» Fiction » The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

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then I would know how it feels to be beside an angel. Every time he's near me it's like I'm near a black hole and at any moment I will be sucked in but I wouldn't be lost darkness. But be surrounded by a beautiful light. When I think about him I feel my heart begin to pound and then a deep sadness takes over. Because I know that I may never have this perfect angel as my mate." Clara paused her voice breaking and I could see the tears in her eyes begin to form. " You don't how long I've dreamed of being his. You don't know how every night I cry silent tears because I want to be with him so badly it hurts. He's everything I want and yet I'm not what he wants. I'd rather endure this pain then keep him from his true mate."

               "What makes you think that you're not his true mate?"



            "Because I've told him."

           "You've told him what?"

         "What I just told you, that I cared for him and that I think we may be mates but when I did he flat out told me we weren't. He said he felt nothing like that toward me. He only saw me as a friend nothing more."

         "That can't be."

         "It isn't?" Terra said making her presence known.

        "What do you mean?"

       "They are mates."

       "Then why did Seth tell Clara otherwise?"

       "Maybe she told them when they were young. Ask her when she told him."

       "Hey Clara when did you tell Seth that you thought y'all were mates?"

"When we were fourteen, why?" I sighed.

"She should of waited. The males don't feel their mate bond till at least sixteen or seventeen years of age."

"But Nathan felt our connection right away."

"That was because you and him have been together many times in past lives. Your bond is greater then any others."I rolled my eyes. It seems like everything that happens to me is more special then anything else.

"Clara, you told him too early."

"What?" Clara turned to me confused but I could see a glint of hope in her eyes at my words.

"It looks like the boys don't feel their mate bonds till they're sixteen or seventeen. So you told him two to three years too early."


"According to Terra, yeah." Clara smiled a big beautiful smile and hugged me tight.

     "So I think it's time for you to go down there and tell Seth how you feel." A flash of fear came across her face.

"No I couldn't." Clara said glancing out the window one last time. "Besides they're gone. I can't now. Oh well."I could tell her nerves were on edge. For her sake I dropped the subject and continued packing my things. The look of uncertainty was plastered on her face. Guilt began to swarm its way through me. If only I knew how to mind my own business. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Nathan and..and Seth." I heard Clara gasp at the sound of Seth's name. I looked to her and the look on her face said it all. She was scared about what might happen when I open that door but she was also hopeful. "It's now or never Clara." I opened the door and pushed Nathan back. I then pushed Seth into the room and slammed the door shut. I heard Nathan chuckle behind me. I turned to him. "If you knew why I was doing this then you would't be laughing at me right now."

"Oh, I know why you're doing this. We heard everything outside."

"Then he knows?"

"Yep. Actually when he heard what she said it took everything in my power to make sure he didn't rush up the stairs, kick in the door, and scare her." I smirked and then pressed my ear against the door.

"April, get away from the door." Nathan said putting his hand on my shoulders and guiding me away. "She'll tell you what happened later." I look one last time at Nathan's door, hoping beyond hope that Clara would have the courage to tell Seth what she told me. He may of already heard it outside but it would mean so much more if he was facing her and heard it from her. I make my way into the living room and sat on one of the love seats. Waiting for Clara, I was nervous for her but this was something she had to do on her own. Nathan sat next to me. I leaned on him and he put his arm around me and held me close. We didn't say anything just sat there enjoying being close to each other. I don't know how long we sat there like that but it was soon over when we heard Nathan's bedroom door open and Clara walking down the hallway. She had my suitcase in her hand and she walked like she was a zombie.

"What happened?" I asked getting up.

"I- I don't know." Clara said. The look on her face was one of shock and confusion. "Um.... Can we go?"

"Sure." I followed her out to her car. A Grey 2009 Jeep Wrangler in nice condition. "Whao, you go off road often?" Clara smirked.

"No but to get to Nathan's house is more difficult then you think. Just look." Clara pointed down the driveway and she was right. The road leading to my house was down a narrow dirt road that was a mile long. It was a tight squeeze for any car. Getting in I threw my suitcase in the back seat as Clara started the car. 

" So, to my house?"

"Yep." Clara said as she gunned it down the road.

"Whoa, what's the rush?"

"There's no rush just making sure we don't get stuck on the way to the road."

"When we get to the pavement, you'll slow down?"

           "Yeah." And she did. After our brief conversation on the road the ride to my house was filled with silence. It was suffocating. It took everything I had to keep my mouth shut and not ask her what was wrong. I knew if she wanted me to know she'll tell me, but the wait was killing me. I wanted to know. I wanted to know, so I could help her. But I've already ruined things with my noisiness. Pulling up to my house, I never felt as happy as I did getting out of the car and rushing up to my room.

"You know you left your stuff in the car right?" Clara said dropping her suitcase on the floor and as I flopped on my bed. I groaned.

"I know."

"You going to get?"

"Maybe later. Right now I'm sulking in how your bad mood is my fault."

"What? Who said I was in a bad mood?"

"I can tell by the way your acting. The silence, the way you nearly wrecked trying to get away from Nathan's house, the way you walked out of Nathan's room after talking with Seth. The awkwardness in the car nearly killed me." Clara laughed as she plopped down beside me.

"I'm not in a bad mood. I'm just shocked."

"Why?" Clara didn't say anything. I looked her way and saw that she was biting her lip. "Oh no no no no, you aren't going to keep this from me are you?"

"No. But I don't want to tell you now. I'll tell you tonight, okay?"

"You're trying to kill me aren't you?"

"No I just want to torture you as long as I can." Clara said as she got up and made her way down stairs.

"You suck." I groaned sitting up and leaning against the wall. The window to my left I could see a clear view of the woods behind our house. Using my heightened senses, I tried to see as far as I could see. The woods behind my house was beautiful but not as beautiful as the forest that surrounded Nathan's house.

"So you excited to be home?" Clara said as she leaned on my doorway with a bowl of vanilla ice cream in her hand.

"Yeah." I chuckled. "I see you've made yourself at home."

"Yes I have. Anyway, you going to tell me who attacked you or not?"

"To be honest I don't know who attacked me. I just know someone tackled me, ran into the woods, and used what sounded like a voice manipulator thing and that's it. The person was very good at hiding."

"Did they smell familiar?"

"Um... no." I looked her like she just lost her mind.

"What? When someone attacks me I usually smell them. That way when I smell that scent again then I know who it was."

"Sorry, but they didn't stop long enough for me to get a whiff." I chuckled. I then got the same feeling I had when I was in Nathan's room earlier that day. I looked out my window, studying the woods as if at any moment the trees will move. Someone was out there and they were watching me. I don't know why and I don't know who but I knew that whoever it was wasn't someone friendly. A chill slithered down my spine. For some reason I felt as if my world would soon become a battlefield. And I needed to be ready. After that the day went by normally. Well, as normal as it could. Me and Clara watched movies and made jokes about it and when we got hungry we nearly cleaned out my refrigerator. When my mother finally decided to come home it was around ten at night. Me and Clara were watching the famous Twilight when she came in.

"You girls are still up? Shouldn't y'all be in bed?" Mom asked when she saw us.


"Because it's a school night. You've missed enough days as it is. You have to go to school so you can get caught up."

"Oh, I forgot. Can we just stay up long enough to finish this movie?"

     "No, go to be bed. You're going to be drowning in makeup work and extra credit all of tomorrow. Now go to bed. "

                "Yes, sir." I said giving my mother a mock salute and marching up stairs with Clara following behind me. We changed and hopped into bed. Falling asleep was harder than usual. I guess, that was because I got use to sleeping in Nathan's bed. I smiled at the thought. Closing my eyes, I began to visualize he's room. The hardwood floors that chilled my feet, the window that let in the sunshine so it could brighten the room and fill it with a beautiful light. The pictures that hanged on the walls. All of them of his mother and him laughing about things that I would never know. Many times I've looked and studied those pictures and that I could actually hear their laughter. I could see his room so vividly that I began to feel the cotton sheets under me and the plush comforter giving me warmth. But what I really missed was the way they all smelled. Like the woods that surrounded his house. At that moment I was no longer in my bed, but in his. Turning my head, I saw him. Nathan. Nathan's smile was gentle and warm. Like a child's. He reached his hand out toward me, as if to lay it on my cheek but instead he grabbed my shoulder.


          "Wake Up! "He said as he shook me. My eyes flew open and sat up looking around. Something wasn't right. Taking deep breath, I smelt lilies in the air. Alarms started going off in my head. We didn't have lilies. Moving as slowly as I could to not wake up

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