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Dimirti is shipped off to a boarding school when he is blamed for killing his girlfriend. He's trying to get his life back on track but how can he do that when he can see his dead girlfriend? She's haunting him and wont stop until Dimirti has paid for what he has caused. Clare has had a ruff 2 years, her father had killed himself and her 3 friends died in a car crash in the space of a week together. She doesn't want to get close to anyone ever again so she decides to never speak again. What
A simple teenage boy walks to his school.On his way, he hears something.He witnesses a scene out of the ordinary.Will he take part? Simon is a bright and promising boy in his sixteens.Through a combination of chance and fate, he gets involved in a secret war.The stakes are high and his only weapons are his brain, his physical talents and...the paranormal powers he is supposed to have.His decisions will be the only concrete points in the ever-changing stream of events that he will live.
Can windows reveal secrets? They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Could windows hold mysteries from time past? Sarah daydreamed and liked to think so. If she wished hard enough, would they reveal what was ahead of her, if she looked through them with her wanting heart and eyes? When she found Michael, was she ready to let go of the memory of Marty? Her life had changed, but was it temporary? Could Michael take on an instant family? And why was she dreaming about those windows? No