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travelled to school. When I got there all of them were there at the gate in a circle. By them I meant Yahiro, Junn, Kik and Yuki. I walked slowly and placed my new head phones in mw bag. I wasn’t exactly prepared for all the questions yet. I walked up to them anyways. “Hi guys,” I said quietly. They turned to look at me. I braced myself for the questions to come but it never did.
“Nelson asked me out!” squealed Yuki as she enveloped me in a deep hug.
“He luvs her, like totally!” Said Kiko coming to join the hug. I felt a tear escape. I looked down.
“Why are you crying, hon?” asked Yuki tilting my chin up with a finger.
“Nothing,” I said wiping the tear away. “Why aren’t you asking me questions like those other kids?” I asked frowning.
“Because we can tell that it stresses you and if you wanted us to know you tell us by yourself.” Said Junn sheepishly. I hugged Yuki and Kiko tightly.
“Thanks you guys,” I murmured against them. “I have to head to my locker, I’ll meet you at form okay?”
“Okay, hun.” Kiko replied.
“I’ll see you at break and lunch okay Mika?” asked Yuki. I nodded. After that I quickly scurried to my locker. I put the key in the lock and twisted. Inside my locker was my usual stuff. Books, spare pens and the hat dad bought me last Christmas. No wonder I couldn’t find it. My vision blurred. Then long arms circled my waist from behind. My quick reflex led me to elbow the person. It hugged me tighter. It felt, amazingly, comforting. I dropped my elbow. I spun around. It was him. “What are you doing here?”
My vision cleared. “Nothing. I just thought you might need the hug. I go now.” He said shrugging his shoulders and turned to walk away.
“Thanks. I did really need it!” I cried after. He didn’t turn; he just lifted a hand and waved. I gathered my things and closed the door. Behind it stood Tara. I took a step back.
“Stay away from Yahiro. I swear it!” she hissed.
“Why?” I asked. That came out a bit dumb.
“Because I love him. They way you never would.” She replied. Her eyes seem distant. I kinda finally understood.
“Yeah, your right. You can have him. He’s a friend anyways. I think.” I said, not quite believing what I was saying myself. Suddenly my heart seemed to collapse inside my best. Tara stared wide eyed at me but quickly recovered from it.
“Glad that you understand.” She said finally and strode off to class. I walked in slowly with my head hanging. I didn’t make eye contact with anybody. In my heart I longed for him to hold me again but I said what I said so I have to stick to it. After form I hurried to art.
Just as I got in when Miss Jenson began to speak. I dropped my bag under the desk and listened to her seriously. I didn’t once turn to look at Yahiro. “Okay everybody, your pieces of work were beautiful and I loved every single one of them especially your one, Miss Kiryu.” She said looking at me before continuing. “Today you will be making one more object you want as a finale to this topic of clay work. Aprons on and work, work, work!” I ran to get an apron on before he could utter a word- Yahiro.
I was working half way through my treble clef, after all music was one of my talents, when he spoke. “Why are you not speaking to us Mikan?” he whispered. I felt Tara’s steady eyes stare at us. So I remained silent. My heart was about to burst in my chest.
At lunch I went out and bought a quick coffee from this café round the corner. (Yep, we were allowed out of school for a snack but had to be back soon!) The coffee ended up tasting disgusting so I dumped it. I didn’t want to see anyone so hid in the library the whole time. Nelson came and offered me some chocolate. “So what’s up? I heard that you were upset.” He asked awkwardly after I finished the whole of his chocolate.
“I’m okay. Let’s head to class the pip’s gonna go anyways.” I said pulling him up by the hand. I really was okay after the chocolate and I’m glad Nelson was the one to offer it! (Cause I knew he wouldn’t mind me eating all of it!) We walked to class together and I felt normal again. We were laughing and joking around. I knew for real that I wouldn’t have wanted to spend that last 20minutes with anyone else. I met Kiko and Junn at the door of the English classroom. “Hey,” I began. “How’s your break?” Kiko was wearing a big smile.
“Yuki finally spilled it! The party’s gonna be at the start of November!” she said with delight.
“Oh.” I said simply as I walked into the classroom and took my usual seat by the window. I wasn’t going for sure but I still needed to know who Yahiro was going with. Yahiro walked in and sat across the room instead. My heart lurched in my chest. He smiled at a girl who I did not know. She had chestnut brown hair in a plait that went off her shoulders. They talked and laughed. I felt jealous. I didn’t like that feeling.

That night I opened the wooden trunk/chest dad left for me. Inside were pictures of when we use to go on holiday- since I was a baby. Also inside were some classics of some books like: Jane Eyre, Emily Bronte and some like that. Oh and a fat book full of Shakespeare plays including Romeo and Juliet. I’m really glad. I love old and ancient books and stuff. Buried at the bottom was a dog-eared copy of Wuthering Heights and some silk bags that were beautifully sewn with roses. Inside were some of the rarest herbs that dad have shown me before. In one bag, it was white and embroided with red roses and black thorns, were a beautiful necklace. It was simple but exotic. It was a brown string instead of a metal chain and at the end of it was a clear white stone in the shape of a heart. At the very bottom of the chest, stuffed in a corner was a deep blue box. I opened it. Resting in the velvety material was a silver ring shaped like a bird wrapping its wings round itself. It glinted as it caught the light on my bedside table. I shoved it back into the box, practically threw everything back into the trunk before finding a leather bound book on the floor. It was my dad’s journal. Inside were his discoveries and tasty recipes with his herbs. Awesome. I put the book carefully back into the box. I’ll look at it another day. Right now I needed some sleep. I snuggled under the light fluffy covers and fell into the trap of sleep.
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Quickly I got dressed and raced down the stairs. You could never miss a breakfast like this because my brother would gobble the whole plate of bacon down into his stomach. These mornings were vital. I galloped down the stairs and quickly snatched myself a plate full of mum’s eggs. It was still different without dad but I made it through.
“Bacon please, Mikan.” She said sighing. I made a face. “If this is about your veggie thing, than please put it aside just for today.”
“Mum. Fine. Only one slice.” I said showing her my index finger. She smiled. Dad told me about how he was a vegetarian when I was ten. After that I just stopped having meat. At dinner dad would always back me up. I couldn’t really bring myself to eat them poor animals. Dad told me how they would kill the animal and mince they’re meat.
I bought hot hazelnut drink from the local starbucks down the street. Mmm…tasty! I travelled with it to school and finished it when I arrived right in front of the school gates. I was in a really good mood today because of dad’s journal and his truck load of stuff for me. “Hi! Good morning you guys!” I said hugging Yuki and Kiko.
“Hey. It seems like Yahiro’s got himself some fans.” She said nodding his head towards Yahiro and some girls who looked pretty amazing.
“You should be happy for him because that’s some improvement from how he was at the start of school!” I said giggling as Yuki arrived.
“First of all remember that the party is in two weeks time! Secondly Mikan and Kiko you guys need to go shopping with me for a dress. Thirdly Yahiro is ridiculous.” She said rolling her eyes.
“What just because he’s getting some girlfriends for himself?” I said unaffected.
“Nothing, let’s head to class.” She said walking ahead. We followed.
That day we barely saw Yahiro besides in classes. At lunch he was having a picnic with the same girl I saw him talking to in class. It was okay though because the rest of us were sitting on our usual bench by ourselves. That was my Friday gone.

I sat alone that night in my room no homework no books just with the chest full of stuff. I started flipping through the leather book and saw that there were some recipes I could try because dad still had some of the herbs. I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I didn’t want to do any of this. I felt so tired. Putting up a fight. Resisting everything. I cried myself to sleep.
Saturday morning. I woke up at 10 and wore my favourite yellow long sleeve t-shirt and put on tights. I didn’t want to wear a skirt firstly because it didn’t feel right and secondly I couldn’t really move comfortably in them. At last I settled on dungaree shorts. I studied myself in the mirror. I do look more like dad. Sighing I grabbed my canvas bag and went downstairs. “Morning mum.” I said seeing her in the kitchen.
“Morning love.” She replied not looking up from the stack of papers in front of her. I had some toast with jam and buttoned up my coat.
“Mikan, go upstairs and grab a scarf. It’s cold.” She said and she needn’t say twice. I jogged up the stairs and grabbed my black scarf. It matched my coat -it was navy. When I got downstairs
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