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They drove out of the Midwest in a Pepsi van to find salvation, and became embroiled in pitched battles over the Helen of the Poetry World in the San Francisco Bay Area. After nearly being fired from a teaching job in the Midwest, Philip Janov drives back out to California in a red, white, and blue Pepsi van with an unruly band of young student poets, only to find themselves embroiled in the thick of the Poetry Wars of San Francisco. When he falls in love with Penny, the Helen of the Poetry
My sister died in The Dead Games. My bestfriends brother died in The Dead Games. One hundred of us go into The Dead Z'one and the ones that come back out when the time ends goes right back in when they hit the next town. The Dead Games is for the Presidents amusement, but to the ones that are thrown in, its about survival.
This is the life of Markas, son of the pyromancer Wrynn. His father dies in an attempt to defend the castle and all he holds dear. Makas finds out what his legacy is to be and how to save the land of Maricha. However when Markas gets seperated from his parents he is found by a new family in which he must find his old heritage. This is Markas' legacy and he must do it while also juggling his power he must conceal and he must save Maricha.