» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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International bankers such as the IMF. That’s why the U.K government can spend £30 billion on the track and trace system and spend billions on furlough payments and temporary hospitals which cost £200 million just for one hospital which is enough to build about 30 schools.

It has now been reported that the Flu has disappeared in the U.K between October 2020 and January 2021. Flu is 'almost wiped out' and at lowest level in 130 YEARS as seasonal virus plummets by 95%. Experts say that the bug appears to have been 'almost wiped out' after the number of sufferers plummeted by 95 per cent. The second week of January, normally the worst time for the seasonal virus, saw the number of flu-like symptoms reported to GPs at 1.1 per 100,000 people – compared with a five-year average of 27. The only conclusion there is that all respiratory illnesses and deaths are put down as Covid-19. Basically flu illnesses are moved from the flu count over to the Covid count to inflate Covid cases.

Mainstream media outlets continue to push the idea that the number of deaths due to COVID-19 are higher than what the numbers say, yet we have a growing amount of information, evidence and testimony highlighting the fact that the truth may be completely opposite, that the number of deaths is inaccurate and that the real numbers are far lower than what we are actually getting. It is obvious that governments have another agenda and they need to inflate death figures and cases with the PCR test which justifies the lockdowns and restrictions. This all then leads to vaccines and the Great Reset.

“Here, it seems that Public Health England regularly looks for people on the NHS database who have ever tested positive, and simply checks to see if they are still alive or not. PHE does not appear to consider how long ago the COVID test result was, nor whether the person has been successfully treated in hospital and discharged to the community. Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures. By this PHE definition, no one with COVID in England is allowed to ever recover from their illness. A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later”. – Carl Heneghan - Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine and Director of Studies at Oxford University -

In the U.K out of the last 30 years, 14 of those years has seen more people die per 100,000 population than died in the year 2020. For instance, the mortality rate (per 100,000 population) in 2020 was 1,016.20 but in 1993 it was 1,134.70. How can that be if there is a deadly virus killing thousands in 2020 but no Pandemic in 1993 or any of the other 13 years. It can only happen if we are being lied to about the covid death figures. Below is a table of the yearly death rates per year in the U.K since 1990 up until the end of December 2020?



Why do the poorest countries have smaller covid deaths than the wealthiest nations?

How come the poorest countries in the world with the poorest public health systems who had less covid deaths and lockdowns (or none at all) than the richest countries who locked down hard, wore masks, sanitized their hands, stayed home etc.

Africa has a population of 1.3 billion but has only had approx. 50,000 covid deaths and yet Spain with a population of 46 million has had 71,000 covid deaths.

Nigeria – Population 206 million- Covid deaths - 1954

Ethiopia – Population 114 million – Covid deaths - 2404

Egypt – Population 102 million – Covid deaths - 10,916

Congo – Population 89 million – Covid deaths - 131

Tanzania – Population 59 million – Covid deaths - 21

Kenya – Population 53 million – Covid deaths - 1873

Uganda – Population 45 million - Covid deaths - 334

Algeria – Population 43 million – Covid deaths - 3007

Morocco – Population 36 million – Covid deaths - 8673

Tunisia Population 11 million – Covid deaths - 8130

Zambia Population 18 million – Covid deaths - 113

Cameroon – Population 26 million – Covid deaths - 551

Ivory Coast – Population 26 million – Covid deaths - 199

Botswana – Population 14 million – Covid deaths - 359

Sudan – Population 11 million Covid deaths - 1895

Rwanda – Population 13 million – Covid deaths - 267

Mali – Population 20 million – Covid deaths -358

Sierra Leone – Population 8 million – Covid deaths - 79

Other non-African countries

Bangladesh - Population 160 million – Covid deaths - 8500

Malaysia - Population 32 million – Covid deaths - 1166

Haiti – Population 11 million – Covid deaths – 250

Now compare those figures to the deaths in the richest countries with the most advanced health systems in the world who also locked down very hard.

Italy – Population 60 million – Covid deaths - 99,000

France – Population 65 million – Covid deaths - 88,000

Spain – Population 46 million – Covid deaths - 71,000

Germany – Population 84 million – Covid deaths - 72,000

U.K – population 67 million – Covid deaths - 124,000

USA – Population 330 million – Covid deaths - 535,000

We have the combined population of Nigeria, Ethiopia and Egypt as 422 million and they had the combined covid deaths of about 15,000. In contrast the USA with possibly the best medical system in the world with a population of 330 million had, we are told 535,000 covid deaths. This is pure BS and I don’t believe it.

Are the globalists trying to destroy Western nations and the livelihoods of people in these nations with lockdowns using fake cases and fake covid death figures but the poorest countries have fewer deaths because they are not pressured into accepting or using the fraudulent PCR testing. Which obviously will result in less covid cases and covid deaths. This was evident with the actions of the President of Tanzania who refused PCR testing in his country when a goat, motor oil, and a piece of fruit tested positive for covid and that is why Tanzania has only had 21 covid deaths. How can the virus spread so deadly around the USA and Western Europe but doesn’t’ touch Africa in the same manner? It is clear the Western governments are inflating the death figures to justify the lockdowns and the restrictions which also keeps people fearful and makes them compliant to the governments demands. This fear will make the people more willingly accept the covid vaccine which is the end goal of the covid agenda.


Del Bigtree goes into the covid deaths in the poorer nations in the video below.


How Many Americans Has Covid-19 Really Killed?

On December 28th, the Humans Are Free website published an article that details just how many deaths in the USA can be directly attributed to the virus, and how many are from other causes.

The CDC admits that only 6% of all deaths in the US classified as Coronavirus deaths actually died from the Coronavirus alone.

Yes, this was from the CDC’s own reporting. So today it looks like less than 20,000 deaths in the US (330,000 x 6% = 19,800) over the past year have actually been due to the coronavirus only.

The article can be seen here:-

This is the link to the original CDC story about only six percent deaths:

CDC admits that only 6% of all deaths

This is the link to the article about the 97% false positives:

22 highly renowned scientists conclude that the PCR test produces 97% false positives.

Less than 20,000 have died as a direct result of catching the virus in America. All the others died ‘with it’ NOT from it.

Between the middle of March and the middle of April in 2019 there were in New York State around 13,000 deaths from heart disease, cancer, flu, accidents, stroke, flu, murder and so on. In the same period in 2020 the number of deaths from all those diseases came to less than 5,000. But there were a lot of deaths from Covid-19. How can this be? Have doctors in New York suddenly found secret cures for cancer and heart disease and everything else? Or is it possible that a lot of people who really died of something else have been officially listed as having died of the coronavirus?


Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that the CDC in the USA massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers.

One damning piece of evidence against the CDC speaks for itself. It is a comparison chart of COVID-19 deaths based on 2003 statistical reporting guidelines versus 2020 reporting guidelines.

Note that the 2003 guidelines were in effect through 2020, until the CDC changed them to accommodate COVID-19 reporting.

Officially the CDC is the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is the national public health agency of the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Its main goal is to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability in the US and internationally.

However, in reality the CDC is paid, bribed and corrupted by the Big Pharmaceutical companies to promote vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies and other private interests gave the CDC Foundation at least $28 million in 2014. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave the CDC Foundation $13.5 million in 2013 ( Further, Dr. Julie Gerberding was CDC Director from 2002 to 2009. She left the position to become President of the Merck vaccine division.

According to RFK Jr., the CDC is not an independent government agency but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma. The CDC owns at least 57 patents, including 20 vaccine patents. The CDC clearly has vested business interests and is beholden to the pharmaceutical industry.

Below a link which shows the CDC patents.

What better way than to get everyone to take the covid vaccines than to inflate the death figures to scare everyone enough that they will rush out to get the experimental covid vaccination.

CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest

There was NO second wave of covid-19 between September 2020 and April 2021. All they did was rebrand flu deaths as covid deaths to keep the fear going so that you would take the vaccine.

Influenza, aka “the flu,” infected 35 million Americans in 2018-19, according to the Centers For Disease Control. Those numbers included 491,000 hospitalizations and 34,200 deaths. The 2017-18 flu season featured 45 million infections, 810,000 hospitalizations and 61,000 deaths. The CDC estimated upwards of 56 million illnesses, 740,000 hospitalizations and 62,000 deaths for the 2019-20 flu season.

The CDC is reporting a total of 1,710 total flu infections (see link below) in the United States from September 27, 2020 to April 3, 2021.

Meanwhile the CDC is reporting over 31 million “COVID-19” cases in the United States since the disease started in March 2020. Or shall we say, since they rebranded the flu as covid-19.

It is obvious that the flu does not just disappear after thousands of years. The mainstream media want us to believe that masks and social distancing have stopped the flu but they don’t stop covid even though they have the same symptoms.

From all-cause mortality, we can estimate something approaching of the true COVID 19 mortality figure. Research by the Italian Ministry of Health found that around 12% of recorded Covid 19 deaths in Italy could be accurately described deaths by Covid. Similarly, researchers at the U.S. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) found that around 6% of COVID 19 reported deaths were unequivocally attributable to the disease.

In the UK, an estimate of 30%, for genuine COVID 19 deaths, can reasonably be applied to the reported mortality statistics. Suggesting that the true figure is at most 34,000 rather than over

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