» Fiction » The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «The First Wolf's Moon, Savannah Turberville [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Savannah Turberville

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Clara I eased out of my room and walked slowly done the stair. The smell of lilies where getting stronger and stronger as I eased into the kitchen. I froze in my tracks. Standing next to the sink was Natalie. Her eyes glowing blood red.

"Natalie?" I was in shock.

"Hello, April. Sorry did I wake you?" She asked mockingly as she smiled a villainous smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Fulfilling a promise."

"What promise?"

"Oh, come on cupcake. You can't tell me you already forgotten what happen on your little run today." I was confused at first but then my shoulder began to throb.

"That was you?"

"That's right." Natalie laughed. I hear Terra begin to growl. "Now, enough chit chat. Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Before I could say anything Natalie pinned me to the wall. Her hand around my throat. She lifted me a few feet off the ground. Panic began to soar through me as her nails dug into my skin. There was nothing I could do. I was completely helpless. I was done for. It wasn't long before I began to black spots.

"Now, I can have what is rightfully me mine."

"April, shift. It's the only way. You can beat her."

"No! I'll shift when she does."

"You may not live that long."

"Have faith, Terra. Have faith." Gathering what little strength I had. I raised my hand and slammed my forearm down at the cress of her arm. The pressure on my neck lessen enough for me to breath. Doing it again Natalie lost her hold on my neck. Using my legs, I kicked her away and toward the other way. Catching my breath, I pinned her to the wall and a growled.

"Well, aren't you full of surprises, cupcake, but you got to do more than that to beat me." Before I knew it Natalie had me pinned again but before she could latch onto me again I head butted her, knocking her back. I then gave her a right hook to the side of her face. Natalie looked at me in shock. I smirked and readied myself.

"This isn't my first time fighting with a bitch!"

"I see. Well looks like we better take this outside." Natalie said. Keeping her eyes on me. She slowly made her way out the back door. I followed. Shutting the door behind me I never took my eyes off of her.

"Be careful. She may not be alone." Terra warned. I scanned the woods behind Natalie, looking for any movement. Listening for any sound to prove that she wasn't alone. Using my distraction as an advantage Natalie attacked but not as a human but as a wolf. A giant honey brown wolf. She jumped and sliced a me with her claws. Catching me on the arm. Terra growled as pain seared up my arm. I smirked.

"You really shouldn't have done that." Letting Terra take over, I let out a growl, shifted and attacked. Slashing at her with my claws and trying to bite her neck. I caught her on the side of her face with my claws. Natalie than threw her body weight at me and pushed me against a tree. Using the tree as a wall, Natalie went on the attack, slicing me with her claws without a moment's pause. Not once giving me the chance to attack or defend. I was in the worse position ever and knew I wasn't going to get any chance to get out of it. As my blood stained my fur and the ground, my strength was draining as was my ability to stay conscious. As my blood fell and my life felt like it was draining out of me there was only one thought that crossed my mind.

"Nathan." I called out to him through our link. Even in my head my voice sounded so weak.

    "April?! What's wrong?"

"N-Natalie, she's... she's here. I can't fight her Nathan. Not in wolf form at least."

"April, don't give up. I'm on my way. Just try to hang in there if you can, please."

"I- I don't know if I can."

"Please. Try. I can't lose you again." Those words gave me strength. Positioning my hind legs on her stomach and use whatever I had left to kick her away. Natalie smacked into the side of my house and then to the ground. Using this to my advantage I attacked. Slashing and clawing. The desire to rip her apart and taste her blood was beginning to overpower me. I bite her neck and tore a chunk out.

"APRIL, Stop!!!" Terra exclaimed.

"Why?! She deserves this and more."

"Don't be like her. Your better than her."

"I can't stop."

"Yes, you can. Just step back. Don't become a monster, April. Hold on to your humanity. Think about those you love. They wouldn't want you to become something you're not. Just stop." My mother and Nathan's faces flashed into my mind. Slowly, I stopped and took a step back. Seeing all the damage I had done. Natalie took a minute to get back up to her feet. Blood stained her fur and even though her wounds closing, blood poured out like a red waterfall making a pool at her feet. Looking at her, my anger boiled inside of me. Anger at her for making me do that and anger at myself for giving her what she wanted. Me, not as a human or wolf but as a monster. Natalie shifted back into her human form. Even though her blood stained her skin and even though she was still in pain she had a murderous look in her eyes. She smiled a smile that would make the cruelest, evilest man shiver.

"Looks like you win this round but next time, I will kill you, April Rose Banks." With those being her last words Natalie disappeared. Leaving nothing but a ghost glow in my view as she ran with nothing on her back, like a ghost she vanished. Once she did a wave of exhaustion washed over me. Laying down I soon felt my body returning to normal and soon I was a naked girl, lying in her back yard, on her back looking up at the stars. Looking at the sky I once again felt alone. I was cold and nothing could warm me. A tear slowly ran down my face. I was getting lost in the feeling of despair when I heard heavy footsteps. Turning my head, I saw a black wolf with beautiful green eyes staring at me.

"Nathan?" I whispered. My voice sounded broken. Nathan took a step toward me and pushed me with his nose. I knew he was telling me to get up but I couldn't. My body felt too heavy, but even though that was the case I managed to lift my hand and ran my fingers through his fur.

"You have to get up, April." I smiled when I heard his voice. In that moment, I was no longer cold. Slowly, I stood up and hugged my giant wolf. My beautiful, loving wolf. I didn't want to let him go. Never, not now, not ever.

"April!" My mother yelled as she burst out the back door with Clara right behind her. I turned to them and worry washed over me. Their faces were deathly white and drenched in sweat. Clara handed me a blanket. I wrapped it around myself.

"What happen to you guys?" I asked as Clara gave Nathan a blanket.

"It seems before your little fight your mother and I were injected with a large amount of wolfbane. While we were asleep. That's why we couldn't help you." Clara said looking away in shame. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry everything is okay now. You two go back in and rest."

"I don't think we'll get much sleep tonight." Mom said as she patted my head.

"You should come back to my house." Nathan said. He was in his human form. I smiled and shook my head.

"We can't. We have our own home and we can't just up and leave because of a bully busted in. "

"Yes, you can. It's not safe here."

"That may be the case but there's nothing we can do. We're moved in."


"So, it's our home. It's not like we can move in with you and your uncle. It'll be too crowded."

"No it won't. You've stayed with us before and it wasn't crowded."

"Still we can't."

"Why not?"

"Just because..."

"Because why? I'm not leaving until you can tell me why you can't move in with us?" I was lost for words.

"Because... Because. Mom." I turned to my mom hoping she'll help me. Hoping she'll shot this idea down but she didn't say anything. For the first time in all my life my mother stood there with nothing to say about where we live. I was shocked. "Mom?"

"I. I don't really think that's a bad idea."

"Wait, what?"

"I just think at his place you'll be much safer. At least for tonight." I didn't know what to say.

"I think it's a good idea." Clara said with a little smirk on her face. I glared at her.

"It seems as though this wolfbane has gone to their heads. Since I'm the only one thinking clearly I say we stay here."

"What happened if she decides to comes back? What will you do then?" Nathan asked.

"Fight her again."

"You can't fight her all night."

"Watch me." Nathan said nothing. He just stood there glaring at me. I didn't care. This was my home and I wasn't going to leave just because a dog came to my door and bared its teeth.

"You should listen to Nathan, April." Richard said as he, Seth and many others came out of the woods.

"Rick? Why are you here?" He smirked.

"I'm the alpha. When someone gets attacked I come to help. We all do."

"But something tells me you're not here to help me."

"Sorry, April. I believe Nathan is right on this one."

"Of course you do." I rolled my eyes and headed toward the back door.

"Where you going?"

"To put on some clothes and get my duffel bag. Unless you want me naked at your house all day every day." I turned and looked at Richard. He chuckled.

"I don't believe my nephew has enough self-control for you to do that."

"I was thinking the same thing." Seth said with a grin. I glanced toward Nathan. He smiled and turned away.

"You having problems over there?"

"You have no idea." Nathan replied meeting my gaze. I smiled and went inside. After I got dressed, grabbed my duffel bag, and got into my truck. Heading to Nathan's house with Clara following me, I couldn't help but feel a little bit relieved at the fact that I would once again sleep in Nathan's house. With him in the same house as me. A smile crept across my face as we got closer and closer to Nathan's house. Once we arrived my mother and I  were directed to a guest room that was right across the hall from Nathan's room.Saying good night to mom I got into bed and had good night's sleep.


Chapter Eight: Training Begins

  "April, time to get up." Nathan said in a soothing tone. Hearing his voice made me smile but I didn't open my eyes. "I know you're awake." I stayed silent. "If I was you I would open your eyes unless you want a

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