» Fiction » The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Savannah Turberville

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wake up call you're not going to like." My smile grew. The thought of Nathan punishing me for not waking up when he told me sent goosebumps up and down my body. "Okay then." I waited in anticipation for him do something. My breathing pick up and my heart pounded when all of a wave of ice cold water drenched me. I screamed and jumped out of the bed. Standing in the doorway was Clara and Seth. Seth was holding a blue bucket in his hands. They all busted out laughing.

         "I told you to wake up." Nathan not even trying to hide his amusement. Slowly, I crossed my arms and glared at them.

      "Do you think that was wise?" Richard asked behind Clara and Seth. They turned to him and stopped laughing.

"What do you mean?" Seth asked.

      "Well, April was in a fight last night with a trained fighter and won without any help from us."


       "So, You've seen her mad and you just dumped cold water on her. How do you think she is going to react to that." Clara, Seth and Nathan slowly turned to me. Meeting my glare Seth dropped the bucket and put his hands up as if to surrender. I smirked and gestured to myself.

"Remember April, we're friends." Seth said. 

"I'm cold and wet."

"We- We'll get you a towel you to dry off and Nathan here will warm you up." Clara replied.

"That's tempting but I have something better in mind." I paused watching the wheels turn in their heads. "Run." I said and they took off with me close on their heels. They ran toward the woods hoping to find a place to hide from me. Laughter was in the air as if we were once again kids playing. taking a leap I tackled Clara. We rolled until I had her pinned.

"I win."

"I don't think so." Seth said side swiped me, knocking me off Clara. I elbowed him in the ribs and got out of his grasp. Getting to my feet I readied myself for the next attack.

"That was low, Seth."

"What can I say, I can't let you hurt my girlfriend."

"Wait, What?" I said shocked looking toward Clara for confirmation. Before she could say anything Nathan tackled me and pinned me.

"I win." He said with a satisfied smirk.

"Oh come on Nathan I was in the middle of something very important."

"Don't care. If I was Ethan or Natalie I could of killed you"

"You shouldn't be so serious."

      "Yes, I should. You got lucky last night. Next time could be different." Nathan said with nothing but worry with a little bit of anger. I lost my smile . Suddenly, the child like feeling was gone, replaced by a more serious saddening feeling. Nathan was right. I got lucky. Thanks to my troublemaker background I was experienced in fighting but not in fighting werewolf style. I won because Terra was in control. Nathan got to his feet and went to leave. I grabbed his hand.

"You're right. Next time could be different . So," I stood. "train me."


"You're a trained fighter but not just a trained fighter a fighter that is trained to protect the bloodline of the First Wolf. So, therefore you are the only one who is qualified to train me. Do you disagree?" Nathan hesitated before shaking his head.

"Any way we could help?" Clara asked. I smiled.

"Of course who do you think I'm going to sparing with so Nathan can evaluate where I'm at." I said with a mischievous grin on my face. Clara smiled back.

"Just like old times."

"Yep." I said getting up.

"Well, that's good and all but before you can start your training you all have to go to school." Mom said leaning on a tree with a smile on her face.

"She's right." Seth said nudging me. "Race you back to the house."

"Your on." With that we took off toward Nathan's house running as fast as our legs could take us, and with all of us being a werewolf that was pretty fast. When we got back to the house Seth and Clara left ahead of Nathan and I. As I got ready I tried my best to keep my distance from Nathan. Every time we were close he would always do something to distract me or get me all hot and bothered. Once I was ready I left. Nathan stayed behind to talk to Richard about my training and what I would be doing once we started. On the way to school I calmed my nerves. Pulling into the school parking lot my eyes went straight toward where Clara and Seth were standing. Clara waved at me. I smiled and parked. Going to stand with Clara and Seth I pulled my hood down.

" What's up?" Clara said with a childish grin.

"Nothing. Why?" I asked confused. She just saw me not even an hour ago. What could of possibly happened to me in one hour.

"No reason." She said chuckling. "Your face is all red."

"No it's not." I covered my cheeks with my hand.

"Oh, yes it is." Clara and Seth said in unison. I turned away from them.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. I felt my cheeks start to get warmer under my hands. That soon changed. The warmth gave way to a deep shivering chill as I locked eyes with Natalie Smith. The events that happened last night came flooding back into my mind. Before I could stop myself, a growl rumbled in my throat. Natalie smirked. I could feel my anger and Terra's combine and the thirst for Natalie's blood became on the verge of being uncontrollable. this caused my eyes to once again become blood red. Natalie lost her smile and turned away with a look of absolute terror on her face. With a feeling of satisfaction I turned my attention back to Clara and Seth. They were laughing, oblivious to my little stare down with Natalie, but soon they lost their laughter once they looked eyes with me. They turned their gaze downwards.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Your- Your eyes." Was all Clara could say. Her voice was trembling. Taking a closer look at Clara I saw that she was like a abused animal once again faced with her cruel master. I was confused. "Your eyes are still red."


"It's the power of your eyes."


"Once your eyes turn red it makes every wolf's blood turn cold. It makes all wolves fear you. It's another power your bloodline carries."

"Weren't my eyes red last night?"

"No," Terra said. "I wasn't the one who fought with Natalie last night. You were. So your eyes stayed the same."

"Aren't we the same person."

"No, April, we aren't. You're April Elizabeth Banks and I am Terra Cortez. Two different minds in one body."

"Oh, but you've never taken over my body have you?"


"Then how do my eyes turn red."

"When our emotions come together, when we are one in mind and body that is when your eyes turn red and your powers come out."


"Now, close your eyes and calm yourself." I didn't do as Terra said. I wanted to see if Clara was right. I wanted to see if my power would make everyone fear me as if I was a monster. Looking out into the crowd, those who met my gaze looked away frightened and advised those around them to not look my way. Even those who knew me and where apart of my pack turned away. Sadness came to seep in but my anger also grew. My anger was becoming was becoming uncontrollable when I saw him. Nathan had finally arrived.

"April." Terra said trying to get me to do as she said.

"I have to see."


"I have to see."

"See what, April?"

"If I'm a monster in his eyes." At that Terra fell silent. She knew who I was talking about and she knew what his reaction would mean to me. If he turned away then I would know I was a monster but if he could still look at me with love then I knew that I was just a little different. I waited. My heart began to pound in my ears and my hands began to sweat. Fear gripped my heart in a vise grip threatening to kill me in that moment. I waited for Nathan to meet my gaze. I waited for what seemed like a eternity when finally he looked my way. My heart stop ,as did my breathing, as I waited for his reaction. I watched him praying to God that he wouldn't look away. That he would still give me that look that melted my heart. Nathan stopped in his tracks and my heart sank. A tear escaped and made it's way down my cheek. Nathan's face was unreadable. I didn't know what he thought, but it couldn't of been good. Nathan then smiled and kissed my forehead and both of my eye lids. When he did my eyes turned back to normal.

"Your not a monster. Your beautiful, both of you are." Nathan said through our connection. He wiped away my tear and stroked my cheek. I smiled.

"Thank you." Was all I could say.Even though, it wasn't much I knew Nathan knew how grateful I was and how much he set my heart at ease.

     "Oh, I don't know if I can handle all this sweetness." Seth said looking away. I smirked and turned toward him.

"Maybe you should take a page out of his book." Seth looked at me confused. I glanced at Clara who seemed to have her attention somewhere else. I followed her gaze." Looks like I'm not the only one pissed at Natalie."

"I just remembered I needed to pay her back for some injections."

"What?" Seth asked taking a step closer to Clara. "What injections?" Clara ignored him. Seth looked to me for the answer. I sighed.

"Natalie injected her and my mom with Wolfbane before waking me."

"What?!" Seth exclaimed causing those near us to look our way. Clara shushed him.

"Geez Seth. Yell a little louder I don't think people in New York heard you yet."

"I don't care."

"Don't worry it's over with. I'm okay." Clara said trying to ease Seth's anger. She put her hand on his arm and that seem to calm just a little bit. Squaring his jaw and gritting his teeth Seth put a protective arm around Clara and kept his gaze on Natalie. He had a murderous look in his eyes. I smiled as Clara began to blush. Unfortunately, it seemed Seth's anger was getting to him. Even though Clara's presence seemed to have some affect on him that effect was wearing off. Nathan grabbed Seth's arm as he took a step forward. Pulling to the side Nathan began to calm Seth. Clara stared at Seth as the boys left to talk privately. Her look was one of worry. I smacked her arm to get her attention.


"Tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"When did this happen?"


"You and Seth."

"What about us?"

"Don't play dumb." Clara smiled a shy smile. When she went to say something her wolf appeared. A big reddish orange furred wolf floated out of Clara's body and made it's way toward Seth where a big dark brown wolf waited patiently. Pressing their foreheads together a light illuminated and thy both vanished.

"Whoa, what just happened?" Clara said trying to catch her balance. I just smiled. "What?"

"Your wolf and Seth's just merged." I said trying to contain my excitement.

"Does that mean we're..." Clara looked toward Seth when their eyes met she couldn't finish her question. Seth slowly made his way back toward us.

"I'll tell you later." I whispered in her ear. I grabbed Nathan's arm. "We'll leave you two lovebirds alone." I pulled Nathan to my spot on beside the stairs. Nathan sat down and I sat on his lap.

"Well this is new." Nathan said with a smile.

"I could always get up." I said standing. Nathan pulled me back down and gave me a kiss.

"Don't get up." He said giving me a slow lingering kiss. I smiled. We

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