» Fiction » Le Morte D'Arthur, vol 1, Sir Malory Thomas [the dot read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «Le Morte D'Arthur, vol 1, Sir Malory Thomas [the dot read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Sir Malory Thomas

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>Discover, reveal, 13 20

Disherited, disinherited, 13 IO, 14 8

Disparpled, scattered, 20 I

Dispenses, expenses, 5 z

Disperplyd, scattered, 5 2, 8

Dispoiled, stripped, 7 2

Distained, sullied, dishonoured, 184

Disworship, shame, 9 3

Dole, gift of alms, 21 3

Dole, sorrow, 1 [5, 11 I4

Domineth, dominates, rules, 5 x

Don, gift, 7 2

Doted, foolish, 10 55


Doubted, redoubtable, 167

Draughts, privities, secret interviews, recesses, 18 IX 19 6

Drenched, drowned, 14 8

Dress, make ready, 1 I6

Dressed up, raised, 13 I8

Dretched, troubled in sleep, 20 S

Dretching, being troubled in sleep, 21 I2

Dromounds, war vessels, 5 3

Dure, endure, last, 4 I; dured, 8 29; during, 10 71

Duresse, bondage, hardship, 13 I2, 147

Dwined, dwindled, 21 I2


Eased, entePtained, 17 II

Eft, after, again, 8 I3

Eftures, passages, 19 7

Embattled, ranged for battle, 5 8

Embushed, concealed in the woods, 1 19, 46

Eme, uncle, 8 5

Empoison, poison, 18 3

Emprised, undertook, 9 2

Enbraid, 20 I2

Enchafe, heat, 18 15; enchafed, heated, 14 9, 18 5

Enchieve, achieve, 9 2, 13 2

Endlong, alongside of, 6 7

Enewed, painted, 3 9

Enforce, constrain, 10 74, 18 I 8

Engine, device, 10 I7

Enow, enough, 1 23

Enquest, enterprise, 9 2

Ensured, assured, 7 I7

Entermete, intermeddle, 10 26

Errant, wandering, 4 I2

Estates, ranks, 10 6I

Even hand, at an equality, 9 2

Evenlong, along, 10 6 I

Everych, each, every one, 16 3


Faiter, vagabond, 2 IO

Fare, sb., ado, commotion, 219

Faren, pp., treated, 7 I 5

Faute, x, lack, 3 1; fauted, lacked, 9 32

Fealty, oath of fidelity, 7 I7

Fear, frighten, 7 I6

Feute, trace, track, 614, 18 2 I

Feuter, set in rest, couch, 6 2

Feutred, set in socket, 20 I3

Fiaunce, affiance, promise, 1 3

Flang, flung, 6 7, 10 4I; rushed, 9 6

Flatling, prostrate, 18 7

Fleet, float, 13 2

Flemed, put to flight, 20 I7

Flittered, fluttered, 5 4

Foiled, defeated, shamed, 18 25

Foined, thrust, 20 22

Foining, thrusting, 7 4

Foins, thrusts, 9 8 a


Foot-hot, hastily, 9 28X 33

For-bled, spent with bleeding, 9 8X 20

Force (no), no concern, 3 7} 21 IO

Fordeal, advantage, 5 8

Fordo, destroy, 8 26; fordid, 2 I9

Forecast, preconcerted plot, 20 5

For-fared, worsted, 6 6

Forfend, forbid, 18 2

Forfoughten, weary with fighting, 2 IO

Forhewn, hewn to pieces, 7 I2, 17

Forjousted, tired with jousting, 8 39, 10 58

Forthinketh, repents, 2 3

Fortuned, happened, 7 I

Forward, vanguard, 20 I3

Forwowmded, sorely wounded, 9 8

Free, noble, 10 6I


Froward, away from, 3 I4, 1O 4


Gad, wedge or spike of iron, 15 2

Gainest, readiest, 7 20

Gar, cause, 20 I6

Gart, compelled, 3 IO, 8 IS

Gentily, like a gentleman, 9 5

Gerfalcon, a fine hawk, 4 26

Germane, closely allied, 2 I I, 14 2

Gest, deed, story, 6 I3

Gisarm, halberd, battle-axe, 4 25, 7 22

Glaive, sword, 20 6

Glasting, barking, 10 53

Glatisant, barking, yelping, 10 I3

Gobbets, lumps, 7 23

Graithed, made ready, 5 7

Gree, degree, superiority, 5 IO, 6 7

Greed, pp., pleased, content, 16 IS

Grescs, steps, 17 I8

Grimly, ugly, 6 8X 19 2

Grovelling, on his face, 8 26

Guerdonless, without reward, 10 86

Guise, fashion, 1 IO


Habergeon, hauberk with leggings attached, 16 IO

Hair, a hair-shirt, 15 2

Hale and how, a sailor’s cry, 7 IS

Halp, helped, 10 64

Halsed, embraced, 8 I4

Halsing, embracing, 2 I6

Handfast, betrothed, 10 37

Handsel, earnest-money, 8 I6

Hangers, testicles, 10 38

Harbingers, messengers sent to prepare lodgings, 7 27

Harness, armour, 9 II

Hart of greese, fat deer, 10 86

Hauberk, coat of mail, 1 D

Haut, high, noble, 2 I9, 8 27

Hauteyn, haughty, 4 IO

Heavy, sad, 14 4, 6


Hete, command, 119

Hide, skin, 11 I4

Hied, hurried, 17 I9

High (on), aloud, 6 II

Higher hand, the uppermost, 16 I4

Hight, called, 1 H

Hilled, covered, concealed, 10 59, 17 22

Holden, held, 18

Holp, helped, 6 I2

Holts, woods, 5 9

Hough-bone, back part of kneejoint, 12 3

Houselled, to be given the Eucharist, 21 I2

Hoved, hovered, waited about, 2 19, 4 zo, 18 IO

Hurled, dashed, staggered, 8 z6, 9 4, 6, 10 41; hurling, 7 10, 9


Hurtle, dash, 7 I2


Incontinent, forthwith, 5 2

Ind, dark blue, 1 IS

Infellowship, join in fellowship, 8 Z7

In like, alike, 12 I4

Intermit, interpose, 16 IS


Japer, jester, 10 44

Japes, jests, 3 II

Jesseraunt, a short cuirass, 19


Keep, sb., care, 7 20

Keep, s., care, reck, 9 I4

Kemps, champions, 7 8

Kind, nature, 118

Kindly, natural, 118

Knights parters, marshals, 19 9

Know, acknowledge, 5 I2

Knowledging, acknowledgment, confes—

sion, 19 I


Lain, conceal, 20 I

Langering, sauntering, 9 zo

Lapped, took in her lap, 8 I

Large, generous, 10 6 I

Largeness, liberality, 4 I2

Laton, latten, brass, 2 I I

Laund, waste plain, 4 I9

Layne, conceal, 18 I3

Lazar-cot, leper-house, 8 35

Learn, teach, 6 IO

Lears, cheeks, 9 20

Leaved, leafy, 18 IO

Lecher, fornicator, 18 2

Leech, physician, 125

Leman, lover, 6 5

Let, caused to, 10 6 I

Let, hinder, 6 7

Lewdest, most ignorant, 1 z6

LicoursX lecherous, 18 25

Lief, dear, 215

Liefer, more gladly, 9 4


Lieve, believe, 20 I

Limb-meal, limb from limb, 8 37

List, desire, pleasure, 9 z4, 10 39

Lithe, joint, 3 I3

Longing unto, belonging to, 1 I6

Long on (upon), because of, 15 29 20

Loos, praise, 5 IO, 16 I I

Lotless, without a share, 10 4

Loveday, day for. settling disputes, 10 IS

Loving, praising, 11 I, 19 I2

Lunes, leashes, strings, 6 I6

Lusk, lubber, 7 5

Lusts, inclinations, 8 36


Maims, wounds, 1 IS

Makeless, matchless, 6 I I, 1O 73

Makers, authors, poets, 21 I3

Mas,ease, discomfort, 8 4I

Mal engine, evil design, 18 5, I8, 20 4

Malfortune, ill-luck, mishap, 9 I2

Marches, borders, 1 I8, 9 I3

Mass-penny, offering at mass for the dead, 18 20

Matche old, machicolated, with holes for defence, 7 IO

Maugre, sb., despite, 1 23, 20 6X I I Measle, disease, 17 I I

Medled, mingled, 10 59

Medley, melee, general encounter, 1 IS

Meiny, retinue, 5 5

Mickle, much, 10 63

Minever, ermine, 12 I

Mischieved, hurt, 9 I I

Mischievous, painful, 20 6

Miscorr fort, discomfort, 10 29

Miscreature, unbeliever, 17 2

Missay, revile, 9 3; missaid, 9 2

Mo, more, 8 34, 10 58

More and less, rich and poor, 7 z7

Motes, notes on a horn, 7 8

Mount~ lance, amount of, extent, 7 4

Much, great, 20 4


Naked, unarmed, 12 IZ

Namely, especially, 13 20

Ne, nor, 5 8

Near-hand, nearly, 5 7X 8 I4; near, 19 I Needly, needs, on your own compulsion, 10 67

Nesh, soft, tender, 13 20

Nigh-hand, nearly, 9 35

Nill, will not, 10 55

Nilt, will not, 13 20

Nis, ne is, is not, 6 I6

Nist, ne wist, knew not, 16 I4

Noblesse, nobleness, 119

Nobley, nobility, splendour, 10 6

Noised, reported, 10 46

Nold, would not, 13 IO

Noseling, on his nose, 17 4


Not for then, nevertheless, 10 3O, 18 6

Notoyrly, notoriously, Pref:

Noyous, hurtful, 17 8


Obeissance, obedience, 18

Or, before, 9 I7

Orgule, haughtiness, 21

Orgulist, haughtiest, 211

Orgulite, pride, arrogance, 10 x

Orgulous, proud, 2 4

Other, or, 123

Ouches, jewels, 20 I4

Ought, owned, 6 5, 9 2

Outcept, except, 10 72

Outher, or, 9 17, 10 70

Out-taken, except, 10 73

Over-evening, last night, 9 3I

Overget, overtake, 12 3

Overhylled, covered, 10 9

Overled, domineered over, 20 I I

Overlong, the length of, 10 60

Overslip, s., pass, 8 14

Overthwart, adj., cross, 9 IS

Overthwart, sb., mischance, 7 I7

Overthwart and endlong, by the breadth and length, 1317


Painture, painting, 6 6

Paitrelles, breastplate of a horse, 716

Paltocks, short coats, 5 10

Parage, descent, 7 5

Pareil, like, 5 z

Passing, surpassingly, 18 I

Paynim, pagan, 9 38

Pensel, pennon, 10 47

Perclos, partition, 14 3

Perdy, par Dieu, 719

Perigot, falcon, 6 I6

Perish, destroy, 17 2

Peron, tombstone, 10 2

Pight, pitched, 1 1, 5 5, .9 20

Pike, steal away, 20 I7

Piked, stole, 9 44

Pillers, plunderers, 214

Pilling, plundering, 13 15

Pleasaunce, pleasure, 8 36

Plenour, complete, 7 I

Plump, sb., cluster, 11

Pointling, aiming, 114

Pont, bridge, 11 I

Port, gate, 719

Posseded, possessed, 812

Potestate, governor, 5 8

Precessours, predecessors, 5

Press, throng, 1 I7

Pretendeth, belongs to, 118

Pricker, hard rider, 5 IO

Pricking, spurring, 14 5

Prime, 6.o A.M., 6 4, 13 I9

Prise, capture, 4 6


Puissance, power, 126

Purfle, trimming, 126

Purfled, embroidered, 126

Purvey, provide, 41, 18 3


Quarrels, arrowheads, 115

Questing, barking, 1 I9

Quick, alive, 121

Quit, repaid, 4 28; acquitted, behaved, 5 II Raced (rased), tore, 123, 104I, 18 23

Rack (of bulls), herd, 16 I, 3

Raines, a town in Brittany famous for its cloth, 21 I I Ramping, raging, 9 I

Range, rank, station, 10 41

Ransacked, searched, 13 13

Rashed, fell headlong, 9 6

Rashing, rushing, 6 8

Rasing, rushing, 6 8, 74

Rasure, 18 25

Raundon, impetuosity, 1 IO, 3 9

Rear, raise, 4 2

Rechate, note of recall, 10 52

Recomforted, comforted, cheered, 733

Recounter, rencontre, encounter, 4 24, No Recover, rescue, 20 N

Rede, advise, 123; sb., counsel, 214

Redounded, glanced back, 1 I6

Religion, religious order, 15 I

Reneye, deny, 8 37

Report, refer, 18 4

Resemblaunt; semblance, 14 6

Retrayed, drew back, 7 I2 -

Rightwise, rightly, 15

Rivage, shore, 7 2I

Romed, roared, 5 4

Roted, practised, 10 36

Rove, cleft, 2 N

Rownsepyk, a branch, 6 N


Sacring, consecrating, 14 3

Sad, serious, 9 7

Sadly, heartily, earnestly, 7 2

Salle, room, 17 16

Samite, silk stuff with gold or silver threads, 1 25

Sangreal, Holy Grail, 12 4

Sarps, girdles, 20 I4

Saw, proverb, 10 6I

Scathes, harms, hurts, 10 3O

icripture, writing, 17 2I

Search, probe wounds, 8 8

Selar, canopy, 17 6

Semblable, like, 5 IO

Semblant, semblance, 8 8

Sendal, fine cloth, 5 8

Sennight, week, 4 N

Servage, slavery, 13 IS


Sewer, officer who set on dishes and tasted them, 7 36

Shaftmon, handbreadth, 7 22

Shaw, thicket, 9 39

Sheef, thrust, 13 9

Sheer-Thursday, Thursday in Holy Week, 17 20

Shend, harm, 20 S

Shenship, disgrace, 7 IS

Shent, undone, blamed, 7 IS

Shour, attack, 20 I4

Shrew, rascal, 10 47

Shrewd, knavish, 9 18, 24

Sib, akin to, 3 3

Sideling, sideways, 10 64

Siege, seat, 13 4

Signified, likened, 17 9

Siker, sure, 7 I 8, 11 I 3

Sikerness, assurance, 4 27

Sith, since, 122

Sithen, afterwards, since, 5 9

Skift, changed, 9 40

Slade, valley, 6 5, 7 7

Slake, glen, 6 5

Soil (to go to), hunting term for taking the water, 18 2I Sonds, messages, 21 I

Sort, company, 9 3I

Sperd, bolted, 8 34

Spere, ask, inquire, 13 17

Spered, asked, 7 30, 218

Sperhawk, sparrowhawk, 12 7

Sprent, sprinkled, 17 7

Stale, station, 5 IO

Stark, thoroughly, 4 I7

Stead, place, 4 S

Stert, started, rose quickly, 2 16, 14 I0

Steven, appointment, 2 14; steven ser. appointment made, 8 I3

Steven, voice, 21 12

Stigh, path, 7 3I

Stilly, silently, 7 S

Stint, fixed revenue, 124

Stonied, astonished, 6 8; became confused, 9 34

Stour, battle, 9 34, 16 8

Strain, race, descent, 13 8

Strait, narrow, l IO

Straked, blew a horn, 9 2I, 1O 52

Sue, pursue, 16 20

Sued, pursued, 3 IO

Surcingles, saddle girths, 7 S

Swang, swung, 814

Sweven, dream, 1 I3; pl., 21 I2

Swough, sound of wind, 5 4


Talent, desire, 10 20

Tallages, taxes, 5 2

Tallies, taxes,

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