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selected their parents to be. Of course, this is only a pleasant fancy, like the advice of Oliver Wendell Holmes to children to choose good grandparents, but it is a useful fancy which will help us to understand the laws of heredity. The child of the Andalusian fowl takes its color from its two parents on the same principle as a lottery in which it would take two beans, white or black as the case might be, from each of two baskets. Every individual is a sort of basket containing two beans, as it were. It took one of these two beans from each parent and will give one to each child.

With this picture of a bean lottery before us it is very easy to understand how the colors of Andalusian fowls are inherited. When two black fowls mate, the offspring must be black, because in this case each parent basket contains a pair of black beans, so to speak, so that the child taking one black bean from each basket will necessarily have a black pair. For the same reason the child of two white fowls must be white, but when a black and white fowl mate, the child takes a white bean from one parent and a black from the other, its own color being resultant or amalgam of the two, which in the case of the Andalusian fowl is blue. Since every such hybrid child has this same combination of a white and a black bean, all these hybrids are alike. All are blue. It is important to remember that this hybrid blue is only a sort of mechanical mixture of black and white, and that the black and white are still separate beans, as it were.

But now suppose a hybrid or blue fowl to mate with a white. This means that the child takes from the white parent or basket one of the two white beans and from the blue parent or basket, one of the two beans, of which one is white and the other, black; the bean taken from the first or white basket must be white, but that taken from the second or blue or hybrid basket may be either white or black. It is a lottery with an even chance of drawing white or black. In the long run, half of the children will draw white and half, black. Those which draw the white will, since they also drew white from the other parent, be wholly white, but those which drew the black will be blue, since they will have one black and one white bean. We see, too, that the white child is just as truly white as though it had not had a hybrid parent; for of the two elements or beans which the hybrid carried, the black one was left behind untaken. We see that the blue child is a hybrid exactly like its hybrid parent, and not any new kind of cross between the blue and the white. In short, the children of a blue and white are either the one or the other and not a mixture. In the same way if a blue mates with a black, half of the children will be black and half blue.

Finally we come to the mating of a blue with a blue. Here the lottery is to pick a bean from two baskets, each basket containing both white and black beans in equal numbers. When at random one is taken from either of these two baskets there is an even chance that the bean from the father is white or black and an even chance that the bean from the mother is white or black.

Now, what is the chance that the child draws a white bean from both baskets? Evidently it is one chance in four; for there are four ways equally probable in which you can take these beans, viz.: (1) black from the father basket and black from the mother, (2) white from the father and white from the mother, (3) white from the father and black from the mother, (4) black from the father and white from the mother. So the children could draw both white once in four times, both black once in four, and a white and a black in the other two cases. And that is why from two blue Andalusian fowls, on the average you will have one-quarter of the children black, one-quarter white, and the other two-quarters, blue. Again let us stop to emphasize the fact that the black children of these hybrids are just as pure blooded as their black grandparent, and will mate with other pure-blooded black in exactly the same way as though there had never been any white in their ancestry. The white strain has been left behind, or been “bred out.”

We have spoken of one character or characteristic—color. The same laws apply to other characters. Often different characters are inherited quite independently of one another. Each of us is a basket or bundle of very many qualities, each quality being a little compartment of the basket with two beans in it. There is, as it were, a pair of beans for every unit trait, whether that trait relates to color, to musical ability, or to any one of hundreds of other kinds.

To summarize the laws of inheritance of the unit character called color, in Andalusian fowl, we have really six ways in which we can consider mating of the three colored fowls (black, white, blue): (1) black may mate with black, in which case all the offspring will be black, (2) white may mate with white, in which case all the offspring will be white, (3) a black may mate with a white, in which case the offspring will all be blue—a hybrid containing both black and blue elements, (4) blue may mate with a black, in which case half the offspring will be pure bred black, and half hybrid blue, (5) a blue may mate with a white, in which case half the offspring will be white and half blue, (6) blue may mate with blue in which case a quarter of the offspring will be white, a quarter black and a half blue.

Guinea Pigs

These results are the fundamental laws discovered by Mendel. But the results are not always as clear as in the case of the Andalusian fowl. In that case the hybrids were not like either parent, but were a new color, blue, so that they were labeled at once and recognizable as hybrids—but this is not generally the case. Take, for instance, guinea pigs. What will be the result of mating an “albino” white with a black guinea pig? Quite exactly the same principle applies as in the case of the Andalusian fowl, but the principle is not as clear to see. All the offspring are hybrid, but they will not be blue: they will be black. They will look like the black parent, but they are different. The black color predominates; i.e., black is “dominant” over white, while the white recedes out of sight, or is “recessive.” This hybrid black guinea pig is like the hybrid blue Andalusian fowl. It is a hybrid, a combination of white and black, but in the guinea pig the black covers up the white so that nothing in the color reveals the fact that it is a hybrid. Now if the hybrid black offspring of these black and white guinea pigs mate with each other, the result will follow exactly the same Mendelian law as applied to the Andalusian fowl. But this will not be so clear, because now we have two kinds of black instead of a black and a blue. One child in four will be pure bred black like the grandparent and two out of the four will be hybrid black. So to the eye we shall simply have, out of four children, one white and three black. But those three black are not all alike. One is a thoroughbred and two are half-breeds.

But how then are we to distinguish between the one pure bred black, the thoroughbred, and the two blacks that are hybrids so that we can be sure which is which? The only way they can be distinguished is to wait to see what their offspring will be in the next succeeding generations.

The one that is a thoroughbred will behave like a thoroughbred. For instance, if mated with white they will have nothing but black children. But if one that is hybrid black mate with one that is white, only half of the children will be white; these white children reveal the fact that their black parent was a half breed. Then we can put a tag on that black parent. If proper tags are put on the blacks so as to distinguish between the pure-blooded and the half-blooded—say a blue tag on the hybrids and a black on the thoroughbreds—we shall get exactly the same results as described in the case of the Andalusian fowl, in the six cases mentioned. The same principles apply to qualities of the guinea pigs other than color. Thus, if a long-haired guinea pig mates with a short-haired guinea pig, all the offspring will be short-haired, because short hair is dominant over long hair. Again, if a smooth-coated guinea pig mates with a rough-coated one, the result will be rough coated, because a rough coat is dominant over a smooth coat.

“Thoroughbred” Humans

The same principles undoubtedly apply to the human race, although as yet only a few traits have been carefully studied. Eye color is one of these. Imagine a marriage of a thoroughbred, black-eyed Italian with a thoroughbred, blue-eyed Irish. What will be the result? All the children will be black-eyed, black being dominant over blue; but these black eyes are not the genuine article that the Italian parent possessed. They are a blend, and it is only because the black element dominates over or conceals the blue element that we can not see on the surface that there is any blue there. But it may come out in the next generation; for, if these half-blooded individuals marry among themselves one-quarter of their children on the average will be blue-eyed. The other three-quarters will be black-eyed, but only one-quarter will be “really and truly” black-eyed, i.e., black-eyed like the Italian. The remaining half are hybrid black, like the parents. It is only a sort of imitation black so to speak.

The appearance of blue eyes in the second generation is the long observed but formerly mysterious “atavism,” or reversion to the grandparent.

Suppose the children of an Italian and an Irish parent intermarry with pure bred Italians. We immediately know what will be the result. All the children will be black-eyed, but among a large number only half will be thoroughbred black-eyed. The other half will be “imitation” black-eyed. The case is just like the mating of hybrid black guinea pigs with thoroughbred black guinea pigs, or of the blue fowl with the black. Similarly, if the Irish-Italian hybrids marry with pure Irish, half the offspring will be blue-eyed and half will be hybrid black-eyed.

Dominants and Recessives

Black eyes are “dominant” over blue eyes because the black color is due to a pigment, while the blue color is due to the absence of this pigment. In general a quality which is due to the presence of some positive element is dominant over a quality due to the absence of that element. A child inheriting from a blue-eyed person simply draws a blank from that side in the lottery.

In order to understand how these principles of Mendel apply in any given case we need first to know what traits are “dominant” and what are “recessive.”

Among traits known to be

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