» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. He has served as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has acted as a consultant for several international organizations -

The following extract is from Discovery DSalud’s article titled ‘The scam has been confirmed: PCR does not detect SARS-CoV-2’.

Discovery DSalud is a publishing company entirely constituted by independent health professionals without any affiliation or relationship with political, religious or any economic group.

The article goes on to state the following:

“The genetic sequences used in PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to Covid-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes. And that includes the initiators or primers, the most extensive fragments taken at random from their supposed "genome" and even the so-called "target genes" allegedly specific to the "new coronavirus". The test is worthless and all "positive" results obtained so far should be scientifically invalidated and communicated to those affected; and if they are deceased, to their relatives. Stephen Bustin, one of the world's leading experts on PCR, in fact says that under certain conditions anyone can test positive!”

This means the PCR test can pick up dead viral fragments from past cold’s or flu and then claim you are positive for Covid-19 and then claim you have a deadly disease and need to self-isolate.

The article goes on to say:

‘We have been warning you since March: you cannot have specific tests for a virus without knowing the components of the virus you are trying to detect. And the components cannot be known without having previously isolated/purified that virus. Since then we continue to accumulate evidence that no one has isolated SARS-CoV-2 and, more importantly, that it can never be isolated for the reasons we explained last month (read the report "Can you prove that there are pathogenic viruses?" on our website And in the present report we are going to offer new data that show that RT-PCR does not detect the so called SARS-CoV-2 as it is known, but fragments of human RNA and those of numerous microbes. We have already explained the numerous problems that RT-PCR poses, recognised by organisations or governments such as the WHO or the CDC and by prestigious international experts such as Dr. Stephen Bustin who considers both the arbitrariness of establishing criteria for results and the choice of the number of cycles to be nonsense because they can lead to anyone testing positive.’

‘The consequence of all that we have just explained is clear and immediate: THERE IS NO VALID TEST TO DETECT SARS-COV-2, neither antibody or antigen tests nor RT-PCR. And we included those based on the supposed gene that codes for the S1 or spike protein. And that means that.ALL THE NUMBERS OF "CASES", "INFECTED", “SICK", "Asymptomatic" OR "DEAD DUE TO COVID-19" LACK A SCIENTIFIC BASE AND ALL “POSITIVES” ARE FALSE POSITIVES, something that should be communicated immediately to those affected and those responsible should be held accountable’.

The DSalud full article can be found at:

If you want to read a more in depth article about the fraudulent PCR test then there is this article here plus many more links at the end of this book.

How declaring virus pandemics based on PCR tests can end in disaster was described by Gina Kolata in her 2007 New York Times article Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.

“A group of 22 experts across the globe examined the Corman-Drosten paper, which described a protocol for applying the PCR technique to detecting Covid-19 and they found there was no science behind it. Problems with the Corman-Drosten paper include the fact that the PCR test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments, PCR is non-specific, it is enormously variable, it has no positive or negative controls, and it has no standard operating procedure”. - G Edward Griffin -


The following article is by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, and Editor of Global Research.

The WHO confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis

The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the  SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of  a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For Further details see the Drosten Study)

Exactly one year later on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. 

While the WHO does not deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they nonetheless recommend “Re-testing” (which everybody knows is an impossibility).

The number of amplification cycles [should be] less than 35; preferably 25-30 cycles. In case of virus detection, >35 cycles only detects signals which do not correlate with infectious virus as determined by isolation in cell culture…(Critique of Drosten Study)

The World Health Organization (WHO) tacitly admits one year later that ALL PCR tests conducted at a 35 cycle amplification threshold (Ct) or higher are INVALID. But that is what they recommended in January 2020, in consultation with the virology team at Charité Hospital in Berlin.

If the test is conducted at a 35 Ct threshold or above (which was recommended by the WHO), segments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be detected, which means that ALL the so-called confirmed “positive cases” tabulated in the course of the last 14 months are invalid.

From the outset, the PCR test has routinely been applied at a Ct amplification threshold of 35 or higher, following the January 2020 recommendations of the WHO. What this means is that the PCR methodology as applied Worldwide has in the course of the last 12-14 months led to the compilation of faulty and misleading Covid statistics.

And these are the statistics which are used to measure the progression of the so-called “pandemic”. Above an amplification cycle of 35 or higher, the test will not detect the virus. Therefore, the official “covid numbers” are meaningless.

It follows that there is no scientific basis for confirming the existence of a pandemic.

Which in turn means that the lockdown / economic measures which have resulted in social panic, mass poverty and unemployment (allegedly to curtail the spread of the virus) have no justification whatsoever.

It follows that using the >35 cycles detection will indelibly contribute to “hiking up” the number of “fake positives”.

At the time of writing (mid-March 2021), despite the WHO retraction, the PCT test is being used extensively to hike up the numbers with a view to sustaining the fear campaign, justifying the ongoing lockdown policies as well as the implementation of the Covid vaccine.

Ironically, the flawed numbers based on “invalid positives” are in turn being manipulated to ensure an upward trend in Covid positives.

Moreover, those PCR tests are not routinely accompanied by a medical diagnosis of the patients who are being tested.

And now, national health authorities have issued (fake) warnings of a “Third Wave” as part of their propaganda campaign in support of the Covid-19 Vaccine.

The WHO confirms that the Covid PCR test procedure as applied is invalid. There is absolutely no scientific basis for implementing the Covid Vaccine.

Both the WHO and the scientific assessment of Pieter Borger, et al (quoted above) confirm unequivocally that the tests adopted by governments to justify the lockdown and the destabilization of national economies are INVALID.

Invalid Data and the Numbers’ Game

It should be understood that these “invalid estimates” are the “numbers” quoted relentlessly 24/7 by the media in the course of the “First Wave” and “Second Wave”, which have been used to feed the fear campaign and “justify” ALL the policies put forth by the governments:

lockdown, closure of economic activity, poverty and mass unemployment, bankruptcies social distancing, face mask, curfew, the vaccine. the health passport

Invalid Data. Think Twice Before Getting Vaccinated

And now we have entered a so-called “Third Wave”. (But where’s the data??)

It’s a complex “Pack of Lies”.

It’s a crime against humanity. 

The Truth is a peaceful yet powerful weapon. Now is the time to confront those governments and demand a repeal of the lockdown policies which are triggering poverty and despair Worldwide.

The WHO’s BIG LIE is refuted by the WHO.

The alleged pandemic is a scam. That is something which cannot be denied or refuted.

By Professor Michel Chossudovsky

The Covid-19 Numbers Game: The “Second Wave” is based on Fake Statistics


The RT-PCR test does not identify/ detect the virus. What it detects are fragments of virus. According to renowned Swiss immunologist Dr B. Stadler:

“So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left. Even if the infectious viri are long dead, a corona test can come back positive, because the PCR method multiplies even a tiny fraction of the viral genetic material enough [to be detected]”. - Dr B. Stadler

“To understand the broader process of data manipulation regarding so-called “confirmed cases”, we must address the nature of the RT-PCR test and the Covid so-called Positive estimates. COVID-19 is similar to SARS-1.  Moreover, immunologists have confirmed that COVID-19 has similar features to a seasonal influenza coupled with pneumonia. Bear in mind: The RT-PCR test is identical to the test used in the case of seasonal influenza. So if you test positive, Positive to What?? The standard RT-PCR used to identify Covid-19 does not “confirm” the presence of Covid-19. A positive test does not mean that you have the virus and/or that you could transmit the virus” - Professor Michel Chossudovsky

Billionaire Elon Musk Questions COVID-19 Testing After Receiving Opposite Results On the Same Day

Elon Musk revealed he had completed four rounds of COVID-19 testing, tweeting that something “bogus” is going on because two of the tests came back false, and the other two came back positive. He also mentioned he was “doing tests from several different labs.


Fraudulent Covid Data: Inflating the Numbers. “Double-Counting”, Manipulation of Test Results

The PCR Test does not Identify the Virus: Covid “False Positives” Used to Justify the Lockdown and Closure of the National Economy.

Against the Misuse of Science in the So-called “Pandemic”. The RT-PCR Test

November 24. In a video, Dr. Mike Yeadon, former chief science officer for Pfizer, debunks PCR test and other aspects of COVID “pandemic.”

Covid-19: Behind the PCR Curtain by Dr. Sam Bailey

False Positives: Evidence Based Fact, What is the Reliability of the PCR Test?

“A positive test result does not mean that the person concerned is infectious, i.e. that it can infect other people. Nonetheless, positive test results are followed by serious encroachments on fundamental rights such as quarantine, company or school closings. PCR tests were designed to determine the cause of the disease in symptomatically ill patients in order to ensure appropriate treatment. They were not intended for mass screening of healthy people. Due to the WHO guidelines, PCR mass tests are misused, a) deceased persons are counted as “corona deaths” regardless of the real cause of death, provided they had previously had a positive test result and b) all people who tested positive are classified as “infectious” . While travel and sports companies can enforce repetitions of tests with positive results, ordinary people and students are often denied this counter-evidence. Especially when viewed globally, the number of positive test results exceeds the imagination. Similar shocking numbers could also be obtained through indiscriminate mass tests for influenza or other viruses, which in individual cases are similarly dangerous or even fatal as SARS-CoV-2”. - Professor. Dr. Stefan Homburg – October 7, 2020

The PCR Test does not identify the Virus: Covid “False Positives” Used to Justify the Lockdown and Closure of the National Economy.


“For several months, experts have highlighted the true cause behind the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the incorrect use of PCR tests set at a ridiculously high cycle count (CT), which falsely labels healthy people as “COVID-19 cases.” By the time you get to 33 cycles, the accuracy rate is a mere 20%, meaning 80% are

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