» Fiction » Hildegarde's Neighbors, Laura E Richards [ebook reader 7 inch .TXT] 📗

Book online «Hildegarde's Neighbors, Laura E Richards [ebook reader 7 inch .TXT] 📗». Author Laura E Richards

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They were in the Roseholme woods, all four girls,--Hildegarde,

Bell, Gertrude and little Kitty. Kitty was only eight years old,

but she liked good times as well as if she were sixteen, and when

the sisters said "Come along, Kitty," she had dropped her doll and

flown like a bird to join them. Willy shouted after her, having

designs on her in regard to tin soldiers; but for once Kitty was

deaf to her Willy's voice. Now she was as happy as a child could

be, sitting in a nest of warm pine needles, playing at "partridge



The other girls sat near her, making oak wreaths and talking

busily. Bell was telling of some college experiences.


"So we found we had not nearly green enough to trim the hall, and

I volunteered to get some more, while the rest of the committee

made the garlands. I had not far to go, only to the grove, about a

mile beyond the campus; but it was growing dark, so I hurried as

much as I could. I ran across Professor Thunder's yard, as that

cut off nearly half the distance, and there my fate found me. Oh,

dear! Hildegarde, you will never guess what I did."


"Nothing, I am sure," said Hildegarde, gravely, "that was not

consistent with dignity and decorum. The college maiden is an

awful person, I have always understood."


"You shall judge!" said Bell. "Remember that I was alone, with

none to help me carry the boughs; that I was late, it being then

six o'clock, and the dance beginning at eight. I had to get the

greens, help put them up, get my supper, dress, and be there at

eight to receive the juniors. And there--there, in the clear

afternoon light on the lawn, stood the professor's wheelbarrow,

saying as plainly as a wheelbarrow can, 'You'd better take me

along to bring the things home in.' Could I resist that mute

appeal? I could not. I saw, I took, I trundled! The thing went of

its own accord, I believe; certainly I never before made such good

time to the grove. Once there, it was a matter of only a few

minutes to strip the boughs and fill the friendly barrow. But, oh!

I filled it not wisely, but too well. It was all so green and

pleasant, and the smell of the trees was so delightful, that I did

not know when to stop. Soon the barrow was heaped high with all

manner of pleasantness, and I started to return. Well, my dear,

then the trouble began. In the first place, full barrows are

different from empty ones. It was very heavy, and the boughs kept

slipping this way, and sliding that way, and tumbling down every

third second. I got cross--oh, so cross! and presently I passed

the janitor's son, lounging along homeward, and he grinned, being

an oaf, and said, 'Better let me help ye, hadn't ye?' Oh, no! he

didn't mean to be rude, he really meant to help; but my blood was

up, and my hair was down, and I was very short with him, I fear,

and trundled off alone with my dignity. Then a branch fell out and

got tangled in the wheel, and while I was getting it out a twig

snapped into my eyes; and there was a stone in my shoe, and

altogether,--well, it was only a mile to the grove, but it was

twenty miles back, I can tell you. Before I reached the campus my

arms were so sore, and my foot so lame, and my eye so painful,

that my pride ran out at the heels of my boots, like the

gunpowder. I was going pretty slowly, so as to keep the boughs

from tumbling out more than was absolutely necessary,--and I heard

the boy lumbering up behind me again. So, without turning round, I

said, 'You SHALL help me now, if you please!' and--and--oh,

Hildegarde! a deep voice answered, 'I shall be charmed to do so!'

and I looked up and saw Professor Thunder!"


"Oh, Bell! oh, poor thing!" cried Hildegarde. "What did you do?"


"Do?" replied Bell. "I didn't do anything. He took the handles

from me,--his own handles, mind you, of his own barrow,--and

trundled it solemnly along. I was struggling with hysterics. I am

not in the least hysterical by nature, but the combination--the

professor taken for a lout and commanded to trundle his own

barrow, stolen by a sophomore, the twig in my eye and the stone in

my foot--was too much for me. Besides, there seemed nothing in

particular to say. I could not begin 'Please, sir, I thought you

were the janitor's boy!' nor did 'Please Professor Thunder, this

is your wheelbarrow, which I have stolen,' seem exactly a happy

opening for a conversation. So we went on in silence, and when the

branches tumbled off, I picked them up without a word. How could I

be such a dumb idiot? Don't ask me! If it had been any other

professor I might have found courage to speak; but Jupiter Tonans

was my terror and my hero; I sat at his feet, and the roll of his

deep voice was music to my sophomoric ears. I had never spoken to

him out of class, but only that morning he had praised my

translation, he who seldom praised anything,--and now to come to



"At last, after about three hours of dreadful silence, he opened

his lips and spoke: 'The greens are for decorational purposes, I

presume, Miss Merryweather?' Oh, and I had hoped he would not

remember who I was.


"'Yes, sir,' I said. 'For the sophomore reception this evening.'


"'Ah!' he said, 'in that case, it will be well for us to hasten.'


"Silence again, while we quickened our pace, making the branches

fall off more than ever. Then--'The wheelbarrow,' said the

professor, 'amazes us by its combined simplicity and perfection.

The conception of a man of universal genius and vast erudition,--I

allude to Leonardo da Vinci, the marvellous Florentine,--it has

for upwards of three hundred years served mankind as a humble but

valued ally. In every rank of life it finds its place. This

barrow, for example--'


"My heart came into my mouth. 'Professor Thunder,' I said, 'this

is your wheelbarrow. I came across your lawn, and saw it standing

there, and--I took it.'


"'Yes, my child,' he said, 'I saw you take it.'"


"Oh, oh!" moaned the two girls. "Poor Bell! oh, poor Bell!"


"Then I broke down and cried, and told him all about it, and how I

had taken him for the janitor's boy, and all. Girls, he was

perfectly angelic! He made me sit down on the bank to rest, and

talked to me, oh, so kindly! and was glad I had taken the barrow,

and all. And--it is too dreadful to tell, but--I had dropped my

handkerchief, and he gave me his, about three square yards of

finest cambric,--I shall never smell orris again without thinking

of that moment,--and said--you won't think me vain to repeat this,

Hildegarde?--said that he could not have his best pupil spoil her

eyes, as it would interfere with her Greek. And then we came to

the campus, and the girls standing in the door of the Gym saw

Professor Thunder wheeling the wheelbarrow fall of greens, and me

walking meekly by his side. I shall never forget their faces; one

moment, and then they turned and fled. It was base, but I could

not blame them; the sight was not one to induce composure, as the

Professor himself would say. So I thanked him as well as I could

for the dumbness and heat that were on me; and he took off his hat

and made a grand bow, and then he shook hands--oh, so cordially!

and begged to present me with the freedom of the wheelbarrow; and

then he went away. There, Hildegarde! You wanted a college story,

and you have had one."


The girls laughed heartily at Bell's adventures, and Hildegarde

declared that she should never fear a college girl again, as it

was evident that they were girls of like passions, getting into

scrapes like their sisters.


While talking, the girls had been busily plaiting garlands of oak

leaves, and now they proceeded to crown each other, and hang long

wreaths on neck and arm.


"Hildegarde shall be the fairy queen," said Gertrude "and we her

attendant fays. Hail, Queen!"


"Oh yes, that is all very well for you!" said Bell; "you don't

weigh one hundred and thirty pounds. A fine sylph I should make!

Hilda is perfect for the queen, however."


Certainly Hilda did look very lovely, with the green chaplet

crowning her fair locks, and the afternoon sunlight sifting

through the leaves, checkering her white dress with light and

shade. Roger Merryweather, coming through the wood in his quiet

way, with his tin plant-box slung over his shoulder, thought he

had never seen a fairer sight, and paused to enjoy it before

announcing his presence to the girls. As he stood there,

motionless, and screened by the broad leaves of a great chestnut-tree, a frightful scream was heard, a ferocious yell, which made

the whole wood vibrate with horrid sound. The girls sprang to

their feet in terror; little Kitty ran to Bell and hid in her

gown, while the older girls with one accord turned at bay, ready

to face they knew not what peril. Even Roger was startled for the

moment, and was about to step hastily forward, when a second

shriek rang out. He recognized the voice, and stood still,

unwilling to spoil sport. And now from the thicket burst two wild

forms, blanketed and feathered, uttering hideous yells, and

brandishing glittering weapons over their heads. Kitty shrieked,

but after one moment Bell burst into laughter.


"You imps!" she cried. "You wicked, wicked little wretches, to

frighten us so! Kitty darling, it is the boys. Look up, darling!

Don't you see? It is our naughty, naughty boys, playing Indian.

After them, Toots! after them, Hilda! We'll give them a lesson

they shall not forget."


"Huh! huh!" shouted the Indians. "Big Chief Hop-toad! big

Medicine-man Put-Squills-In-His-Tea! gobble up the white squaws

for supper! Huh! huh!"


And now the quiet spectator saw a merry sight. The girls flew in

pursuit, the boys fled before them. In and out of the trees,

laughing, shrieking, they doubled and twisted. Hildegarde ran

well, and Bell had not had two years of basket-ball for nothing.

As for Gertrude, she was lithe and long-limbed as a young

greyhound; but even so, they could not catch their tormentors.


The long gray legs twinkled like lightning over the ground. Phil

paused from time to time to shout his warhoop, and Gerald, when he

could find breath, chanted wild scraps of song, accompanied by

frantic gestures:




   "My tom, my tom, my tommy-hawk,

     With thee I'll make the pale-face squawk:

     With thee I'll make them cry 'Oh, lawk!'

     My tom, my tom, my tommy-hawk."


Circling round a great tree, he came full upon Hilda, flying in

the other direction, and made a snatch at her green wreath.


   "Pale-face squaw shall lose her hat,

     Medicine-man will see to that,"


he cried.


"Will he, indeed?" cried Hildegarde. "Catch me if you can, you

odious redskin! I defy you in every withering term that a Cooper

maiden ever invented!"


"Ho! if you are a Cooper maiden, you are nothing but a female!"

said Gerald. "Aha! she turns, she flies! she feels the scalp a-wr-r-r-r-r-iggling on her head! she fears she'll soon be a female

dead! Ho, ho! Medicine-man! Big Injin! Ho!"


Flying breathless now, Hildegarde darted hither and thither,

hiding under the leaves, dodging behind the tree trunks. Finally,

seeing her foe pausing for an instant behind the bole of a huge

nut-tree, she rushed upon him, and seizing him, shook him

violently. Then she let go her hold and screamed, for it was not

Gerald that she was shaking.


Roger Merryweather stepped forward, unable to keep from smiling at

her face of horror. He felt a little "out of it," perhaps, and

twenty-four seemed a long way from seventeen; but he should not

have watched the girls, he told himself with some severity,

without letting them know he was there. Now this pretty child

regarded him as a double eavesdropper and spy. But his apology was

drowned in the shouts of the boys.


"Hi! here's Roger! hurrah! Roger, Roger! my scientific codger,

come and play Big Injin! The pale-faces are uncommonly game, but

we shall have them all the same. Hi! there goes Dropsy!"


Indeed, at this moment Gertrude tripped over a tree root and fell

headlong; as she fell she caught at Phil's ankle, just as he was

in the act of grasping Bell by the flying tail of her gown;

another moment, and all three were on the ground together in a

confused heap.


"Anybody hurt?" asked Roger, going to pick them up.


"Oh no!" said Bell, sitting up and shaking the pine needles from

her hair. "Toots was underneath, and she makes a noble

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