» Fiction » Fate Intervened, Guruclef [win 10 ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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the table. This guy is amazing. “You’re amazing. You know that?” I whispered moving my thumb in circles on his hand.
“I know but so are you.” he said. I smiled brightly.
Break was quiet. I didn’t see Yuki. Kiko and Junn wondered off and Tara wasn’t in. So I took the chance and took Yahiro to my favourite rose garden. We sat down at the base of the tree. He wrapped his arms around. “You know, I have a feeling something is gonna happen. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. I just feel something.” I said looking up at him. He rested his chin on the top of my head. “As I said before, mums a bit weird. Do you think you could give me a lift back home before my shift? It’s a lot quicker.”
“Yeah.” He replied. The bell rang soundly through the space and the plants seemed to waver a little. A gasp escaped me as Yahiro pulled me in for a kiss. His arms went around my waist as I responded to his kiss. I pulled away first.
“Come on and you should stop doing that. What if someone saw.” I said. He just smirked at me. I shake my head. We walked together to class.

“Hey did Junn tell you about, well, him and Kiko? I mean I’m just asking so it’s your choice.” I said as we were walking to lunch.
“Sure he spoke about it. I didn’t know he liked her because she’s so you know, babbly.” he replied. I elbow him in the ribs.
“She’s not babbly. She’s just straight.” I said matter of factly.
“Whatever you say.” He said and shoved both his hands deep into his trouser pockets. As we sat down at the table we noticed that Junn and Kiko seemed kinda off. They weren’t speaking to each other very much after what they told us. I gave Kiko a little nudge.
“What’s up with you guys?” I asked quietly.
“We had an argument. About stuff.” She said sulkily.
“Stuff? Be more specific.” I pressed.
“Ex’s. We were talking about ex’s. He said about his recent ex. It’s my next door neighbour. We were friends but then one she just started to be really mean. Since then she’s been pretty spiteful and you have no idea about the things she says. I asked him about the time they were going out and he just kept on stuttering. Do you get it Mikan? He won’t tell me the truth.” She said. I saw the green vein in her head popping out. From what I knew that was never a good sign. She was really stressed and angry. I sighed. I looked at Yahiro. He just pressed his lips together.
“It’s gonna be okay but you seriously need to cut some slack on the guy. The person he likes right now is you so you don’t need to worry about what happened between them.” I said soothing her.
The rest of the day went okay but me and Yahiro never got any time to our selves.

After school he drove me home quickly to check on mum. Mum wasn’t there when I arrived. So I quickly changed into my own clothes and set off towards the café.
It wasn’t really busy when I got there but there were quite a few people. There was a very nice warm smell to the place. I went straight to Yuki. “Hey, I haven’t seen you all day. What do I do now?” I asked.
“Hi. I’m sorry about today. I had meeting all day. Just go through there and tell them you’re new and grab an apron.” She replied pointing at the coffee counter. I walked over there.
“Hey. I’m new and I was just wondering if there’s anything I need to do.” I said to the guy. He had brown hair and eyes like Junn. He shot me a crooked smile. He was a lot taller and bigger than Junn. Not big as in flabby big but just ‘working out’ big. H must work out a lot. He was like 5’7, 5’8? Probably a nine. Yahiro’s only, well, 5’6 so he’s only taller than me buy an inch.
“Hey. Here’s your apron and all you need to do is collect in all the empty cups.” He says. Great.
“Okay.” I said nodding. I pulled the apron over my head and tied it behind my back. I went round the tables and picked up a lot of empty cups. After a whole round around the small coffee shop I returned to the counter. “Where do I put them?” I asked the guy.
“In that empty plastic box.” He said motioning to the blue box in the corner. I walked over and started to put them in. I didn’t speak to anybody else the whole night, just kept on collecting empty cups.
“Hey my shifts over so I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m really sorry I can’t stay when it’s your first day.” Yuki said apologetically as she grabbed her stuff from the staff room. “But hey your official first day is actually tomorrow because they’re gonna give you your locker in the staff room.”
“It’s okay,” I replied as I dumped another pile of cups into the box. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Hurry up and go now.” I stand up and gave her a quick hug. I smiled and waved at her as she walked down the street. I gave myself a little smile and continued to work. It was quite exhausting.
I finished my shift at eleven. “You can go now.” The guy said.
“I know but I just wanna finish putting them away.” I said. The clean cups were left stashed there so I wanted to put them away. He sighed and crouched down next to me and helped me sort through the cups. “Thanks.”
“It’s okay. You going now?” he asks once we were finish. He looked about my age.
“Yep.” I replied standing up. We walked out in front of the shop and he locked everything up. “Are you always the last one to leave?” he looked at me. “It’s just a question.”
“Yes. I am always the last one to leave. My name’s Ryuu. Yours?” he asked turning to face me.
“No surname?” I asked.
“No. My question?” he replied.
“Mikan. Anyways I gotta dash. Early day tomorrow.” I replied.
“Do you live close?” he asked.
“Round the corner almost.” I replied easily.
“Come on then. I’ll walk you home.” He said. I was taken aback by that.
“Okay.” We walked a little while in silence. Passed through the park.
“So you go to school with Yuki. What books do you read?” he asked.
“I read mangas and some other stuff. Oh hey we’re here.” I said nodding towards my house.
“Okay. Nice meeting you and I’ll sort you out a locker soon. See you tomorrow.” He said and turned to walk away. I went in. He seemed okay. Maybe working isn’t as bad as it sounds.
Chapter Seven:

I woke up to cold air rushing into my room. I flinched. My window was opened. I walked over to it. It was beautiful. The rise of the sun made a fuzzy orangey pink colour paint the sky. I shivered at the cold wind. Quickly I pulled my window shut.
School was okay and we had history. “In this box is papers label lord/lady. If you get that then you are lucky. Then there are the Knights which protect the royal. Then there are the clerics. If you are a cleric then you are either a nun or a priest. Next are the serfs if you are a serf then you are basically a slave. Lastly there’s the king.”Mr Lyndon said. “This exercise will help you understand the position of some people during that time. The time period we’re studying is 1901. Gina, please take your pick. Gina was like one of those girls who were popular and well wanted to be the centre of attention. She flicked her dyed strawberry blonde hair behind her shoulder and reached into the box. “I’m gonna be king.” Did I mention that she was also one of the over confident girls as well. “Lady.” She read from the paper. Next was the Juke guy to chose. He got a knight. I turned as he read his paper and he winked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. I was a cleric, Yahiro was a serf, Kiko was a lady and Junn was king. I laughed at the thought of the mighty Yahiro as a serf. Him as a serf is a sight!

At break I hid in the library and did some research of my own. I’m trying to write a book. Influences are important but also planning and background/history is also important. Maybe write about magic or High school or both?
I clutched my books and walked out of the gates. There were so many fields in magic and so much history. It was almost amazing. Mum and Kookie would immediately object. I felt a warm tingle go up my arm. I turn around to see Yahiro. I shivered at his touch. I looked to his right and left. “What’s up?” I asked. I felt so good about my research I was kinda lost, immune.
“Can I talk to you?” he asked.
“You are.” I said bluntly. His face was serious. Something echoed in his eyes. Almost like fear.

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