» Health & Fitness » The Global Elites Population Cull, Terence Smart [classic book list .txt] 📗

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a typical cellmobile phone.

Even the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) agrees that smart meters are a potential threat, especially to people with pre-existing health conditions. The group issued a recommendation stating that: "... no Smart Meters be [in the homes of patients with neurological or neurodegenerative diseases, genetic defects, cancer, and other conditions] and that Smart Meters be removed to a reasonable distance from patients' homes."

Smart meters connect every home to a Smart digital network and this allows suppliers to remotely control power usage, giving them the ability to shut your gas or electricity off if they feel you’ve used too much, even if you are willing to pay the bill for the additional usage. The Smart Meter can monitor what type of appliance you are using in your home and the energy company will know if you are not at home by the number of appliances or lights turned off or on in your home. Why would an energy company need to know that and what happened to privacy? Smart meters can give police access to eating, sleeping, showering habits, appliance use and when, TV use, and exercise equipment use. It is a tool of UN Agenda 21 population control and energy control.

Another thing that is suspicious is these Smart Meters they want to install in everyone’s homes are free to the homeowner. This is costing hundreds of millions so they are quite desperate for every household to have one.

It is all about centralising control of the energy network for negative reasons for some time in the future but it gets sold as something positive just as the EU got sold to the people of Europe as something positive.

Agenda 21 activist Rosa Koire says, 'It is the blueprint, it is the action plan, to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all construction, all animals, all means of production, all energy, all information and all the human beings in the world. It is a completely comprehensive plan, it's global and it's implemented locally... It is in every single town all across the United States and across the world.'

Agenda 21 calls on governments to take control of all land use and nobody will be allowed private property. People would be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation.

Below is the list of what the United Nations (one world government) wants to force on us and they are using the climate change excuse to do it. We have to resist this or it is the END of yours and your children’s FREEDOM forever.

The One Planet Communities is a growing worldwide network of deep green neighbourhoods that are the cutting edge of sustainable development.

According to Donna Holt’s data, in June 2008, The One Planet Communities proposed the
- 58 percent less electricity
- 23 gallons/water less per person
- 50 percent reduction in car ownership
- 40 electric car solar powered charging stations
- Reduction of footprint from 6 homes to 2 homes by 2020
- Stacked homes to avoid expansion of housing developments
- Five minute lifestyle (5 minute walk or bike from your home to shop, work, live, go to school)
- Walk or bike within the community
- Car-sharing for short distances or from one stacked community to another
- High speed rail for longer distances
- Car ownership will disappear
- Sustainability is taught schools, colleges, and universities
- Colleges teach how to “build earth’s sustainable workforce,” “sustainability manager for carbon accounting,” “corporate sustainability manager,” “energy auditor,” “engineering sustainably certified homes,” to name just a few.
- Children are well indoctrinated into Sustainable Development practices
- Government schemes to control future use of agricultural land and water through the recently passed White House Rural Council
- Regulatory taking of land
- Rationing of water, electricity, and fuel
- Denied building permits and thus land is deemed worthless
- Private property abolished to prevent urban sprawl
- Land shortage
- High density living
- Megacities regionalism will replace local and state governments.

So you can't own your own house.

You will not be allowed a car.

You must use a train for long distance travel.

You can't live in the countryside or even go there.

Your electricity and gas will be rationed by the use of smart meters.

Everyone will have to live in high rise apartments.

Of course the elite people of the planet will be allowed to live were they please and do what they want as they will control all the resources on the planet.

If people do not wake up to the truth this is what will happen very soon, well its already happening. Just look at the way the energy companies are trying to force Smart Meters on every household and governments are buying up all the land especially in America.

If you look at the list above for Agenda 21 and compare it to the list below from the Communist Manifesto you can see they match up pretty close. I believe Agenda 21 is just Communism by the backdoor without anyone noticing.

Communism or the Illuminati have ten essential goals:

1. Abolition of Private Property.

2. Heavy Progressive Income Tax.

3. Abolition of Rights of Inheritance.

4. Confiscation of Property Rights.

5. Central Bank.

6. Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation.

7. Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture.

8. Government Control of Labour.

9. Corporate Farms and Regional Planning.

10. Government Control of Education.

In simple terms Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the end of civilization as we know it. It is the end of private property, the elevation of the collective over the individual. It is the redistribution of the Planets wealth to the global elite, and it is the reduction of 85% of the world’s population.

In actuality, Sustainable Development is not sustainable unless the population actually is reduced by the 85% called for by the globalists. The true purpose of Sustainable Development and all of its policies is the control of all aspects of human life - economic, social and environmental.

Here is how the United Nations described Agenda 21 in one of its own publications in a 1993 article entitled “Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to save our Planet:”

“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth… it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.”

Look at this quote from Alexander King, co-founder of the Club of Rome:

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill… All of these dangers are caused by human intervention…the real enemy then, is humanity.”

He mentions famine but that could be removed overnight if they want it to. Over the past 100 years the globalists and bankers have spent trillions on needless wars which could have been spent on world hunger.

Take a look at the Agenda 21 videos below.

For more information on Chemtrails and Geoengineering see the videos below given by Dane Wigington, lead researcher for

Watch the video below it shows the Chemtrails stops and starts, indicating that an aerosol delivery device is being turned off and on

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography at California State University – Stanislaus, argues that the IPCC has a political agenda promoted by international elites.

“The idea of a carbon footprint is pathetic and ludicrous propaganda, since CO2 is beneficial for life,” Dr. Karlstrom

Dr. Karlstrom, who also manages a website, went on to explain the “global warming” hysteria, and its ultimate agenda:

“Global warming is phony science that was concocted to justify implementation of an international political agenda. The idea of using ‘man-caused global warming’ as a ‘surrogate for war’ and as a way to ‘destroy excess wealth’ originated in American and UN-related think tanks such as the Club of Rome back in the 60’s and 70’s. This pseudo-science is the centrepiece of a phony environmental movement by which the UN hopes to redistribute wealth in the world (toward the super-rich and away from the people) to de-industrialize the industrialized countries (via the UN Kyoto Protocol-type carbon taxes, cap and trade schemes, etc.), and radically reduce the human population. The IPCC is essentially operating with pre-determined conclusions, namely that human activity and carbon emissions cause ‘global warming’ and other environmental and climate problems, even though there is little objective scientific evidence to demonstrate ‘global warming’ is in fact a real phenomenon .”

“The facts, such as we can observe and calculate them, do not support the idea of man-made global warming. Natural processes completely eclipse anything that man can accomplish.” -William Hunt, research scientist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

“Climate is changing, and climate has always changed. The hoax is that there are some people who are so arrogant to think that they are so powerful they can change climate. Man can’t change climate.” - James Inhofe U.S. Senate’s chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee

“I used to agree with these dramatic warnings of climate disaster…However, a few years ago, I decided to look more closely at the science and it astonished me. In fact there is no evidence of humans being the cause. There is, however, overwhelming evidence of natural causes such as changes in the output of the sun.” - Dr. Ian D. Clark, Paleoclimatologist.

To further your knowledge of the Climate Change scam I suggest you read the following books.

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change by Marc Morano

In Morano’s book foreword, the late John Coleman, who was a meteorologist, TV weatherman and co-founder of The Weather Channel, writes: “We meteorologists are well aware of how limited our ability is to predict the weather. Our predictions become dramatically less reliable as they extend into the future. When we try to predict just a few weeks into the future our predictions become increasingly inaccurate. Yet the ‘climate change’ establishment that now dominates the UN bureaucracy and our own government science establishment claim that they can predict the temperature of the Earth decades into the future. Their global warming scare is not driven by science; it is now being driven by politics. So today anybody who defies the prevailing ‘climate change’ scare puts his career and his reputation into extreme danger.”

Real scientists who specialize in climate and related fields are quoted in the book. These are voices we rarely, if ever, see mentioned in the mainstream media because the media are part of the collusion.

“Even the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change scam have been carefully coordinated across the planet by the same Ashkenazi banksters. For it is only by the financial means provided by the International Banking Cartel that such an immense scheme of mass deception could have ever been initiated in the first place. That IBC-controlled project is by far the largest commercial venture of all time, dwarfing even World War II which was another extraordinary boon to the Zionist war profiteers. The preceding Great Depression was also the pet project of the biggest banking crime syndicates located in both IBC headquarters of London and New York City. Now these same banksters are looking to collapse the entire planetary civilization via climate fear-mongering prior to enforcing their New World Order in the interest of making more money than ever. Conducting such a controlled demolition of the GE&FS will also allow them to eliminate hard money in favor of a digital or crypto-currency. The banksters enormous debt loads will also be erased” - See the link below titled See: Climatechangegate: The Global Criminal Conspiracy Hatched by the International Banking Cartel to Rule the World:

For more information read the following books or links.

INCONVENIENT FACTS: The science that Al Gore doesn't want you to know by Gregory Wrightstone (Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist with more than 35 years spent investigating the Earth and its processes. He received his undergraduate degree from Waynesburg University and his masters in Geology from West Virginia University)

Christopher Booker's The Real Global Warming Disaster: Is the Obsession with 'Climate Change' Turning Out to be the Most Costly Scientific Blunder in History?

Agenda 21 - An Expose of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Initiative and the Forfeiture of American Sovereignty and Liberties by Ron Taylor

U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Read these books and you will become an informed climate change denier, armed with arguments and facts to counter the propaganda being pushed by climate change fanatics.


The greatest goal of the Illuminati is to gain total control over the entire world population! That is why they have invested billions of dollars in projects towards this goal. One

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