» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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The 5 Big Covid-19 Lies



Other books by Terence A. Smart:

The 9/11 Deception & False Flag Terror

The Global Elite’s Population Cull

The Illuminati and the Deception of History

The Truth about Germany and the World Wars


If you would like a free copy of any of my books in PDF format then email me at


I have only written parts of this book or document. Most of it is online articles from researchers and health professionals. Thanks to all the researcher, truth-seekers, professors, doctors and health experts who have contributed with their articles in this book which is free to download. Our number one priority is to share the truth so that we can wake enough people up to what is going on in this world. Otherwise 99% of the population in this world will have a dark future if this Covid, Great Reset agenda is not stopped.

February - 2021



In the words of David Rockefeller:

“The world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”






Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud

And what may follow      



The 5 Big Covid-19 Lies

LIE 1: PCR Tests tell you 100% that you have Covid.

LIE 2: Asymptomatic Spread: People with No Symptoms Can Spread a Virus

LIE 3: Masks stop the spread of a virus.

LIE 4: Lockdowns stop the spread of a Virus

LIE 5: Most deaths are Covid deaths

Is Covid-19 extremely deadly?

Does COVID-19 (Sars-Cov2) even exist?

Stats Confirm No Pandemic

11 HUGE Covid Stats Deliberately Hidden by the MSM!

Lockdowns kill many more people than Covid-19

Another Lie: The Covid Vaccine is 95% Effective

Hydroxychloroquine Cures Covid-19

Bill Gates – World’s No.1 Vaccine Dealer

Covid Vaccine – Adverse Reactions

The Corruption of Big Pharma

Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the British Government

Covid-19 – Follow the Money

Media Propaganda and Who Owns it?

Covid-19 is a Crime against Humanity

The Great Barrington Declaration

Mark of the Beast?

The Great Reset

Agenda 2030

The World Lockdown Plot

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned

Architects of the Covid-19 Agenda?



For the first time in human history every country has locked down its population in response to a virus (Covid-19). People have been told they cannot see their friends, family, cannot attend a funeral, cannot have a birthday party for their children, and cannot travel as well as being told you must close your business, gym, shop, restaurant, and bar. No spectators are allowed in any sporting event or concert. In fact, any activity that bring some type of happiness to people has been stopped and we have been told that you can only go to work (unless your place of work is closed), do your weekly food shopping and then go home. As well as all these restrictions we have been told we need to wear masks almost everywhere to stop the spread of a virus.

This might be ok if we only had to put up with these restrictions and lockdowns for a month or two but as of writing it is now one year since governments put us into lockdowns in March 2020 and there is no end in sight to when these lockdowns and restrictions will end.

We are told that this is all for the benefit of humanity, to keep us safe, to save lives. But is it? Surely even the most hardened pro-lockdowner must have a small notion that there is another agenda taking place here.

There is definitely a massive deception taking place and after 11 months of research into Covid-19 I have found that the two main deceptions lie in the PCR testing and the Covid death statistics. There are now huge amounts of evidence that the PCR test does not even detect if a person as what they call Covid-19. The Covid death figures have been massively exaggerated by labelling anyone (mainly those over 70) who has died of heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, Alzheimer’s and the flu as being a covid death. Professor John Ioannadis has stated that Covid is no worse than the flu. It is only the media and government’s fearmongering that has made it seem more deadly than it really is.

This has one consequence which strikes fear into the population which then enables governments to lockdown whole countries and cities. It is fact that all of the scientific evidence suggests that lockdowns, mask wearing, and social distancing do not work. It is a psychological experiment to get the population to accept the covid vaccine passport (health passports) for any human activity and this is required by the globalists to lead us into the Great Reset and Agenda-30 and they are using the deception of a virus to take us there.

Klaus Schwab is the leader of the World Economic Forum and author of the book Covid-19 and the Great Reset and he has said ‘people will not be getting their normal life back’.

Bill Gates said way back in March 2020 that we can’t return to normal life until the world’s population has been vaccinated. Who are these guy’s, we did not vote for them but they are directing this agenda from behind the scenes and leading us to our own doom and slavery. They will rob any future normal life from our children and our children’s children if we acquiesce and let them.


The 5 Big Covid-19 Lies

Most people would have found it insane if you told them in 2019 that we’d ban children from the bedsides of their dying parents, or tell people living alone that they can’t have sex, or restrict travelling more than a few miles, or be told not to leave our homes, or turn critically ill cancer patients away from hospitals, or legislate away the key freedoms set out in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, or close down entire sectors of the economy, or end freedom of speech with new rules on broadcasters. All this for a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate and the vast majority of people who are dying are over 70 with other comorbidities. But governments have taken the unnecessary step of locking down all the people who are not at risk of dying from Covid-19 with dire consequences for these people’s lives. More people have died because of the lockdown than have died of Covid related issues. In the U.K there was 90,000 excess deaths in 2020 but 64,000 of these people where non-covid deaths and died because they were put in lockdown and hospitals where closed except for Covid only patients. Never before in the history of humanity have healthy people been put in quarantine. Surely the logical solution would be to quarantine the sick not the heathy.

Covid-19 was a planned event to bring about a certain solution that the Global Elite require for humanity and there is plenty of evidence for that as you will see in this book. Of course the vast majority of the people will not know anything about this and that is because they do not look past the mainstream media for their source of information about world events. That is their mistake because the mainstream media is on the side of the Global Elite who are trying to enslave humanity. When you try to tell someone who believes in the official narrative about Covid-19 that they are being lied to and you show them evidence with data to prove it they still refuse to change their mind. In the 1960’s the KGB did some psychological experiments. They realized if you bombard humans with messages of fear, nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false message. To the point that no amount of clear information or evidence they are shown could change their minds. The mainstream media and government have bombarded the people for over 10 months with fear and propaganda so that they can maintain the lockdown’s and restrictions. The only virus in history that has had its own PR campaign.

Western governments are purposely destroying people’s lives for the International elite bankers who want to transform society using the Covid-19 Plandemic to lead us to the Great Reset and Agenda 30. To enable governments to get away with bamboozling the people with Covid fear and locking down whole countries they have used 5 BIG lies. Let us look at these lies one by one.



“Everything about the virus, everything your government has told you to do to stay safe is a lie, that includes lockdowns, masks and asymptomatic transmission. It is all about control. The PCR test is completely fraudulent. Governments often tell white lies but when they lie to you about something technical, something you can check and they do so repeatedly and they do it over many months of the same event, please you have got to believe me they are not telling the truth and if they are not telling the truth then there is something else afoot and I am here to tell you there is something bad happening and if you don’t pay attention you will soon lose any chance of being able to something about it. What the government are telling about covid variants is nonsense. Any covid variant is only different from the original by 0.3% or to put it another way it is 99.7% identical to the original covid which will not escape your immunity. When governments tell you that variants are a threat to your health you should know they are lying. You have been subjected to propaganda and lies by people who are very well trained in how to do that. Don’t say you weren’t warned because I have been warning people as hard as I can and as best as I can. When it gets to the point of a vaccine passport you will have lost your chance to take your freedom back, it will be gone forever” – Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer


LIE 1: PCR Tests tell you 100% that you have Covid.

This enables them to use the positive tests to state covid cases and deaths are rising which enables them to lock us down.


Truth: PCR tests do not test for live Covid virus in your body as countless professors, doctors, and scientists have shown again and again in articles and videos. Any PCR tests amplified more than 30 times (UK Government amplifies 40 times) only finds dead DNA from past colds and flu and even past coronaviruses. But what it finds is that small it cannot make you ill or contagious. PCR tests amplified more than 40 times will lead to a false-positive rate of 95%.

First it would be a good idea to watch this video by Dr. Vincent Carroll explaining the fraudulent PCR tests which are used to lock down whole countries:

On 17 January 2020, as part of its recommended protocols for RT-PCR tests, the World Health Organization published the Corman-Drosten paper, ‘Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR’. These protocols were adopted and repeated across the world, including in the UK. On 16 March, the National Health Service, in its ‘Guidance and standard operating procedure: COVID-19 virus testing in NHS laboratories’, recommended a cycle threshold of 45, with anything below 40 to be regarded as a ‘confirmed’ positive. On 28 September, it was estimated that, at even 35 cycles of amplification, 97 per cent of the positives in an RT-PCR test are false. Despite this, this fundamentally flawed test has been accepted without question, adopted and repeated without commentary by every medical body in the UK, and used by the Government to fabricate the vast number of so-called ‘cases’ of COVID-19 on which the lockdowns and restrictions have been built with nothing more than traces of a dead virus.

In the New York Times, experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada and their

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