» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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Heavy Progressive Income Tax.

3. Abolition of Rights of Inheritance.

4. Confiscation of Property Rights.

5. Central Bank.

6. Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation.

7. Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture.

8. Government Control of Labour.

9. Corporate Farms and Regional Planning.

10. Government Control of Education.

In simple terms Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the end of civilization as we know it. It is the end of private property, the elevation of the collective over the individual. It is the redistribution of the Planets wealth to the global elite, and it is the reduction of 85% of the world’s population.

In actuality, Sustainable Development is not sustainable unless the population actually is reduced by the 85% called for by the globalists. The true purpose of Sustainable Development and all of its policies is the control of all aspects of human life - economic, social and environmental. How will they reduce the planets population to 1 billion people? Will it be by vaccines, but they would have to vaccinate most of the population of the world to achieve this. Any idea how they could vaccinate most of the world population?

The true agenda of Agenda 21[2030] is to establish a global government, global economic system, and global religion. When U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke of ‘a dream of a world of peace and dignity for all’ this is no different than when the Communists promised the people a ‘worker’s paradise.

Most people use mainstream media, including TV, newspapers, radios and other means to keep informed, which suppresses this information; those in power control mainstream media and don’t want you to be aware of this plan. This media has denied the existence of such a plan for years, despite the existence of a book entitled “Agenda 21” (350 pages) published by the UN.

So if you don’t rely on alternative media coverage, it’s not likely that you’ll find information about this vast global plan and all of its goals. If the public worldwide had become aware of such a plan, they would immediately rise up against it and stop its implementation, which is definitely something “the powers that be” don’t want.

So they have introduced this plan incrementally by using appealing wording like “sustainable development” or some other “green”-sounding term so people would gladly accept it. However, it is not about environmental sustainability at all. Its true goals are implemented by deception, concealing its real aim to take over the entire planet and all its assets by a handful of people.

“For decades there have been false and deceptive narratives disseminated by organizations, including the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), by the governments that comply with these narratives and by the corporate-owned media. These narratives include the deceptive political schemes of sustainable development, Agenda 21/2030, combating climate change, and the WEF ‘reset’ of Society under cover of what has been proven to be a fake pandemic. UN sustainable development programs, such as Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as the economic ‘reset’ being attempted, all operate under the cover of continued globalization. All are working together to create a new resource-based economic system. This may sound a worthy goal in light of the flaws of the failing growth-based economic paradigm. However, closer analysis reveals that sustainable development involves an agenda to take control of all resources and all production, leaving all people to be micro-managed by a type of technocracy. This technocratic type society is outlined in Agenda 21/2030 and proposed by the WEF ‘reset’. The political jargon of ‘sustainable development/Agenda 21’ is not true sustainability. Agenda 30 involves a plan to abolish private property rights and get all people off the land and into so-called smart towns and smart cities, where they will be unable to grow much food. This is the opposite of what is needed – people should be moving back to the land and developing self-sufficient communities. Furthermore, smart cities utilize EMF technologies and thousands of scientific reports exist describing the harmful health effects of these technologies. An undemocratic dictatorship involving the rise of smart cities, surveillance, crypto currencies, and the drive toward a digital cashless society that people have no control over are all part of this globalist plan. Creating a truly sustainable society involves developing practical locally empowered self-sufficient rural communities of villages and towns with local and regional systems for food, energy, water, goods and services rather than the unsustainable trans-national systems of the so-called globalized economy or the corporation-serving technocratic futures the WEF have planned for us. It also involves living conscious of the needs of others and of the purity of natural environmental resources we all rely on. The United Nations, European Union, and most governments are not serving the people, for decades they have been prioritizing the interests of private bankers who control the money system; and the interests of institutions, such as the WEF, which prioritizes the interests of privately-owned mega-corporations. The privately owned banking/money creation system is the head of the snake. The current worldwide situation has serious implications for the future of worldwide society and human wellbeing. The ‘reset’ agenda is an imposition against human freedoms is being exposed worldwide.” – By Mark Keenan from Ireland is author of the book “Globalism Unmasked: The Truth about Banking and the Reset of Society” -

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods”. Aldous Huxley Brave New World Revisited (1962)


Article below from:

“A dystopia being implemented world-wide in every human sphere and at at every level of existence. An intricate web of control manifest at the local level as United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Conceptualized as the seemingly innocuous "Sustainable Development" via Sustainable Development Goals.

The so-called "Action Plans" are designed to not only remove all god-given freedoms but also to remove everyone off the land and into "Smart Cities", "Vibrant Communities", "Walkable Cities" and "City Villages". Bathing them in a life-threatening, death-dealing EMF smog arising from 5G technology and "The Internet of Things." Whatever it is called, the coming "Smart City" is a sophisticated gulag where people can be housed cheaply and micro-chipped and easily tacked, traced and controlled from the cradle to the grave. The UN "Action Plans" everyone now can see unfolding around them even though they do not comprehend its dire ramifications. That they are Huxley's "painless concentration camps" being implemented rapidly at the town, city and regional level. A huge spider's web of global control. The full spectrum control of everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave. The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) implements the New World Order Agenda at the local level, overseeing "Sustainable Development" and "Smart Cities'" global expansion and so the implementation of UN Agenda 21/2030. In short, New World Order Agenda's Global Action Plan implemented at the local level for the control of all human activity and all natural resources. UN Agenda 21/2030's goal is implementation of collectivism through "consensus". Not only locally but globally. It is designed to establish a New World Economic Order, a New Global Governance. A Global Government ruled by un-elected officials, bureaucrats and New World Order apparatchiks. All functionaries serving the real power: the International Usurers organised as the Central Banking Cartel, and by this, Judaeo-Freemasonry, and by this, the ancient Cult of Evil at whose head sit the Synagogue of Satan ... the real power on Earth. The New Global Governance predicated upon a ruthless, Judaic Communist ideology founded on Ahrimanic Doctrines, which strips away the God-give right of individual freedom as well as freedom of travel and the right to private property. A tyranny founded upon faux environmental principles such as the belief in the Man-Made Global Warming Fraud. The New Global Governance wherein ordinary people are consigned to live in a perpetual state of austerity: subject to onerous taxes, living in high density cities, cycling and walking instead of private transport. The New Global Governance that destroys personal ambition and initiative as well as self-employment and small businesses in favor of corporations” -


“The elitists, world leaders, and self-appointed tin-pot gods make no attempt to hide their plans or activities. Why should they? To them, the masses are asses, too ignorant, lazy, and comfortable to risk upsetting the status quo or question the motives of a government run amok. Originally devised to regulate the global environment, the United Nations’ Agenda 21 initiative, also known as Sustainable Development, has evolved into a political objective, calling for the complete subjugation of the world’s population, including the people of the United States, through massive relocation of entire cities, depopulation, and the expansive cordoning of land into nature preserves. Under Agenda 21 the common man takes a backseat to nature, freeing the elites and government figures to enjoy a pristine planet unspoiled by the unwashed masses. But this idyllic dream may only come to fruition where good men and women stand idle. As Medal of Honor recipient and author of the book “If Not Now, When,” Colonel Jack Jacobs wrote, “complacency has an unpleasant habit of becoming perilous.” We live in perilous times, and are entering an age where the realization of Karl Marx’s ten planks to seize power are gaining momentum” - From the book ‘Agenda 21 – Discover the United Nations Shocking Plan for Your Future’ by Ron Taylor


The World Lockdown Plot

The World Lockdown Plot


We haven't determined the origin of the "permanent world lockdown scenario" posted on this website.  However, I believe it is genuine since it appeared in June-July, and correctly anticipated events now unfolding in October. 

If you compare it with the "lockstep" scenario that actually appeared in the May 2010 Rockefeller Foundation's "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" (pp. 18-21) many of the same elements are envisaged: masks, destruction of small business and travel, Digital Id. etc. 

This confirms that we are experiencing an "exercise" or scenario scripted years ago. 

The full text of the ‘permanent world lockdown plot’:

They hypothesize a simulated global outbreak required steps, various phases, overall timelines, and expected outcomes: 

• Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan. Using SARS, HIV, Hybrid Research Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why coronaviruses spread like wildfire in bats but have an extremely hard time infecting humans. To counteract that, they added 4 HIV inserts into the virus. The missing key to infect the human is the Ace-2-Receptor. 

• Create a weaponized version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a backup plan. Ready to be released in Phase 3, but only if needed. SARS, HIV, MERS, Weaponized Tribit Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab in 2015. 

• Transport the Research Strain to different Class 4 lab, the National Microbiology Lab

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