» History » Hand in Hand, XS [novels in english .TXT] 📗
  • Author: XS

Book online «Hand in Hand, XS [novels in english .TXT] 📗». Author XS

Hand in hand
He walked her down the street
Age has weakened her legs
Her son's arm she needs
To keep up the pace

Slow by most standards
It's what the ignorant
Eye can't see

Her legs have already
Traveled thousands of miles
They've earned their rest

I can see that her
Spirit longs to be free
To unshackle the buckling knees
And escape the pain that be

Her son remembers
All that she did for him
As she was there to guide
His first steps
He is with her now
To guide what may be her last

It is a circle of Love
Come complete
As she did for him
He now does for her
That is the journey
Most cannot see

For it takes Courage
And Strength to
Witness the last stretch
Of a shell that's breaking free

Blessings will be his payment
Compassion will light his way
And God will have it noted
This is Love as I intended
Woven deep in strength

Walk on Mother and Son
I am with you on your journey
In Hope you will find replenishment
To ease the tiredness of the pace

Step by step
Hand in hand
You will each reach
Heaven's Gates.



Publication Date: 02-02-2012

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