» Health & Fitness » The Global Elites Population Cull, Terence Smart [classic book list .txt] 📗

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HIVAIDS caused by Vaccines?

According to statistics 35 million people have died of AIDS. We are led to believe by the pathetic controlled mainstream media that AIDS came from the homosexual community. The truth is AIDS came from a vaccine, the Smallpox and Polio vaccines to be precise.

Investigator Brian Hooper has spent many years researching the origins of AIDS. He reviewed thousands of pages of medical records, scientific papers and government documents, and he conducted more than 600 interviews in Africa, Europe and the United States. A literature major in college, Hooper taught himself molecular biology, virology, geography, primatology and other disciplines. He analysed virtually every plausible theory about the origin of the AIDS epidemic. He came to the conclusion that the AIDS epidemic had been caused by an oral polio vaccine given to hundreds of thousands of people in Central Africa in the late 1950s.

The vaccine had been developed by acclaimed virologist Hilary Koprowski, director of the Wistar Institute of Philadelphia, and Hooper believed monkey kidney tissue used to grow the vaccine may have been contaminated with a simian virus genetically related to HIV. During his research, Hooper learned that in the 1950s approximately 400 captured chimpanzees had been used for polio research at Wistar's Camp Lindi near Stanleyville, Congo. Koprowski insisted the chimpanzees at Camp Lindi were used only to test the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. They said the polio vaccine was produced in kidney tissue taken from Asian macaque monkeys only - not chimpanzees. But Hooper found evidence that some Camp Lindi chimpanzees were killed and their kidneys sent to the Wistar laboratories in Philadelphia and possibly Belgium, where the vaccines used in Africa were apparently made. From records and interviews, Hooper located the rural villages where the Wistar vaccine had been administered between 1957 and 1960 in former Belgian colonies now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. Then he screened the records of HIV-positive blood samples collected in Africa before 1981. He found that 47 of the 52 HIV-positive blood samples came from villages where the Wistar vaccine was administered. And all the samples were taken within 100 miles of vaccination sites.

Brian Hooper wrote a book about his findings, ’The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS’, which is 1000 pages long no less. His website is at

In fact the World Health Organisation information indicated that the Aids league table of Central Africa matches the concentration of vaccinations. The countries were the vaccines were injected had the most cases of AIDS.

However According to Dr. Theodore Strecker (1989) National Cancer institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization made the AIDS virus in their laboratories at Fort Detrich. They combined the deadly retroviruses, bovine leukaemia virus and sheep vlsna virus, and injected them into human tissue cultures. The result was the AIDS virus, the first human retrovirus known to man and now believed to be 100 percent fatal to those infected. In Haiti there was an epidemic of hepatitis B moving through the homosexual community, and they all needed to be injected with the hepatitis B vaccine. So U.N. agents took the AIDS virus, put it in the hepatitis B vaccine and injected it into everyone. That’s how the virus started, according to Dr. Strecker. The reason for doing this was to try and reduce the world’s population by three quarters. In fact in Strecker’s film he actually shows the U.N. document that planned to eliminate three-quarters of the world’s population with the AIDS virus.

AZT is the only antiretroviral drug that has received FDA approval for treatment of AIDS since the epidemic began and the decision to approve it was based on a single study that has long been declared invalid. AZT had been an abandoned cancer drug, discarded because of its fatal toxicity. There are also very well documented investigations showing that AZT has carcinogenic properties with respect to fast growing human and animal immune and other cells. In humans, AZT magnifies the risk of lymphomas by 50. AZT has also been confirmed to be carcinogenic in mice. Nevertheless, AZT is sold in the United States, where it is illegal to sell drugs that are carcinogenic.

The British-French Concorde trial found that AZT was unable to prevent AIDS, and instead increased mortality by 25%, compared to the untreated controls. Another British study found that AZT prophylaxis decreased survival and induced wasting syndrome, cryptosporidiosis, and cytomegalovirus infection. The American MAC study shows that AZT increases the risk of pneumonia, one of the AIDS defining diseases. Ninety-four percent of all AIDS-related deaths in the US occurred after the introduction of AZT, according to CDC statistics through the year 2000.

Studies often show that individuals given AZT have a worse prognosis, but the mainstream researchers prefer to blame HIV.

People with the HIV virus who then take the AZT drug are the ones who die of AIDS. AZT causes them to die but it makes huge profits for Big Pharma. HIV is a virus and it does not mean you are going to develop AIDS if you have HIV.

Dr Robert Gello, who first identified the Aids virus in the US, told The Times: 'The link between the WHO programme and the epidemic in Africa is an interesting and important hypothesis. 'I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV. 'No blame can be attached to WHO, but if the hypothesis is correct it is a tragic situation and a warning that we cannot ignore”.

Peter Duesberg is a professor of molecular biology at UC Berkeley. He is an expert in the field of HIV science and retrovirology. He states the following: “The defining symptoms of AIDS are chronic diarrhoea, dementia, weight loss and increased incidence of viral and bacterial infection. These are the very conditions that define chronic drug abuse and malnutrition, but no one's funding this research. Instead, billions of dollars are poured into beating AIDS with deadly drugs like AZT and protease inhibitors. AZT is a DNA chain terminator. AZT kills your DNA. It kills your bone marrow, where your blood is produced; it kills the cells in your intestines so you can't eat. AZT was designed 40 years ago as a chemotherapy drug to treat cancer. The principle of chemotherapy is simple - to kill all cells. If chemotherapy works, the cancer cells are dead before you are. But it doesn't work often, and there's terrible collateral damage. Of course, chemotherapy is a short-term process. A cancer patient is only treated for a short time, because the treatment is so toxic. But AIDS patients are given AZT daily, presumably for the rest of their lives. Many Americans use amphetamines, diet drugs, cocaine and designer party drugs. When you do this for years, you start getting sick. You go to the doctor, who says the first thing you need is an HIV test. You test positive because HIV tests cross-react with antibodies produced by drug use. The doctor puts you on AZT, a DNA chain terminator, which, in high doses, will finish you off in six months”.

“Doctors give HIV-positive patients drugs before they're even sick. As of 1993, the CDC no longer requires people to be sick to call them AIDS patients. If they have a positive antibody response to the nonspecific Elisa test and a one-time T-cell count below 200, the CDC says they have AIDS. Based on this criteria, doctors are prescribing AIDS drugs to healthy individuals. This is what I call AIDS by prescription. Imagine that you go to your doctor and are told that you've tested HIV-positive. You're perfectly healthy, but your doctor tells you that you have AIDS because your T-cell count is low, and you'd better take the drugs to stop the progression of the disease. You're confused and alarmed, but you trust your doctor, so you take the drugs, which destroy your intestines and your immune system. Your hair falls out, you become impotent, and sooner or later you have the diseases you were trying to prevent”, Professor Duesberg.

“AZT (anti-viral AIDS medicine) has, in countless cases, brought about the inevitable and slow asphyxiation of the patient’s body cells, and death by poisoning. The doctors wrongly diagnose the fatal consequences of AZT medication as AIDS following a prior HIV infection. Treatment with AZT and allied toxic substances may be equivalent to joining a suicide squad with a time fuse”, Dr. Alfred Hassig, MD, Professor in Immunology, University of Bern.

Liam Scheff, AIDS Debate states “We’ve put 20 years and $118 billion into HIV. We’ve got no cure, no vaccine and no progress. Instead we have thousands of people made sick and even killed by toxic AIDS drugs. But we can’t just treat them for the diseases we know they have because if we do, we’re called ‘AIDS denialists.’ AIDS is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are 100,000 professional AIDS researchers in this country. It’s as hard to challenge as big tobacco at this point.”

“The National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, the Medical Research Council, and the World Health Organization are terrorizing hundreds of millions of people around the world by their reckless and absurd policy of equating sex with death. Linking sex to death has put these organizations in an impossible situation. It would be intolerably embarrassing for them to admit at this late date that they are wrong, that AIDS is not sexually transmitted. Such an admission could very well destroy these organizations or at the very least put their future credibility in jeopardy. Self-preservation compels these institutions to not only maintain but to actually compound their errors, which adds to the fear, suffering, and misery of the world — the antithesis of their reason for being.” Dr. David Rasnick, PhD, University of California.

“When Magic Johnson announced that he was infected by HIV, I wrote him a letter saying that assuming he didn’t have any other disease or condition that compromised his immune system, and assuming he didn’t take AZT, I would wager $10,000 that he would not die of AIDS. I advised Magic to un-retire and go back to playing in the N.B.A. He took that advice, although I’m sure it was not because I sent him a letter. I think it was highly unfortunate that he was forced to retire. I’m sure that there are any number of players in the N.B.A. who are HIV-positive, and none of them will get AIDS either, unless they have some other disease or condition which compromises their immune system.”, Dr. Steven Jonas, MD, Professor of Preventive Medicine, State University of New York.

In Africa you are defined as having AIDS if you suffer from weight loss, diarrhoea and a fever. So based on the WHO's definition, if you have a fever, a cough and diarrhoea in Africa, then you have AIDS? It's more absurd when you understand how common these symptoms are in poor countries in Africa. To begin with, less than 50 percent of Africans have access to safe drinking water. Over 60 percent have no sanitation. Most African villages don't have sewage systems. Human and animal excrements mix with the water supply. People drink this water and ingest infectious parasites and bacteria. As a result, dysentery is endemic. Diarrhoea drains liquid, salts, minerals and nutrients from the body. It weakens the immune system. When you have no safe water, you'll have diarrhoea chronically. When you have chronic diarrhoea, you can't help but to lose weight. At this point, you've fulfilled the major symptom criteria in the African definition for AIDS. Over 20 million people have died of AIDS in Africa, but was it really AIDS that they died off or was it just poor sanitation. America spent $2 trillion in fighting needless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with the loss of 2 million human beings. Here’s a thought from a sane person why didn’t America spend that $2 trillion providing clean water and sanitation for the poor people in Africa. They won’t do that because the Global Elite don’t give a damn about the ordinary human beings in this world.

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