.

BEAUFET, buffet, sideboard.

BEFLUMMED, befooled.

BEGUNK, trick.

BEN, within (by, in).

BENEMPT, named.

BENT, open country.

BHAIRD, bard.

BIBLIOPOLIST, seller of books.

BIELDY, sheltered.

BIRLIEMAN, a parish official.

BLIND, hidden, out of the way.

BLOOD-WIT, blood-money, compensation for homicide.

BODACH, spectre.

BODLE, farthing.

BOGLE, bogey.

BON VIVANT, a lover of good fare.

BOUNE, make ready.

BRANDER, broil.

BRAW, fine.

BROGUES, shoes.

BROO', broth.

BRUCKLE, brittle, frail.

BRUIK, possess.

BRUILZIE, broil, scrimmage.

BURGONET, helmet.

BUSK, get ready.

CAILLIACH, crone, old woman.

CAISSE MILITAIRE, military chest.


CANNY, shrewd; UNCANNY or NO CANNY, eerie.

CANTER, beggar; from the whining or 'canting' tone.

CANTRIPS, tricks.

CATH-DATH, tartan.

C'EST DES DEUX OREILLES, properly, 'c'est d'une oreille,' an expression appreciative of good wine.

C'EST L'HOMME KI SE BAST ET KI CONSEILLE, it is the man who fights and gives counsel.

CEAN-KINNE, head of the clan.

CEDANT ARMA TOGAE, let weapons give place to the citizen's robe.

CELA NE TIRE A RIEN, that counts for nothing.

CELA VA SANS DIRE, that goes without saying.

CESS-MONEY, land-tax.

CHANGE-HOUSE, public house.

CHEVAUX-DE-POSTE, post-horses.

CHIEL, person.

CLACHAN, village.

CLAMHEWIT, slash, clout.

CLAW FAVOUR, curry favour.

CLOUR, bump.

COGHLING, blowing.

COM., short for COMITATUS = county.

CONCLAMARE VASA, to give the signal for baggage, i.e. for packing the baggage.

CONGES, bowing and scraping.

CORONACH, lament.

CORRI, hill-side.

COUP, upset.

COUPE-JARRET, cut-throat (literally, leg-chopper).

COUR PLENIERE, full court, state-reception.

COUTEAU DE CHASSE, hunting-knife.

COW YER CRACKS, stop your chatter.

CRAIG, neck.

CREAGH, foray, raid.

CUITTLE, fickle.

CURRAGH, boat,

CURRANT, running.

CUT-LUGGED, crop-eared.

DANS SON TORT, in the wrong.

DE FACTO, in actual fact.

DE JURE, by legal right.

DEAVING, deafening.

DELIVER, active.

DEMELEE, extrication from a hobble.

DEOCH AN DORUIS, stirrup-cup.

DERN, dark.

DIAOUL, devil.

DIAOUL!—CEADE MILLIA MOLLIGHEART, O the devil! a hundred thousand curses.

DINMONTS, year-old wethers.

DISPONE, assign.


DOER, factor, agent.

DOITED, witless.

DOON, down.

DORLACH, valise, portmanteau.

DOVERING, half-asleep.

DOW, dove.

DOWFF, dull.

DUE DONZELLETTE GARRULE, two garrulous damsels.

DUINHE-WASSEL, gentleman.

EARN, eagle.

ELD, age.

ELISOS OCULOS, ET SICCUM SANGUINE GUTTUR, eyes squeezed out of his head, and throat drained of blood.

EN ATTENDANT, meanwhile.

EN MOUSQUETAIRE, from a soldier's point of view.

EPULAE AD SENATUM, PRANDIUM VERO AD POPULUM ATTINET, for the senate feasts are befitting, but for the people a simple meal.

EPULAE LAUTIORES, splendid feasts.

EQUIPONDERATE, equivalent.

ET SINGULA PRAEDANTUR ANNI, the passing years rob us of every thing we possess, one by one.

ETTER-CAP, A venomous person.

EVITE, evade.

EWEST, nearest.

EXEEMED, exempt.

FAIRE LA CUREE, to give the shin, &c., of a killed stag to the hounds.

FAIRE LA MEILLEURE CHERE, to make good cheer.

FEAL, loyal.

FECK, part.

FENDY, handy.

FEROCIORES IN ASPECTU, MITIORES IN ACTU, fierce in appearance, in behaviour mild.

FILLE DE CHAMBRE, lady's maid.

FLEMIT, frightened.

FLEYT, scold.

FORIS-FAMILIATED, excluded from the family, out of the jurisdiction of the head of the family.

FUNGARQUE INANI MUNERE, I shall render a fruitless service.


GAD, bar.

GANE, gone.

GAR, make.

GARCONS APOTHICAIRES, chemists' assistants.

GARDEZ L'EAU, beware of the water.

GARTANED, gartered.

GAUDET EQUIS ET CANIBUS, he finds his pleasure in horses and dogs.

GAUN, going.

GEAR, goods.

GIMMERS, ewes of two years.

GIN, if.

GLED, hawk.

GLEG, quick.

GLISK, glimpse.

GRANING, groaning.

GRAT, cried; GREET, cry, weep.


GRICE, young pig.

GRIFFIN, a four-legged dragon.

GRIPPLE, greedy.

GUSTO, taste.

HAEC TIBI ERUNT ARTES, &c. 'These be your acts; to impose the rule of peace; To spare the humbled, crush the arrogant foe.'

HAG, copse.

HAGGIS, a dish composed of the pluck, &c., of a sheep, with oatmeal, suet, onions, &c., boiled inside the animal's maw.

HAILL, whole.

HALLAN, inner wall.

HANTLE, a lot.

HECK, cattle rack.

HER NAIN SELL, me, myself.

HERSHIP, plunder.

HET, hot.

HIPPOGRIFF, a cross between a horse and a dragon.

HOG, lamb.

HOMAGIUM, the act of homage.

HORNING, outlawry.

HORSE-COUPER, horse-dealer.

HOWE, hollow.

HUMANA PERPESSI SUMUS, we have borne all that man can inflict on us.

HURDLES, buttocks.

ILK, each; OF THAT ILK, having the same title as the surname.

IMPIGER, IRACUNDUS, INEXORABILIS, ACER, untiring, swift to wrath, unyielding, keen.

IN CARCERE, in prison.

IN ERGASTULO, in a dungeon (a private prison, as opposed to INCARCERE).

IN INTEGNUM, in full.

IN LOCO PARENTIS, in the place of a parent.

IN REBUS BELLICIS MAXIME DOMINATUR FORTUNA, in matters of war, Luck has most to say.

IN SERVITIO EXUENDI, SEU DETRAHENDI. CALIGAS REGIS POST BATALLIAM, for the service of undoing or pulling off the king's boots after a battle.

INTROMITTED, interfered with.

JOGUE, jogee, ascetic or conjurer.

KEMPLE, a load of hay (forty 'bottles').

KIPPAGE, rage.

KITTLE, tricky, difficult.

KYLOES, highland cattle.

LA BELLE PASSION, the gentle passion.

LA HOULETTE ET LE CHALLUMEAU, the shepherd's crook and pipe.

LAIRD, (equivalent to) squire.

LAISSEZ FAIRE A DON ANTOINE, Leave that to Don Antonio.

LANG-LEGGIT, long-legged.

LAPIS OFFENSIONIS ET PETRA SCANDALI, a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence.

LAWING, reckoning.

LE BEAU IDEAL, the perfect conception.

LEGES CONVIVIALES, the rules of the table.

LES COUSTUSMES DE NORMANDIE, C'EST L'HOMME KI SE BAST ET KI CONSEILLE, [according to] the Norman custom, it is the man who fights and gives counsel.

LEVY EN MASSE, full muster.

LIBER PATER, Father Liber; an old Italian deity, afterwards identified with Bacchus.

LIGHTLY, make light of.

LIMMER, hussy, good-for-nothing.

LOON, fellow.

LOUPING-ON STANE, mounting-stone.

LOUR, to frown.

LUCKIE, widow.

LUG, ear.

LUNZIE, wallet.

MA BELLE DEMOISELLE, my fair damsel.

MADAME SON EPOUSE, Madam his wife.

MAILS, rent, dues.

MAIS CELA VIENDRA AVEC LE TEMPS, but that will come with time.

MAIST, most.

MAJOR DOMO, butler, mayor of the house, steward.

MANEGE, the art of training and managing horses.

MART, fatted beasts, slaughtered at Martinmas for winter provision.

MASK, infuse.

MAUGRE, in spite of.

MAUN, must.

MAUVAISE HONTE, false shame.

MAVORTIA PECTORA, warlike breasts.

MEAL-ARK, meal-tub.

MISGUGGLE, mishandle.


MON COEUR, &c. 'My heart so light, quo' she, My lad, is not for you; 'Tis for a soldier bold, With beard of martial hue. Down, down, derrydown. 'A feather in his hat, A red heel on his shoe; Who plays upon the flute, And on the fiddle too. Down, down, derrydown.'

MORNING, morning drink.

MORTIS CAUSA, the cause of death.

MOUSTED, powdered.

MUTEMUS CLYPEOS, &c. 'Change we our shields, and for ourselves assume the trappings of the Greeks.'

NEB, nose.

NEBULONES NEQUISSIMI, worthless scamps.

NEC NATURALITER IDIOTA, not a born idiot.

NOLT, cattle.

NUNC INSANUS AMOR, &c. 'Love's frenzy keeps me still in war's array Where bolts fly thick, and foemen compass me.'

NUNCUPATIVE, legally valid nomination of an heir.

OBSIDIONAL CROWN, the reward of a commander who delivered a town from siege; here used erroneously for the reward of the soldier who first entered a besieged city.

ORRA, odd; ORRA MAN, the man who does the odd jobs.

OUTRECUIDANCE, presumption.

O VOUS QUI BUVEZ, &c. 'O you, who drink from flagons full, From out this happy fountain cool, Here where, upon the banks, you see Only the flocks of silly sheep, With rustic maids for company, Who bare of foot their wardship keep.'

OYER AND TERMINER, to hear and determine (legal, from Norman terminology).

PAITRICK, partridge.

PALINODE, recantation.

PANGED, crammed.

PAUNIE, peacock.

PEACHED, informed against, betrayed.

PECULIUM, property.

PENETRALIA, interior.



PHRENESIAC, frenzied.

PINNERS, cap with lappets.

PIS-ALLER, an inferior article which will do to go on with.

PLACK, halfpenny.


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