» Fiction » Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since, Walter Scott [good novels to read .txt] 📗

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PLOY, employment, or fuss.


POWTERING, rummaging.

PRANDIUM, a meal.

PRETTY, athletic.

PRIMAE NOTAE, of the first quality.

PRINCEPS, chieftain.

PROCUL A PATRIAE FINIBUS, far from the borders of your own land.

PROCUL DUBIO, without doubt.

PRONER, praise up.

PROPONE, propose.

PROSAPIA, ancestry.

PUER (JUVENIS) BONAE SPEI ET MAGNAE INDOLIS, a youth of promising future and of high character.

QUANTUM SUFFICIT, as much as is needed, enough.

QUASI BEARWARDEN, in the capacity of Bearwarden.

QU'IL CONNOIT BIEN SES GENS, that he knows well with whom he has to deal.

QUEAN, girl.

QUODLIBETS, subtleties.

RAMPANT, erect on the hind legs.

RECEPTO AMICO, when a friend is present.

RECTUS IN CURIA, cleared before the law,

REDD, put in order.

REIFS, robberies.

REISES, brushwood.

RESILING, drawing back.

RINTHEROUT, rapscallion.

RISU SOLVUNTUR TABULAE, the prosecution is laughed out of court.

ROKELAY, short cloak.

ROYNISH, scurvy.

RUNT, an old cow.

RUSE DE GUERRE, military stratagem.

SACRAMENTUM MILITARE, soldiers' oath of allegiance.

SAGESSE, discretion.

SALIENT, in the act of leaping.

SANCTUM SANCTORUM, lit. 'holy of holies'; a specially private retreat or study.

SANS TACHE, without stain.

SARKS, shirts.

SCARTED, scratched,

SCHELLUM, scamp.

SCOUPING, scampering.

SENNACHIES, Highland genealogists.

SERVABIT ODOREM TESTA DIU, the pot will keep the smell for a long time.

SHEMUS BEG, little James.

SHIBBOLETH, a pass-word (Judges xii, 6).

SHILPIT, thin.

SICCAN, such.

SIDIER ROY, red-coated soldiers.

SILLER, silver.

SKENE, small dirk or dagger.

SMOKY, suspicious.

SONSIE, sensible.

SOPITE, allay.

SORNER, a person who lives on his neighbours.

SOWENS, porridge or gruel.

SPEIRINGS, askings, = information.

SPENCE, best room.

SPES ALTERA, another hope.

SPLEUCHAN, pocket.

SPRACK, spruce.

SPRECHERY, cattle-lifting.

SPUILZIE, spoil (cf. BRUILZIE = broil).


STIEVE, stiff.

STIRK, a year-old heifer or bullock.

STOOR, austere.

STOT, bull.

STOUP, mug, flagon.

STOUTHREIF, robbery with violence.

STRAE, straw.

STRATH, a valley.

STRATHSPEY, a Scottish dance.

STREEK, lie down.

SUI JURIS, of his own right.

SUUM CUIQUE, to each his due.

SYBOES, onions or radishes.

TACKSMAN, tenant.

TAIGLIT, slow, tired.

TAILLIE, covenant, bond.

TAISHATR, a person who has second-sight.

TANDEM TRIUMPHANS, triumphant in the end.

TANQUAM PRIVATUS, in my private capacity.

TAPPIT-HEN, a pewter-pot, holding nearly a gallon.

TENTAMINA, experiments.

TESTAMENTUM MILITARE, will made on the field of battle.

THIR, those.

THRAW, twist.

THREEPIT, declared.


TIL, to; INTIL, into; UNTIL, unto.

TINCHEL, circle of beaters for driving game.

TOCHER, dowry; TOCHERLESS, dowerless.

TOTO COELO, as widely as may be.

TOUN, collection of houses,

TRACASSERIE, annoyance.

TREWS, tartan trousers.

TRINDLING, trundling.

TROISIEME ETAGE, third floor.

TROT-COZY, riding-hood.

TUILZIE, scrimmage.

UMWHILE, sometime, late.

UN PETIT PENDEMENT BIEN JOLI, a very pretty little hanging.

UNCO, very.

UNSONSY, senseless, or uncanny.

UNTIL, unto.

USQUEBAUGH, whiskey.

VILIPENDED, slandered.

VINUM LOCUTUM EST, it was the wine that spoke.

VINUM PRIMAE NOTAE, wine of the first quality.

VITA ADHUC DURANTE, as long as life lasts.

VIVERS, victuals.

VIX EA NOSTRA VOCO, I scarcely call these things my own.

WADSET, pledge.

WANCHANCY, unchancy unlucky. ill-omened.

WAPPEN, brief.

WARE, spend, bestow.

WA'S, walls.

WEEL-FAR'D, well-favoured.

WEISING, aiming.


WHILK, which.

WHINGEING, whining.

WYVERN, two-legged dragon.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Waverley, by Sir Walter Scott
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