» Health & Fitness » How to Live, Eugene Lyman Fisk [best thriller books to read .TXT] 📗

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tag="{}a">143. Apoplexy, death rates from, 284, 285. Appetite, misleading of, by delicacies of civilization, 151–152. Apples, food value of, 30, 177, 179. Arch supports for flat foot, 224, 225. Arteries, tobacco and diseases of the, 69, 263. Arthritis deformans, caused by focal infection, 82. Asparagus, food value of, 41, 175. Asthenic droop, cause of, 58. Athletes, effects of tobacco on, 68, 69, 257–259. Athletics, ideals in, 96; injuries from college, 96. Attention, control of, essential to securing equanimity, 115. Autointoxication, meaning of, 81; intestinal intoxication distinguished from, 81–82. Avocation, practise of an, 98. Bacteria, carried on dust particles, 13–14; part played by, in colds, 272. See Germs. Balanced ration, classification of foods with view to a, 171, 175–183. Bananas, food value of, 30, 177; digestibility of, 49; a cheap source of starch and sugar, 131. Bank employés, unsuspected impairments among, 136–137. Basal metabolism of the body, ascertaining the, 196–197. Baseball, value as all-round exercise, 98. Bathing, importance of, for avoiding disease, 75–76; perspiring before, 76; activity and relaxation combined in, 101–102; as a means of skin training, 274–275. Baths, different forms of, for different needs, 102; nervous relaxation induced by neutral, 102; for colds, 278–279. Beans, baked, food value of, 29, 175; a high-protein food, 38; protein in, a possible objection, 39–40; a cheap source of protein, 131. Bedbugs, diseases spread by, 74. Beds, hard preferable to soft, 104. Beets, food value of, 41, 175. Belts, constriction from, 16. Benedict, F. G., experiments by, to ascertain basal metabolism, 196–197. Berries, food value of, 41, 177. Blindness among tobacco smokers, 264. Blood pressure, influence of deep breathing on, 25. Bowels, foods the best regulators of the, 52. See Constipation. Brain, effect of alcohol on, 237–239. Brain workers, eating habits of, 34–35. Bread, food value of, 29, 180; stale and crusty preferable to soft fresh, 41; a cheap source of starch and sugar, 131. Breathing, deep, 24–25; influence of muscular exercises on, 26; beneficial effect of singing, 26; relation of, to one’s mental condition, 26–27. Bulk, a necessary quality in food, 41–42, 150. Bush, A. D., tests by, as to smoking and mental efficiency, 260. Butter, food value of, 30, 33, 181. Cabbage, cellulose in, 41; food value of, 131, 175. Cakes, table of food values of, 179. Calories, fuel-units for measuring food, 28. Cancer, measures for combating increase of, 292. Candy, over-indulgence in, 48. Cantaloupe, food value of, 30, 177. Carbohydrate, function of, as a constituent of food, 35–36; examples of, in common foods, 36; suitable proportion of, in diet, 40; in cheap foods, 131; list of foods rich, moderate and deficient in, 171. Card-playing, mental recreation from, in moderation, 100. Catarrh, sometimes caused by smoking, 264; avoiding quack cures for, 280. Cathartics, avoidance of, 53. Cauliflower, food value of, 41, 175. Celery, cellulose in, 41; vitamins supplied by, 42; food value of, 175. Cellulose, a necessity in diet, 41. Cereals, laxative quality of, 52; table of food values of, 180–181; for underweight, 220. Chairs, effect of, on sitting posture, 60–61; among the evils of civilization, 152. Character, posture and, 63–64; influence of health on, 105–107. Charts, showing comparative mortality among abstainers and non-abstainers, 230–233; of death rates in different countries and at different periods, 283–285. Cheese, food value of, 29, 38, 131, 181. Cheeses, putrefactive, among the worst foods, 48. Chewing, necessitated by hard foods, 41; importance of thorough, 44–47. See Mastication. Children, results of faulty posture in, 62; sleep required by, 103; effects of alcoholic indulgence by parents on, 243. Choice of foods, effect of slow eating habits on, 47. Cigaret smoking, special evils of, 261. Cigars and cigarets, nicotin in, 254–255; physical and mental effects of smoking, 255–267; increase in use of, 267–268. Circulation, effect of alcohol on, 240–241; effect of tobacco on, 256, 259–260, 263, 267. Circulatory system, death rates from diseases of the, 284, 285. Civilization, hygiene and, 143–156. Cleanliness, importance of, for avoiding infections, 75–76. Clerks, unsuspected impairments among, 136–137. Clothing, relation of, to ventilation, 14; hygiene of, 14; desirability of porous, 14–15, 275; evils of tight, 16; choice of cotton, linen, and woolen, 17; color of, 17–18; artificial conditions as to, resulting from civilization, 147–148. Cocktail drinking, a harmful habit, 67. Colds, popular exaggeration of danger of, from drafts, 8, 123; usual origin of, in germs, 8–9, 70–71; measures for avoiding, 9; sometimes indirectly caused by constipation, 51; popular delusions concerning, 123–124; means of infection, 272; sometimes due to abnormalities in nose or throat, 272–273; prevention of, by attention to rules of individual hygiene, 273; chief preventive measures, 273–277; emergency treatment of, 277–280; possibility of avoiding, altogether, 280. Color of clothes, 17–18. Concentrated foods, objection to, 41, 150. Condiments, hot, to be used sparingly, 48. Constipation, evils of, 51–52; effects of water-drinking habits on, 52; foods which prevent, 52; use of mineral oils for, 53; avoidance of drugs, 53; an enema a temporary expedient, 53; value of massage of the abdomen, 53–54; favored by high-seated water closets, 54; importance of establishing proper habits, 55; poisoning from decomposition of protein in the colon, and remedies, 56; produced by a slouching posture, 57; mental effects of, 106–107; effects of, ascribed to overwork, 124; predisposition to colds caused by, 276. Consumptive stoop, ill effects of, 57. Cooking, loss caused in certain foods by, 42; necessary for some foods, 43. Corn, food value of, 29, 175; cellulose in, 41. Cornaro, “The Temperate Life” by, 142. Corsets, constriction from, 16. Cost, of food, 129–131, 184–190; wholesale, of uncooked ingredients of standard foods, 192–193. Cotton, use of, in clothing, 17. Cottonseed oil, a cheap source of fat, 131. Country life, advantages of, 18. Cousins, marriage of, 305–306. Crawling exercise for faulty posture, 222–223. Cream, food value of, 30, 33, 181. Crime, laws of heredity applied to, 299–300. Cucumbers, cellulose in, 41; food value of, 175. Daily rhythm, observance of a, 89–90. Dairy products, table of food values of, 181. Dampness of air, exaggeration of evils of, 19. Dancing, question of hygienic value of, 99–100; an obstacle to efficiency when overdone, 100. Death rate, lowering of, by public hygiene, 158–159; statistics of overweight, 213; influence of alcohol on, 228–235, 262; influence of tobacco on, 262; fall of, in younger age groups, and rise at older age periods, in United States, 281; cause of increase in, 282; charts showing trend of, 283–285; comparison of, among different nations, 286–291. Defectives, segregation and sterilization of, 321–322, 323. Degenerative tendencies among nations, comparison of, 286–292. Delusions, certain popular, concerning diseases, 123–125. Denmark, mortality statistics of, 291. Dental clinic, beneficial results of, 88. Dental decay, process of, 79. Dental floss, use of, 85. Desires, controlling intensity of one’s, 117–118. Desk, posture in sitting at a, 61. Despondency, sometimes caused by a slouching posture, 57. Desserts, table of food values of, 179. Diabetes, in relation to focal infection, 82; aggravations of, 123. Discontent, physical sources of, 105–106. Diseases, caused by absence of vitamins from food, 42; carried by mosquitoes and flies, 71; caused by focal infection, 82; preventability of, 135–136; relation between consumption of alcohol and increase in degenerative, 235–236; effect of alcohol on bodily resistance to, 239–240; caused by smoking, 263–264; signs of increase of the degenerative, 281–285. Disinfection of foods, 43. Drafts, unreasonable prejudice against, 8; exaggeration of idea that colds are derived from, 8–9; popular delusions concerning, 123–124; exposure to, a means of skin
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