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Darrick is a smart high-school student, and he lives in a home with his sister, Ann. Ann has a mental disorder which causes her to process information slower than an average person. Ann will soon go to a private high school, but she must take an exam to be admitted. Darrick feels that it is his job to help Ann with what he believes is impossible.
hi im a vampire but no im not a made vampire im a bron vampire i know i know there no such thing as a born vampire will guss what they are we just dont happen that offen but we have the same ability as a made vampire will no we dont we are sronger faster and a lot hoter but there a problum with that we have to wate itill we are 17 to get are full powre but we are in danger that is why they are not that many of us we get hunted down and kill befor we tured 17 by are own kind.
"We all have a seed of righteous inside of us. On the other side we have a seed of destruction dwelling inside of us as well. While both will live within us throughout our lives, the seed in which you choose to continuously water will be the one you based your foundation upon." in this book you will read about one's struggle with this very thing. Tired of fighting a endless battle that he doesn't think he has a chance to win. The author decides to put his fight to words in hopes of