» Games » Twilight World All Over Again, Heather Lawhun [electric book reader txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight World All Over Again, Heather Lawhun [electric book reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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with me.” He smiled.
“Do I still get hugs?” I chuckled and shook my head.
“Yes, you still get hugs.” He grinned and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. I’m guessing he’s going back to Roselie, but that’s okay. We let go of each other and he left the room. I got up and got ready for the day.
“Mommy, Renesmee took my cupcake!” I heard Jade yell. I rolled my eyes. Go get another one. I thought as I walked down the stairs.
“Renesmee stop taking Jade’s cupcakes.” Shay scowled as she walked into the living room. I went into the kitchen and made myself something to eat. Sparkles kept sending me sharp looks. What? I haven’t thought about it until now. I thought to him rolling my eyes. He sighed. I actually almost forgot about what that guy told me yesterday. Alice has been mopey lately too, which makes me wonder again about what she saw. Oh well. I looked around the kitchen and spotted a note taped to the fridge. I looked at it and it read, ‘Tyler Simons’ I smiled. I guess I know his name now. Sparkles rolled his eyes. Did you tell them about our conversation? I wondered curiously. He shook his head ‘no’. You think I should tell them, don’t you? He sighed, but nodded. I don’t really know what to do. “Seth stop being noisy, you’ll ruin it.” I looked out the window and saw Seth and Jacob sneaking up to the house.
“Okay, what are they doing?”
“Don’t look at me, how should I know?” Sparkles said rolling his eyes. The next thing I know, they’re yelling and throwing water balloons at me. I dodged them and they all hit Sparkles. There weren’t any water in them that’s for sure. Sparkles growled. Seth and Jacob ran away laughing. Sparkles was cover from head to toe in oatmeal.
“Sorry about that.” I said fighting back a laugh.
“Dude, what happened to you?” Emmett walked in laughing. Sparkles glared at him.
“Oh my God, what is that?” Shay asked walking in too.
“Oatmeal.” I said smiling.
“Did you do it?” Jasper asked curiously.
“No, Seth and Jacob did, although I think they were aiming at me.” He chuckled. Sparkles left the kitchen and I assume he’s going up the stairs.
“Shay, Pyper, we’re going!” Alice yelled.
“Where are we going?” Shay and I asked at the same time.
“Shopping!” I groaned. “It’s the least you can do since, well anyways, let’s go!” I shook my head and sighed. Shay and I followed Alice and I out to the car and got in. “Now then, Pyper I saw you talking to someone in a vision, who is it?” Alice asked as she pulled out of the driveway and got onto the highway. “And don’t say, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ either.” I sighed.
“He’s the guy who attacked me.” I said shrugging.
“And you say that so casually.” Shay said rolling her eyes. I grinned.
“So what did you talk about?” Alice asked curiously. I shrugged.
“His idiotic relative that died in Alaska and him asking me if I wanted his help on controlling my little mindreading thing.”
“He said the only way he could help me is if I stay with his family and be his.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Are you?” Shay and Alice asked at the same time.
“I don’t know, he said he’ll give me two days to think about it.”
“Are you seriously going to consider it?” Alice asked shocked.
“Well, yeah, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll do it.” I said shrugging. She sighed.
“I don’t want you to go.” Shay said frowning. I sighed.
“I know.” I don’t want to leave my sister, but then again, I don’t want hear every little nasty thought that Jacob and Seth have; especially Jacob. I mentally shuddered at the thought. Also, I feel lonely. I know I live with a houseful of people, but I feel like I’m by myself. I’m the only actual werewolf in the house and I seriously need help with my transformations every month. No one in the house knows how to help me with that and Sam and the others don’t want to help me and probably don’t know how to help me either. I know Shay must feel weird being the only angel in the house, but being angel seems a lot easier than being an actual werewolf to me. Yeah, I don’t have wings sticking out of my back, but she likes helping people. I bet right now, she can hear my problem. Yes, she told me about her power to hear people’s problems and then can fix them. I honestly don’t think she can help me with mine. She’s not a werewolf and she can’t possibly understand how it feels to not know if you hurt or killed someone after blacking out for a long period of time or how guilty you feel after you hear you hurt someone. I mentally slapped myself. Stop thinking like that, I’m sure she doesn’t want to hear your problems anyways. We arrived at the mall and got out of the car. I let Shay and Alice drag me all over the mall and make me put on clothes and stuff that I don’t like or feel uncomfortable wearing.
We just finished going through JC Penny’s and walked out of the store. I just about fell flat on my face when I saw Tyler leaning up against the wall near Old Navy, where we’re going next. He was smirking. I saw what you were wearing in there and I must say you looked pretty sexy yourself. Holy, did you just speak to me in my head? He rolled his eyes. No dip Sherlock. You’re making yourself out to be a stalker you know. It’s okay if I’m peeking at my soon-to-be wife. What!? I thought startled. He smirked. Yeah, that’s what I meant when I said be mine. What did you think I meant? My girlfriend? “What’s up?” Shay asked. “You look like you’re about to faint.” I shook my head.
“It’s nothing.” Oh but it’s not nothing. You look excited to be my wife. I don’t even know you that well. Don’t worry; if you decide on coming to stay with me, then we’ll have all the time in the world to get to know each other. Werewolves live long lives too, just a few centuries short of a vampire’s life. When we walked by him, he grabbed my butt. I smacked his hand. Alice and Shay looked at me weirdly.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” I said rolling my eyes. Yes, very fine indeed. Would you shut up and get out of my head? Sorry, but I can’t help myself but be near you and your thoughts are very interesting. You have a nice butt. I should call security and file a report for sexual harassment. I thought as Shay and Alice led me to the back of the store. Oh come on, I’m trying to get a feel for my wife. Stop saying that. Why don’t you come over here and make me? You are really irritating you know that? That’s what my sister tells me, but I know you’ll start to love that about me. I scoffed.
“What? It’s not that bad.” Shay said holding up a purple tank top with some bead work on the chest area.
“Sorry, I was scoffing at that lady over there with her crying child.” I said pointing over at her. The child was wailing and I mean really wailing and it was starting to give me a headache and the lady wasn’t doing anything to stop the child. She was on her cell phone. Alice rolled her eyes.
“Oh, those jeans would go great with that top!” Alice said spotting some jeans with the knees ripped. That was good cover up. I pictured myself strangling him. That’s not nice. It wasn’t intended to be. I peeked over at him and he was frowning. What? I was hoping for a sex scene. Oh my God I wanted to hit him so badly. Then walk on over here and do it. I am not falling for that one. What? Oh you know what. I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I could imagine the smirk on his face. Piss off. I thought gritting my teeth. Oh come on now, I’m sorry. It’s just too bad I can’t talk to you at night with that one vampire hanging around. Sparkles, was it? It’s Edward and only my sister and I can call him that. Oh alright, but I would really love to talk to you. I know, let’s meet at the mountain tonight at midnight. And what makes you think I’ll come? You like talking to me and don’t feel lonely. Oh he was good. Perfect, I’ll see you tonight. I looked back at where he was standing and he was gone. Strangely, I felt lonely and he’s right, I am starting to love that irritating side of him. He keeps the conversation going and no matter how irritating it is sometimes, I love that about him. God, I want to gag.
“Earth to Pyper!” Shay said waving her hand in front of me.
“What?” She rolled her eyes.
“Which one do you like the best?” She held out the purple tank top from earlier with the jeans Alice pointed out and then in her other hand she held out a black tank top that was longer than the purple one, and it had stars made out of those plastic diamonds and blue jean skinny jeans.
“The black tank top.” I said blankly. Alice grinned.
“See, I told you she’d pick that one. Guys are going to be staring at her for sure.”
“Wait, what?” She giggled.
“We’re going clubbing tonight, just you, me, and Shay and you’re not getting out of it.” I sighed. Wait, what about Tyler? I hope he doesn’t get too mad about it. Wait, why do I care if he gets upset about it or not? Ugh! Alice bought the clothes and we left Old Navy and headed to Victoria Secret. “We’ve got to get you some sexy underwear to go with your outfit.” She said when I looked at her confused. I sighed. She’s going to make me look like a prostitute. Frankly, I’m a big fan of those. I thought you went home. Actually I hung around for a little bit and I’m glad that I did. Since you’re going out tonight, I’m going to go and scare off any guys who even look at you. Jealous much? No, I have to look after my wife. So what you’re saying is you don’t trust me? Oh, so you do want to be my wife. I am so going to hit you the next time we meet. Is that a threat? Would you please leave me alone? Fine, but I will be seeing you tonight. I rolled my eyes. “What? You don’t like them?” Alice asked holding up some black lacey underwear, no scratch that, lingerie. Oh, I like those. GO AWAY!!! Alright, alright, I’m going. I glanced to my right and saw him leaving. “So you don’t like them?”
“No, I don’t like them.” Especially if he likes them. She shrugged and put them back.
“Okay, how about these?” They were like the first one, but they didn’t look like lingerie to me.
“Sure, why the hell not?” I muttered wanting to go home. I was exhausted and not because we’ve walked pretty much this whole mall, no it was ‘talking’ to Tyler. Why does he wear me out so much? She giggled and threw them into the basket that she picked up at the door. I pretty much spaced out after that and didn’t see that she
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