» Fiction » The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Savannah Turberville

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Nathan I noticed he had a look of hope on his face. 

        "April, does this mean you accept me?"

         "As a mate no." Nathan bowed his head. I put my finger under his chin and lifted his head so I could look him in the eye. "But as a boyfriend, yes." A boyish grin spread across his face as a light appeared in his eyes. In one swift motion he lifted me up and hugged me tight. I giggled. Nathan seemed to be happy over something so little, but I guess beginning to be something more then a friend would make any wolf happy.  

            "Thank you." Nathan said as he set me on the ground.

            "For what?"

             "For not friend zoning me for life."  Nathan said with a smile. He kept his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. Even though he wasn't touching my skin I still had a tingling sensation where his hands were.

             "I don't think I've could of done that." I said wrapping my hands around his neck. The way we were felt so natural. Like we've done this a thousand times. I loved how it felt to have my arms around his neck and to have his on my hips. Terra howled once in approval.  Even though this moment was filled with happiness a feeling of tiredness and weakness came over me. It made my knees buckle. I would of hit the floor if Nathan wasn't holding me. 

             "What's wrong?" I sat on the bed. 

              "It's nothing. I'm just tired. It seems like my memories take a lot to remember."

             "Then you should get some rest and I...I should go." Nathan turned to leave. I grabbed his hand.

            "Don't go." He slowly turned to face me. "Please, stay with me tonight?" I could tell I took him by surprised. I surprised myself but I didn't want him to leave. Hesitantly,  he closed the door and slowly slide in beside me.  I snuggled up close to him. Putting my head on his chest I could hear how fast his heart was beating. It sounded as if at any moment his heart would pound itself out his chest. Hearing this made my heart match his rhythm. It was like a simple touch would put him on edge. It was intoxicating. Wasn't every day were you could drive a boy to their knees with just a simple touch . I smiled. "Your heart is pounding."

          "You don't know how long I have been waiting for this." Nathan said as he slowly moved his arm and hand to were they gently caressed my shoulder. His statement took me by surprise.

         "How... How long have you been waiting for this?" I said looking up at him. He was so happy over something so simple.

         "For as long as I can remember." His voice was nothing but a whisper. But with that one statement I was pushed back into another memory.

It at night and me and him were outside on his terrace at the picnic table. I was leaning against Nathan and he had his arms wrapped around me. The night sky shined with the full moon giving us a spot light. It was perfect and beautiful.

               "I wish we could stay like this forever." I said in a care free voice.  I then took a deep breath. Then a feeling of dread washed over me. I knew this wouldn't be able to last. Not forever because my father was taking me and my mom away from here. From this place of peace and I have no idea why.

               "Me too." Nathan said as he tighten his grip and pulled me closer to him. Tomorrow I was suppose to move away from him. How could I do that? Nathan was the one I was suppose to be with. How could I stand to be so far away from him? I sighed.

               " You know we're going to be like Romeo and Juliet right?"

               "What do you mean?"

               "Don't play dumb Nathan." I sat up and pulled away from him. " You know my dad is moving us away and I won't be able to see you. Not to sound like a love sick teenager but I'm going to miss you and not seeing you is going to drive me crazy." Nathan put his hand on my shoulder.

               "I know it is and it's going to drive me crazy to but we'll get through this. Together." I turned to face him. As I stared into his eyes I knew that leaving him was going to be the hardest thing I've ever done.

              "April, It's time for us to go." My mom yelled from inside.

              "Coming." I replied looking one last time at Nathan. "Sweet, so would I. Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow That I shall say good night till it be morrow."  I gently put my hand on his cheek, gave him a soft kiss, and got up to leave. Nathan grabbed my hand before I could go.

             "O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard, Being night, all this is but a dream, Too flattering sweet to be substantial." I smiled.

             "I didn't know you knew Romeo and Juliet. Well at least what they say. Looks, like I learn something knew about you every day." I said leaning over and kissing him on his forehead.  "I'll see you around."

              "Yeah, see ya." And with that I made my way inside.

              "Hey hon. you ready?" Mom asked completely oblivious to my heart slowly breaking.

               "Yeah." Taking one last look at Nathan I left.

               "April? April, are you okay?" Nathan asked franticly, shaking me as if he was trying to wake me from a coma.

               "Nathan, stop please." I said putting my hand on his chest and sitting up.

              "What is it? Did you remember something else?"

              "Yeah. I- I think I just remembered the day of the crash."

              "You mean you remembered the crash? What happened and everything?"

              "No, I remembered saying good bye to you." Meeting Nathan's gaze I saw him in a new light. I saw him as I saw him when we were twelve.  An amazing beautiful boy who was the best thing I could ever have and all that I wanted. It's ironic I use to think that twelve year olds didn't know what love was, but now I know that no matter what age you are if you find true love then it doesn't matter how many people tell you that you're wrong. You know with every fiber of your being that what you're feeling is right.  The way Nathan looked at me now hadn't changed from the first day I met him or at least when I meet him for the second time. But this time I knew what his eyes were filled with. What they always been filled with love, pure love. Gently putting my hand to his cheek and I did something that I have never done before. I leaned in and kissed him. It was nothing but a soft brief kiss, but it felt like something so much more. It felt like being struck by lightning but in a good way.

              "What- What was that for?" Nathan asked smiling his goofy grin.

              "Nothing. I just felt like doing it"

              "Well, um, you feel like doing it again."

              "I don't know. Maybe." I said leaning in. When our lips met again it was like a fire came to life in both of us and we couldn't get enough of each other. Our hands explored every inch of each other. I pressed my chest to his trying to get as close as I could to him. My heart was pounding as I felt a tingling between my legs. I was aroused and I wanted more of Nathan. I don't know when he did this but Nathan manage to position me to were I was straddling him. I could feel his erection through his shorts and I wanted him inside me. I wanted to be one with him and be forever bound to him and only him. At that moment something happened that will forever be scaring to me.


                "April, are you a-" My mother stopped abruptly in the threshold of the room with Richard right behind her. I froze. I didn't turn to face her because I didn't know what to say or do in a situation like this. I could feel my mother's eyes drilling hole in my back. Nathan was holding his breath and looking at me. He was waiting for me to make the first move but I didn't. That is until I heard my mother start growling. Richard cleared his throat.

                 "Um... April please get off my nephew." Keeping my eyes forward I slowly moved and position myself in a kneeling position on the bed still facing the wall. My cheeks began to burn. There was no way I was going to face my mother. Not now, not while Nathan was on my bed.

                   "So, I see we've caught you at a bad time." My mother said clearly holding back her anger. "But we wanted to know if you were okay." My throat was dry as I swallowed. Hoping to be able to get enough moisture so I could speak, but that was a long shot.

                    "Yeah..... I'm....I'm, uh, fine, Mom. S-Sorry to have worried you."

                   "Well, we see that." Hearing chuckling I turned to see Clara and Seth behind mom and Richard. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against my knees.

                  "Well Terra you got any bright ideas?"


               "Great." Nathan and I were on our own and neither of us knew what to say to get us out of this. They basically caught us with our pants down. So to speak.

                        "Mrs. Banks, I can explain."

                        "I bet."

                      "It was my fault. When April told me she accepted me as her boyfriend I got too excited. Then our wolves took over and I'm sorry. I should have went but-"

                     "But I asked him to stay. It was my fault as well. I'm sorry." Meeting my mother's eyes for the first time she did something I didn't expect her to do. She smiled.

                     "It's okay, April. I understand."

                      "You do?"

                      "Yeah. When I first found your father and our wolves merged it was amazing. We couldn't stay away from each other. When I was with him he made me feel like I was the most beautiful thing in the world. He made me feel special. So yeah I understand." I smiled. Seeing how my mother's eyes lit up as she talk about my father I loved it. I always wanted something like that. I turned and looked at Nathan. When our eyes met I knew that I finally found what my mother and father had.

                     "Mom, the reason I wanted Nathan to stay was because I-I remembered a couple of things

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