» Fiction » The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Savannah Turberville

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every branch on the way down. When I finally hit solid ground the air was knocked out of my lungs.

              "You okay?" Terra asked.

             "Owww." Was all I could say. Slowly getting back to my feet I assessed the damaged. I wasn't seriously injured but I was severely bruised.

            "You still want to go for a run?"

           "Yeah, adrenaline would help me right now." Catching my breath, I began to run. Run faster than before the shift. It was amazing. Feeling the wind blowing against my face. Feeling my muscles grow and move with grace. Smelling everything in the air, seeing things so clearly. It was amazing. It was freedom. I forgot about everything that worried me in the past like college and dealing with Natalie torturing me every day at school. And focused on the things that filled my heart with joy like Nathan and the way he looks at me. And finally having all my memories back. Like I movie I went through my memories one at a time. Remembering all the laughs, smiles, and beautiful moments I had with everyone. I was a new person and I was ready to embrace my new life. I was so caught up in my run and my memories that I didn't hear someone coming up on my left, until they knocked me for a whim. The air in my lungs was knocked out of me as my back hit the trunk of a tree. My right shoulder took most of the impact and felt like it was dislocated. Falling to my knees and grabbing my shoulder I looked around frantic.

            "Who's out there!" I yelled as I looked as hard as I could, searching for the person who hit me. Then I heard a very sinister laugh that sounded as if it was coming from everywhere.

           "Hurt didn't it?" A voice said. I couldn't tell who it was. It was like they were speaking through a voice changer. "I hoped it did."

           "April, you okay? What's going on?" Clara asked in my head.

           "Yeah, I'm okay, but someone is out here with me. I don't know who it is but they hit like a truck."

          "You want me to get Nathan and Seth and come find you."

          "No, I can take care of myself. Just don't do anything. I'm going to find out who the hell this is." I said cutting off our connection.

          "Who are you?" I asked in the calmest voice I could manage. I searched for any movement. Anything that would give away the person's position.

           "I'm the person who is going mess up everything that's good in your life."

           "Why? What have I done to you?"

          "You were born with MY birth right. I should be the one who had the Great Grey Wolf's blood flowing through my veins. Because of you and your father my and my father's lives were ruined."

        "What did I do?"

       "Your father stole Marie from my father and because of that a bitch took what was rightfully mine."

        "That's not my fault. I wasn't even born."

        "Shut it Bitch. I'm going to do something I've been wanting to do since I was a kid. I'm going kill you nice and slow." Anger boiled inside me at my attacker's words.

        "Then what are you waiting for?" My assailant laughed.

       "Not now Ms. Banks. I'm going to wait till all those that you love see you die. It's the perfect way to go. I'll be seeing you soon." And that was the last thing my attacker said. After a while all I could hear was the birds singing. I was unnerved so I started heading back.. At every noise I jumped. At every movement I was alerted and ready to pounce. I didn't like the way I felt. Like a child scared to go near the closet because a monster was in there.
       "April!" Nathan yelled as he waved at me.
       "It seems Clara didn't tell him."
      "Thank god." I raised my right arm to wave back and soon regreted my actions. A shooting pain ran from my shoulder down to my fingers. I grimaced and quickly dropped my arm to my side. Hoping that Nathan didn't see my pain but seems like I was out of luck. Before I knew it Nathan was by my side.
      "What's wrong?"
     "Nothing. I'm fine. Go back to what you were doing?" I said shooing him away with my left arm. He then reached out from my right arm. I took a step back.
      "Let me see your arm." I held up my left arm. "Your other arm."
      "Just let me see it." Nathan reached out toward my right arm again and I swiped his hand away.
      "No." We stood ther for a moment waiting to see who will flinch first. Neither of us did. I thought he would give soon but I was wrong. Before I could react Nathan grabbed my arm and yanked it toward him. I gritted my teeth and screamed a very throaty scream. It wasn't loud but it was clear I was in pain. Nathan just looked at me with scrutinizing eyes. I knew what he was thinking. He wanted to see my wound but I didn't want to show him. I just shook my head no.
        "Please, April. Let me see." His voice was filled with worry and it was so hard to say no. looking at him one last time. I sighed in defeat and slowly unzipped my jacket and gingerly eased it over my right shoulder. I gasped when I saw it. My shoulder wasn't white anymore. It was a dark purple and blue and I knew then that it was dislocated. Nathan gently rubbe his fingers acrossed it. "Who did this to you?"
         "I don't know." Nathan met my gaze.
         "It's dislocated."
          "I know."
         "I have to push it back in the socket."
         "I know."
          "It's going to hurt." I chuckled.
           "I know." Taking the rest of my jacket off. I put one of my sleeves in my mouth and put my left hand on the trunk of a tree bracing myself for the pain.
         "Take a deep breath." I did as told. " One.... Two..... Three." As soon as he said three he pushed and I heard a very loud pop. At that moment I was glad I had something to muffled my scream. Clasping to my knees and grabbing my arm I felt tears well up in my eyes. Nathan gathered me in his arms. The pain throbbing through my shoulder was better now but it still hurt. "It's okay it's over now."
      "You know you can't tell anyone about this."
     "You can't Nathan. This can't involve anyone."
      "Why not?"
     "Because- Because I can take care of myself."

 "I'm sure you can but if you're in danger then everyone needs to know."

          "Nathan, please, for me, don't say anything." I said studying his face. Hoping beyond hope that he would give in. Nathan sighed in defeat.

          "Fine but if anything else happens we're going to tell tell them. Deal?"

           "Deal. Thank you." I said. I then got to my feet and kissed him on the cheek. Nathan smiled.             "Well I need to get my stuff together if I'm going home. I'll see you before I leave?"


            "Okay. Well see ya." I then made my way to the house. Clara met me at the patio. She had a childish grin on her face. "What?"

          "I saw that."

          "I bet you did. But before you start with your girly squeal and non-stop talking. I need to gather my things and I need someone to help me ease my shoulder pain."

          "Just roll your shoulder and the pain should go away."


         "Yeah, we heal fast." Clara said with a smile. I did as she said and began to roll my shoulder forward. It was sore at first but soon it was feeling normal again. I was amazed at how fast I healed. But being amazed at what I can do now was something I needed to get use to.

         "Anyway, you ready for tonight?" I asked as I made my way in side and toward Nathan's room.

           "Yeah, I'm all packed and ready to go."

           "Good. Now I need to do the same." Clara closed the door behind us as we entered Nathan's room. Grabbing my suitcase and starting to put my things in it I could feel Clara burning holes in the side of my face. I knew she wanted to know what happened in the woods but I couldn't tell her the truth. Looks like it was time to spin another story. I sighed. "Nothing big happened Clara. Someone knocked me down, I didn't get a good look at them, and before I knew it they were gone like they were never there in the first place."

           "Oh, really?"

         "Yeah, really."

         "That isn't what you told Nathan."

         "What do you mean?" I paused. "You were ease dropping on our conversation! Seriously, Clara. How would you feel if I did that to you and Seth?"

          "I wouldn't care. Besides me and Seth aren't together so there's no way I'll talk to him about something like this." Clara said eyeing the floor. I began to study her face and smiled. I knew that look. The look that said "What is this feeling?" "Why am I feeling this?". I sat down on the end of the bed.

           "So when did it happen?"

          "When did what happen?"

           "Oh, you know. When did both of your wolves merge and become  one?"


           "When did your wolves decide to be mates?"


           "Didn't see the merging process?"


          "Oh, that must be a First Wolf Bloodline thing?"

           "It is." Terra clarified.

           "What makes you think that me and Seth are mates?" Clara's cheeks began to redden and I grin spread across my face.

          "I don't know maybe you're not. Maybe you are. How do you feel around him?" Clara said nothing for awhile. We soon heard the boys talking outside the window. Walking toward it Clara had a look in her eyes that said it all. "Clara?"

           " It may sound crazy and a little like a childish fantasy but when I'm around him I feel as if the world would stop for one tiny moment

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