» Fiction » The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Savannah Turberville

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something that fueled my wolf. Making me rip it apart with my teeth and savor the taste as the meat eased down my throat. Something that once was alive was now dead at my feet. Soon I was done and turned away and the sight that greeted me made me froze. The fawn was there staring at me. I didn't know how long she had been there but I knew she sat there quietly as I savagely ripped her mother apart. Looking into her eyes I saw the reflection of myself. A massive gray wolf with dark red blood smeared and dripping from it's mouth. Apart of myself broke and a whimper came from me. I was a monster. I just ripped this doe, this fawn's mother apart right in front of her. Why? Because I was hungry? Because I was a wolf? Even a wolf should have the decency and hide this from a child, but I didn't.

Lowering my head I walked away, ashamed by what I done. It wasn't right. To my wolf it was but to my human self it was almost like killing a human mother in front of her child. Like Ethan's dad did to me. I'm just like my father's killers. That one thought shot through me and chilled me to the core. I hated the men who took the only person who truly understood me and killed him. My anger made my blood biol and a growl rumble in my chest.

"Calm yourself before we end up doing something we'll both regret." A voice whispered in my head. I froze.

"Who are you?"

"I am your wolf. My name is Terra."This should of probably freaked me out but from all that I've been through this was just something else that I had to except.

"So your apart of me now?"

"I have always been apart of you, April. I chose you to be my carrier long ago. I've just been asleep. Now I am finally awake."I paused for a moment thinking over her words when realization hit me.

"Your the Great Grey Wolf. The Queen of the woods that protected the hunter so long ago, right?"

"Yes I am."

"Why are you back?"

"Because evil is brewing and the only way your can stop it is with my help."

"How can you help us when you couldn't even help yourself back then?"

"Because you still don't have your memories back and I believe you are stronger then those around you think. Your destiny has been written many centuries ago, April. It's time for you to accept it."

"I guess I have no choice." 

"Everything will be okay. Now that your back with your pack you'll be able to face the evil that is coming." I knew that she was right. With my friends and my mom by my side I could do anything just to keep them safe. "Let's rest."  I nodded suddenly exhausted. I settled next to a tree and before my fears of failing and people dying because of me could plague my mind I was fast asleep. 


Chapter Five: Reborn

      The air was moist as was the grass beneath me. Warmth danced on my skin. Slowly, I opened my eyes and gasped. Sunlight was peaking through the trees to where I laid, giving the woods a look of enchantment, but that is not what took my breath away. No, it was how clearly I could see the bark of a tree across from me as if I was right next to it. It was how clearly I could see the meadow even though I was miles away from it. It was how clearly I could hear a squirrel start it's day even though it was no where near me. And finally, it was how I could smell the dew and flowers all around me and those far away. I was reborn into a world filled with so many amazing things. I was so wrapped up in the things I could smell and see that I didn't hear someone approaching.

     "April?" Nathan said as if he was talking to small, scared child. I turned to him. Once our eyes met something inside me snapped and a flood of emotions washed over me. One, specifically, was more intense then the rest. I didn't know what it was but it made me feel light as a feather. Warmth began to spread from my chest. My heart pounded against my ribs and before I knew it Nathan was in my arms.  He immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

     "Um.... April?" Clara said from behind me. She sounded amused and a little bit on the verge of laughter. Even though I didn't want to, I slowly let go of Nathan. When I looked at him his face was tomato red as he adverted his eyes to stare at something else. I turned to Clara confused.

     "What?" I could tell she was a second away from bursting out laughing but she was trying not to.

     "Your kind of, how should I say, naked right now. You also have something on your face."

    "Huh?" I was confused but then the memories of last night resurfaced. My first shift, my run, the meadow, the moon, and the...... Horror filled me as I remembered what I did. The deer I chased down and killed right in front of it's fawn..... It's child. My guilt and anger at what I done washed away all the happiness and warmth I had felt just mere seconds ago. I sank to my knees. All the feelings bore down on me until they were nothing but distant memories. I wasn't happy or anger. I was just numb.

     "April, are you okay?" Nathan asked as he draped a blanket around me.

    "No." My voice was emotionless. " I killed a living creature last night."

    "What was it?"

      "A deer."

    "Wait a minute, your freaking out because you killed a deer?" Seth said. He was leaning on a tree. He then began to laugh like it was the funniest thing he ever heard. Anger boiled inside me as he continued to laugh. Moving at lightning speed and before any one could stop me I had Seth by the neck. Pressing him against the tree he was on my vision changed, turning red once again.

    "No, Seth, I'm freaking out because I killed that deer in front of her child. I killed a living creature in front of it's baby. Just like the people who killed my father did to me. I ripped her apart while that fawn watched." With the start of every sentence my tears welled up and soon began to stream down my face like a never ending river. My grip loosen and Seth sank down to the foot of the tree.

    "Everything will be okay, April." Clara said as she went to check on Seth. Immediately, I felt shame and guilt for what I did. Seth was rubbing his neck and taking in big gulps of air.

    "You were angry." Terra said soothingly, but that wasn't an excuse. Nathan came to my side, put the blanket back on me, and gathered me in his arms.

    "Why did I do that?" I paused. "I've never done that before. Not until now."

    "It's because of the shift. You'll get angry easily and faster then before, but you will learn to control that." Even though he tried to comfort me, I still felt as if I had turned into a monster.

    "What have I become?"

    "Something beautiful." Nathan said pulling me tightly against him. He then began to lead me back to his house with Clara and Seth a few feet behind us. As we walked the guilt I felt became heavier and heavier with each step. "Don't worry he'll heal."

     "I'm glad, I just hope he can forgive me."

    "We're a pack. He has already forgiven you."

    "A pack? I haven't agreed to be apart of your pack."

    "You will."

    "How do you know what I will and won't do?"

    " Because I'm connected with you."

    "No you mean it's apart of your job to get me to agree to be apart of your pack." All of a sudden being next to him was like being next to my prison guard. So I quicken my step and got as far away from him as I could. Soon we broke through the tree line. On the terrace stood my mother, Rick, some people I never met before, and some I've met around school. Mom smiled at me as I made my way toward them.

    "Who are these people?"

    "Your pack." My mother's voice said in my head.

    "They are not my pack."

    "They will be."

    "Don't count on it." I snapped. Mom bowed her head and our private conversation ended. As I made my way up the steps I could see the boys watching closely as the opening of the blanket flowed open with my movements, giving them a sneak peak at what was hidden underneath. I wasn't the only one who noticed. Behind me I heard Nathan growl. Sounding possessive over something that wasn't his.

     "Advert your eyes boys." Rick said stepping in front of them. They did as he said. "Thank you." Rolling my eyes I continued passed them and into the house. Going straight to Nathan's room. There I found my suitcase and gathered up a pair of puke green shorts that reached my mid-thigh and my black Tap-Out shirt and went to the bathroom. The floor was lined with white tile and the sink was made of blue marble. Next to the sink was a closet that held the towels, wash clothes, and the necessities for a event free bath/shower. The shower was a block in a corner where the walls were see through and the bath was next to it. It was round and blissfully white. They both appealed to me but the thought of a long bath was more tempting. I went to the tub and turned on the hot water. As I waited for it to fill up I went to the mirror and dropped the blanket. I studied myself. The twigs that were stuck in my hair. The dirt and dried animal blood that caked my face but, unfortunately, that is all that looked horrendous. My body seemed to have transformed. My skin glowed as if I was surrounded by a blinding light. I seemed taller and my muscles seemed more toned then usual. It looked as if I spent a time or two at the gym when in reality I didn't never go near the gym. Gingerly, I picked the twig out of my hair and threw them into a trash can next to the toilet which so happen to be in a closed in closet next to the door and shower. I then went and got a towel and washed cloth, turned off the water and slowly lowered myself into the welcoming and calming serenity of the bath. Slowly, I submerged myself and let the sound of the outside world drain away. Unfortunately,

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