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Fate Intervened...

BlackFate Intervened...
I bumped along inside the cab, staring at the view of Kyoto in autumn. The leaves were shades of red, orange and yellows, sometimes the leaves that were scattered over the ground lifted a bit in the wind. The sun shone through the clouds. It was only the end of October.
Why did mum and dad have to move to Kyoto? I loved New Orleans, all my friends were there. I knew my teachers. I knew what I was capable of but I don’t know how it’s gonna be like in Kyoto. What if I don’t fit in? I guess what’s good in life is that it’s full of surprises; I’ll just have to wait. Also I’m not very good at Japanese!

Chapter One:

The place was a three story house if including the attic and had a side garage and a back garden. The walls were painted white and the front garden were clean of weeds.
Finally! I’ve moved into my room. It’s still a bit messy though. The walls had mountain dew, yellow paint peeling off it. I’ll have to re-decorate this room my way soon. My books were still in their boxes. I can’t be bothered to pack all of it right now. I need bed! I laid there on my blue covers and sleep came instantly.

My alarm clock rang loudly on my left. Stupid alarm clock! I sat up with half my body still under the covers and rubbed my eyes hastily. Golden beams of light streamed into my room. My hand shot up to shield my eyes. Uh! First day of school today; this is gonna be horrible. I dragged myself out of bed and headed for the bathroom.
I washed my face, brushed my teeth and studied myself in the mirror. I saw a girl with pale face, dark eyes and dark wavy hair hanging past her shoulders, staring back at me. Dude, did I look bad or what! I lost all the colours in my cheeks. Maybe pinching it a little bit might help? Uh! It’s no use! I stormed back to my room to change and headed downstairs for breakfast.
“Morning luv, what do you want to eat today? Aren’t you excited it’s your first day today! You look a bit down,” said my mum as I walked lazily down the stairs. A worried frown settled on her face. I sat down on the barstool; gruffly I tied my hair up into a ponytail.
“Pancakes and it’s nothing, honestly. I’m just a bit nervous about my first day and I miss my friends. Why did we have to move? Can we move back soon?” I said, I felt anger building up inside me.
She sighed,” We’ve been through this! We won’t be moving back to Tokyo for some time,” she said. “Pancakes it is.”
My brother skipped into the room happily in his new school uniform. “So, how do you feel sis? Scared?” I scowled at him. I grabbed my pancakes off the plate and raced out of the door. The uniform was horrible! I had to wear a white shirt, a green skirt, knee high socks, a red bow, a green blazer and school shoes, which were black (thank god!). Everybody stared at me; well I guess it’s because of the school uniform. We didn’t have to wear blazers at my old school but I’m glad that we don’t need to wear a tie.
I rode on the bus and then took the train. I plugged in my iPod and was pulled away from this world by my own thoughts. I didn’t want to come here, I didn’t want to have this uniform and I certainly didn’t want to come to this school. My mum said that it was one of the best schools that would accept me here because of my grades. (Which were okay, honestly !) Okay so maybe I slip up a bit sometimes.
After about half an hour I got off the train. On the way out I accidentally trod on an old man’s foot. He yelped and grunted as I pass through the doors. I started searching for this new school of mine. From the train station you turn right, then turn on your second left and then turn again on your last right. Not one thing has gone right since I moved to this bloody place! Even the route was complicated. I soon found the building right next to a cemetery.
I walked though the main gates and was greeted by a huge ancient building. It looked like Hogwarts more than a normal junior high school. (Harry potter) Oh well; did I mention that I love old buildings? Oh no, there’s a guy walking towards me!
“Hi. Nice to meet you; you must be the new student, Mikan Kiryu. My names Junn Takashi.” he said as he stretched out his hand. He had chocolate brown eyes and blue black hair that almost reached his shoulders.
“Y...Yes, I am Mikan Kiryu,” I stuttered as I reached out to shake his hand.
He smiled warmly and continued, “Well I will be your guide today, and you are welcomed to ask me anything you want.” Then he dropped my hand and led me to the main entrance, where there were thousands of kids streaming through it.
“You’re in the same class as me,” he said. “This will be our home room.” He said after a few flights of stairs. He knocked on the door and walked in first. I quickly scrambled in after him. As I walked into the classroom everybody turned to glance at me.
“Good morning sir this is Miss Kiryu,” Junn explained. There was a man at the front of the room. He was tall, skinny and was wearing a red sweater over his blue shirt.
“Well, Miss Kiryu feel free to take a seat somewhere. I am Mr Tzaku, your homeroom teacher for this year.” he said rubbing his almost-bald-head. His eyes were old and tired. They were the colour of caramel. I scanned the room for a seat; well it was kind of limited because there was ever only one empty seat in the whole of this room. So I walked towards it and sat down. I was next to Junn and to my left was a pretty girl with bright red curls running down her back and big, innocent green eyes. She seemed like a nice girl. I shook out of my blazer. It fitted me perfectly but I just didn’t want to wear it.
Mr Tzaku went though his expectations of this year ran through the register and so on. Then the bell rang, always a bell. “Hi I’m Kiko Anderson, nice to meet you seeming as you’re going to be sitting next to me for the coming year unless there are any delays,” she said smiling brightly at me. “You must be a bit confused about my surname. My real parents are American. My adoptive parents are Japanese and I decided that it was time I moved back here with them. I’ve studied Japanese for a few years so communication isn’t a problem.” She had a peachy face and everything seemed just right about her. She was around the same height as me. I had a good feeling about this girl. Suddenly a girl with light pink hair swishing behind her jogged up to us. I couldn’t tell what colour eyes she had because she wore purple contacts.
“Hi, you must be the new girl. Hi, I’m Yuki Yuri.” She said extending a hand. I took it and shook lightly.
“Well hi. You both already know my name.” I replied. We both waited for Junn outside the door.
“Can I ask you a favour?” Kiko asked.
“Well people think I’m weird and they don’t really hang out with me besides Junn…”
I cut her off. “Of course I’ll be your friend. You’ve been nice to me and anyways we weird people should stick together!”
She let out a breath. “Gee, thanks. I was really nervous. I only asked ‘coz you seemed like a nice girl.”
“You seemed like a nice girl to.” I said smiling. Then a tall girl with a perfectly styled ginger bob bumped into me. She looked at me through almond shape hazel eyes. She was perfect. I’ve never seen someone quite like her until she stared daggers at me.
“Watch where you’re going.” she said with a voice that could freeze all things, and then stalked off.
“What’s her problem?” I questioned after her.
“Ah, I see that you have finally encountered the class drama queen. Don’t tell her that otherwise she’ll shred me with her perfectly manicured purple nails! It’s okay. She won’t murder you. She’s like that sometimes.” He said and faked a damsel in distress pose with the back of his right hand to his forehead. Then we all cracked up laughing.
“Anyways Junn hurry up, I don’t want to be late for my first class on my first day. Also if you keep doing this to me I’ll explode!” I said between gasps for air.
“You don’t think Yahiro’s coming today do you?” Junn asked Kiko. She shook her head. “Okay let’s go then!”
“Hey guys, I’m not in your form anymore. I got science. I’ll see you guys around. Okay?” Yuki said.
“Sure,” I answered. She smiled at me. Then walked down the corridor opposite the way we’re going.
My first lesson was maths. The maths teacher was alright but it’s not really my subject. It’s pretty much okay, between advanced and easy, so medium. I wonder who Yahiro is. Maybe I can add him to my friends list. Anyways the next lesson is art, I’m so glad! After all my favourite lessons are art and music! “So what did ya think of maths?” asked Kiko. “It’s not my favourite subject but sir’s kind.”
As we made our way to art I saw the drama queen again. I ducted my head and kept on walking. Apparently she had

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