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Gretel Varel finds herself stuck doing The Trilogy's homework. A The Trilogy is the three most popular girls in every school. Gisele, Nylandra, and Stella. She finds things she can use to ruin Gisele's reputation. At the same time she tries to get Bryan Miche's attention. Gisele has the same boy in mind, while trying to outdo Stella, who is without a doubt an incredibly beautiful girl. One look and you either like or hate her. Bryan knows these girls love him, but he has other ideas. Not only
What if every disney princess and prince were normal kids, and went to highschool together? What if some of your favorite villians and loveable characters really existed in their lives? What if you took away all the magic, would everyone still end up together? Well, you are about to find out. In these series of short stories, Ariel will no longer be a mermaid but a poor girl who has the hots for the captin of the football team, Eric. Jasmine will no longer be the princess of a foreign land, but