» Health & Fitness » Your Step-By-Step Guide To Knocking Out Those Food Cravings, Iron Buttz [best biographies to read .TXT] 📗

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Your Step-By-Step Guide To Knocking Out Those Food Cravings

Beat the endless cycle of needless snacking the healthy way—forever!


® 2015 All Copyrights Reserved by Ironbuttz















Table Of Contents




Introduction:  Begin By Understanding Your Own Nutritional Needs

Chapter 1: Understanding Biology, Obesity And The Body: Are You A Food Junkie?

Chapter 2: What Happens To The Brain When You Eat Junk Food? 

Chapter 3: Start Training Your Brain To Hate Junk Food


Chapter 4: Solving The Junk Food Cravings And Living Fuller And Healthier 

Introduction: Begin By Understanding Your Own Nutritional Needs


The facts are real, there never has been more of a profound time in history in regards to the awareness of food and nutrition by doctors, nutritionists, dieticians PT’s, and even the individuals who want to live healthier today. It can be so very difficult because there are food companies which continue to push bad food choices into our faces, riddled with high cholesterol, fat, sugar and sodium!


Due to the fact that many people have extremely hectic lifestyles today, poor food choices are much higher risks. Turning to junk food for energy has become far too easy as well, but this isn’t sustainable. Even when you become preoccupied with cutting back on fat or sodium, you still have to worry about sugar content. It can all become extremely confusing.


It’s a fact too, even foods you once thought were healthy for you—you might be discovering these really aren’t, and in fact, might even be contributing to your addictive lifestyle as well. You never want to allow food to have power over you, but once you cave in to a craving that is exactly what you’re doing. You can tell yourself all day long: “Today is the day, I’m going to break the cycle—I’m going to succeed,” but it is so easier said than done. Do you have the commitment?


If you’re going to win the fight against obesity and if you’re going to achieve your aims, goals and ambitions for fitness you have to develop a personal awareness about food and how it impacts you. When you consider the fact that more than 2/3rds of Americans alone are obese, finding solid ground and developing a nutritional awareness can be hard. If it were easy there wouldn’t be the issue of obesity all across the globe. This is why we want to discuss the issues with junk food and those cravings too, because these are exactly the problem in the war on obesity.


If yourself, or anyone you know has a BMI that is under 25 then this is a healthy classification. However, if you have a BMI 25 to 29 or over, you are running a risky line with your health, and definitely classified as obese. If you don’t begin to understand these facts and begin developing an awareness of nutritional awareness for yourself, you could fall into those statistics that just aren’t good—which are all about poor food choices and unwanted poor health due to obesity.


According to the Food Research And Action Center, obesity and poor nutritional habits is one of the biggest concerns among medical professionals and parents especially. Since junk food eating normally begins in childhood, it’s somewhat embedded into a lifestyle. So, what can an individual do? How can you break poor nutritional habits, cravings for junk food and finally stop exacerbating health problems due to these bad habits? If you started as a child, and your parents never enforced healthier eating habits upon you, this is going to be an uphill battle. Still, it is achievable and something to be proud of when you make it!


Understanding Biology, Obesity And The Body: Are You A Food Junkie?



Break away from overindulgence! This is the primary problem among most people, no matter if you engage in fitness activity or not, just as mentioned earlier. No one should constantly overindulge in eating! While it makes perfect sense to have a bad treat now and then, it is simply the wrong choice if you consume unhealthy food sources on a consistent basis. This is exactly what creates an addiction, and it happens with anything in life.


You should clearly be seeing and learning what the causative factors for junk food addictions and obesity clearly are today. With all the advertising in one’s face day in and day out for bad food, or other bad choices in general, it can be too much for some, and they find themselves in a constant struggle against obesity and poor nutritional choices themselves. The psychological effects that come with all of this are truly terrifying, and with a larger waistline come a whole host of other issues as well.



Obesity opens the door to bullying when one is young, something that is truly awful. Depression and mood swings are common as well. In fact, 8% of obese Americans are severely depressed, specifically those over the age of 29. Some from the outside might look in and blame it on the individuals themselves, but there is absolutely no one who can be judged, or judge, when only that individual knows the full story.


Some good news here, to help those who are struggling with eating healthy is to begin keeping that personal record of individual responses to specific food choices! This is an important plan for most individuals seeking a guaranteed way to break the bad food habit.


It’s natural to see that only those who have been there and who have become educated can really understand the battle against these adverse issues. No one wants to be obese, or unable to run a mile, or worse—unable to walk their dog down the street, but for some, this is life. There are cases where it isn’t just a lack of nutritional education creating the problem—sometimes it is just a sluggish metabolism and an inability to turn away from food’s that should be limited.


So, this can all go back to the metabolism and how the digestive system works when breaking down food. Too many processed foods create a desire within most to have more, and it is just like any other addiction, as mentioned. Many of these processed food choices are filled with unnatural ingredients as well, some possibly even toxic to the body. While they are made up of many chemicals, fake flavorings, and high sugar content, the body still digests them, but not as it does with whole grain foods.


Consider what this does to the brain as well and then you might have a very clear idea of why yourself, or others go back to bad junk food. For starters, unhealthy food triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, and this is a feel good chemical. Dopamine makes you feel good, so it isn’t hard to understand why people might choose ice cream, potato chips, or some snack cake for fast pleasure. This illustrates that junk food isn’t all about any lack of will power, but more about the chemical make-up of the brain.


Let’s give you an example here. You’re hungry, starving actually and you don’t feel like slicing up an apple or peeling an orange, so you immediately reach for those flavorful orange, fluffy cheese puffs. You don’t stop to consider the orange dye, or the excessive salt, or not even the hydrogenated oil within them. They make you feel good for a little while but you come down from that pretty fast and are hungry again.


It’s a vicious cycle, and one that can slowly destroy your body and lead to premature aging too. Also, you’re hurting your brain and once your mind believes it needs these processed foods, it is extremely difficult to tell the mind it really doesn’t.


If you haven’t caught on already, this is what screws with a persons glucose levels constantly, and this dietary habit actually creates the risk for many diseases such as diabetes—diseases that could be prevented if these types of food cravings could be controlled. Remember, it acts just like someone with alcoholism or a drug dependency. Even caffeine can become something many depend on to function.


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Your body actually gets so it screams for these poor food choices and once you’re hooked it is the hardest habit to break—some say harder than breaking the smoking habit! Suddenly, before you realize it, over time your body needs more and more of these bad foods, and you eventually become desensitized to what is happening. There have actually been scientific studies carried out illustrating what happens to the mind when an abundance of junk food is consumed.


Now, if you don’t want to turn into a habitual “junk-a-holic” do something now! Hopefully you’ve begun to understand how it works, but there is so much more you need to learn. A pertinent fact that is important to learn right now deals with the socioeconomic circumstances. The CDC shows that the poorest nutritional choices which create obesity begin with the African American race, then to Hispanics and thirdly to Caucasians. Remember, even if you’re active, this doesn’t mean you’re the healthiest or making the right nutritional choices for yourself either.


Believe it or not folks, just living the tasty life long enough can create binge eating, and other eating disorders you just don’t want to have to battle. These are avoidable. While this doesn’t happen to everyone who eats junk food, it is necessary to understand that it does impact thousands. Obesity is extremely high all across the globe right now and this has all been due to so many bad food choices, always in our faces.


Can you believe that some who have lived a very poor, unhealthy dietary style actually exhibit brain wave patterns like those of a cocaine or crack addict? According to a recent article in Nature Neuroscience, it’s a fact. One of the best ways to break the cycle is to never start it, but

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