» Games » Twilight World All Over Again, Heather Lawhun [electric book reader txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight World All Over Again, Heather Lawhun [electric book reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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if it’s just some facade. He’s probably just doing that to get me to trust him and to get information out of me, which I haven’t given any. Yeah, I’m a little paranoid like that. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about the Volturi, it’s that they’ll go to any length to get information out of a person. I’m starting to get worried though. Alec has informed me that this room conceals Teleportation and I’m too paranoid to try. I think that’s what he was counting on. I haven’t seen any of the Volturi members except for Alec. I’m getting bored really fast too. They don’t have TV and I’ve read every book in the room at least five times each, and I don’t have my music or anything to draw on. It sucks arse. Two days later, Alec comes in and tells me that Aro wants to see me, so I follow him cautiously to whatever room Aro is in. When I walk in, I’m surprised to see not only Carlisle and the others, but Tyler too. He was being held back by Demetri and was trying to break free of his grip.
“Ah, Miss Harper, it’s been awhile. I do apologize for keeping you locked up in that room. According to Alec, you seemed to have been getting bored very easily. Well, Carlisle, just like I promised, she’s fine and we haven’t harmed her.” I looked at Carlisle confused. “Ah, you’re probably wondering, it seems your sister has decided to giver herself up to me in exchange for you. She has agreed to join us.” I looked at Shay alarmed. She just looked sad. I sighed. “Do you wish to say something? Then go ahead.”
“Shay you’re an idiot.” I said shaking my head. Then I looked into Aro’s eyes and made him attack Caius and I punched Alec while I was at it. Soon we were all fighting. Sparkles, try to get everyone to get a hold of me, I’m going to try and Teleport us all back to the house. I thought to him. He nodded and took off. I got to Tyler. “Stay close to me, I’m going to get everyone out of here and I’m going to need you to hold on.” He nodded smirking a little. I smacked him. “I’ve been in here for five minutes and you’re already thinking,” I didn’t even finish my sentence and shook my head. He grinned. I can’t help it. He followed me as I made it to Carlisle. All the Cullens were in the middle with Shay, me, and Tyler, and the Volturi surrounded us. “Everyone connected?” I asked.
“Yeah.” They chorused. Then I closed my eyes and Teleported us all as close to the house as possible. When I felt the ground beneath me, I opened my eyes and saw the house. I sighed in relief.
“That was a close one.” I muttered and collapsed on the ground.
“Are you okay?” Shay asked.
“Yeah, I’m just a little exhausted. It seems Teleporting a large group of people takes a lot of energy.”
“I just can’t believe they took you without us noticing it.” Carlisle said surprised. I shrugged.
“I definitely don’t want to ever go to Italy ever again.” I muttered. He chuckled.
“Not all of Italy is like that just Volterra.” Sparkles said smiling.
“But I agree, let’s not make any more visits to Italy for awhile.” Esme said sighing. We all nodded and went inside except for Tyler. He took off and thought into my head, I’ll be watching you more closely. Great, I’ve been gone for a month and I’m back to where I was in the beginning. Joy…
Chapter 18: Boy Trouble
I am so glad that Pyper is back. I can’t even think about the fact that she was gone for a month. I mean, it makes me look like the world’s worst sister that I didn’t notice she was gone for a MONTH! In my defense, I have a lot going on. Jasper wants us to legally adopt a boy or two. There are a set of twins who are about 2 named Ethan and Alex. They live in California, but they are willing to bring them up here to meet us and let us adopt them in the comfort of our own cloudy state. We have forms already forged for each of us in the house and Jade looks to be legally ours from France. Abby’s mom told me that she would take off the day of the meeting so that we could better concentrate on the twins. I was lying in my bed reading when the phone rang. “I’ll get it” Renesmee called, running to the phone. A few minutes later, she came running upstairs. “Phone’s for you” she said, handing me the phone. I closed my book and took the phone.
“Mrs. Hale. I am calling about the twins. We were wondering when would be a good time to come by and interview you.” I was thrown off for a minute by the last name until I remember the documents had me and Jasper married, therefore more likely to be allowed to adopt the children. I mentally told Sparkles to get Jasper here, now. I needed to know a date. Jasper came in.
“Tomorrow” he said, smiling big.
“Is tomorrow ok?” I asked her.
“Yes, ma’am. We will be there 10 o’clock tomorrow morning” she said.
“That sounds great” I said, writing down the time on a piece of paper. We said goodbye and hung up. “Family meeting, ten minutes.” I said loud enough it got out to the whole crew. Everyone gathered in the living room and I cleared my throat for silence. “Tomorrow morning at ten there are going to be people coming to interview us about our life, which means we need to all be on the same page. This house is full and we make it work since most of you don’t sleep. However, tomorrow we need all the wolves to walk around in town for a while. Leah can stay so you will know when you can come back, but the rest of us can pass as family, you guys can’t. Leah will be helping me babysit tomorrow morning. It’s too late for me to cancel having Abby here so we will act as at home babysitters. Carlisle works tomorrow and Esme cleans house. Bella and Edward agreed to take Renesmee and go to the store until we are done. This leaves Pyper, Emmett, and Rosalie. Lily said Pyper and Emmett can use her cabin through the interview and Rose, I suppose you can just hang around upstairs. This is important, so everyone please try your best to help us. We need some boys around here. Jade and Abby are both familiar with Leah, so I think everything will work. For now, we need to clean the house. It needs to be spotless tomorrow. There needs to be no reason in the world why they shouldn’t give us those boys.”
We all started and had the house spotless in plenty of time for dinner. Everyone covered their things well and most of the wolf stuff was put in duffel bags in my closet. By the end of the day it looked like a great house for the new twins. I went to sleep and set an alarm for the next morning. When I woke up at the next morning, all the wolves except Leah were gone. Leah was making blueberry pancakes for Abby and Jade. Pyper and Emmett were walking to the cabin and Esme was telling Carlisle good bye on his way to work. I decided to jump in the shower and get dressed so I could start the day. Jasper had already showered and was ready for the day. Bella and Edward were taking a still sleeping Renesmee to the car to go to the store. “Good luck” Bella told me with a smile.
“Thanks” I said back, relaxing a little knowing the whole house was willing to help me. Everyone, that is, but Rosalie. She was storming around grumbling about having to be upstairs all day. “Rose” I said “you can go to the mall if you want or do whatever you want, but be downstairs. I have everyone having jobs and if you want I can do the same with you. I just want this to go perfectly.” She took her car keys and drove off, probably to the mall. I looked at the clock. I had 20 minutes to eat. I ate a couple of pancakes, plain, and brushed my teeth. Then the doorbell rang. The girls were still in pajamas, but they ran upstairs to change. Leah followed them and Jasper answered the door. The first thing they did was tour the house. The girls were getting their hair brushed by Leah when we walked by and I explained everything as we walked. The lady seemed fascinated by Jade and asked her what it was like living here. She handled it great and told her all the great things about the place. Finally she asked me and Jasper why we wanted the twins. When the interview was done, she said they would call us by the end of the week to let us know if we get them. I was nervous, but Jasper thinks we won them. I was exhausted still so I went back to bed.
Pyper’s Day of Boredom
Well, this is weird. Shay just had to have me and Emmett stay in the cabin by ourselves. I sighed inwardly. Things have become a little weird between me and Emmett since we broke up, but we’re slowly getting over it and getting more comfortable. I guess Shay really wanted those twin boys. I wonder what they’re like. I hope to God that they’re not brats. Tyler kept his word. He’s been keeping a very close eye on me and it’s getting annoying. Stupid Alec, why’d he have to go and kidnap me? I guess this is better than being stuck with Jacob and Seth. “Wanna go mudding?” Emmett asked grinning. I grinned back.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Shay never said we couldn’t leave the cabin. We left the cabin and snuck into his big jeep and we took off into the forest. It rained good and hard the other day so the ground is nice and muddy. Hey, we may not be together but we can still have fun. We arrived back at the house two hours later covered from head to toe in mud. Roselie stared at us in disgust. Emmett grinned with an evil glint in his eyes and Roselie’s eyes widen and then narrowed.
“Emmett, don’t you dare!” He pounced at her and pulled her into a big bear hug. She shrieked and I just about fell over laughing. She glared at me. I can’t help it, it’s so friggin’ funny. I was laughing so hard my sides began to hurt. Oh my God that was priceless. I wish I had a camera.
“No worries, Jasper got it all.” Sparkles said grinning.
“I’d go and hug him but Shay would probably be mad if I got mud on him.” I said grinning too. I should probably go and hose off. I thought and went back outside. I hosed off the mud and wringed out my hair and clothes and then I went upstairs and took a hot shower. When I came back downstairs, Shay was grinning as Jasper was doing something on the computer. I walked over there curiously and cracked up laughing. He was putting the video on YouTube. “She is so going to kill you when she finds out.” I said snickering.
“Don’t worry, she won’t.” Jasper said grinning.
“So how’d the interview go?” I asked curiously.
“It went great.” Shay said beaming.
“We’re definitely going to get those
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