» History » The History of England from the Accession of James the Second - Volume 3, Thomas Babington Macaulay [best novels to read for students TXT] 📗

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hearing him dowse, like the confederat forces of Germanic, Spain, Holland, &c., against the growth of the French."

FN 325 In the introduction to the Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron is a very sensible remark: "It may appear paradoxical: but the editor cannot help hazarding the conjecture that the motives which prompted the Highlanders to support King James were substantially the same as those by which the promoters of the Revolution were actuated." The whole introduction, indeed, well deserves to be read.

FN 326 Skene's Highlanders of Scotland; Douglas's Baronage of Scotland.

FN 327 See the Memoirs of the Life of Sir Ewan Cameron, and the Historical and Genealogical Account of the Clan Maclean, by a Senachie. Though this last work was published so late as 1838, the writer seems to have been inflamed by animosity as fierce as that with which the Macleans of the seventeenth century regarded the Campbells. In the short compass of one page the Marquess of Argyle is designated as "the diabolical Scotch Cromwell," "the vile vindictive persecutor," "the base traitor," and "the Argyle impostor." In another page he is "the insidious Campbell, fertile in villany," "the avaricious slave," "the coward of Argyle" and "the Scotch traitor." In the next page he is "the base and vindictive enemy of the House of Maclean" "the hypocritical Covenanter," "the incorrigible traitor," "the cowardly and malignant enemy." It is a happy thing that passions so violent can now vent themselves only in scolding.

FN 328 Letter of Avaux to Louvois, April 6/16 1689, enclosing a paper entitled Memoire du Chevalier Macklean.

FN 329 See the singularly interesting Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron of Lochiel, printed at Edinburgh for the Abbotsford Club in 1842. The MS. must have been at least a century older. See also in the same volume the account of Sir Ewan's death, copied from the Balhadie papers. I ought to say that the author of the Memoirs of Sir Ewan, though evidently well informed about the affairs of the Highlands and the characters of the most distinguished chiefs, was grossly ignorant of English politics and history. I will quote what Van Litters wrote to the States General about Lochiel, Nov 26/Dec 6 1689: "Sir Evan Cameron, Lord Locheale, een man,- soo ik hoor van die hem lange gekent en dagelyk hebben mede omgegaan,-van so groot verstant, courage, en beleyt, als weyniges syns gelycke syn."

FN 330 Act. Parl., July 5. 1661.

FN 331 See Burt's Third and Fourth Letters. In the early editions is an engraving of the market cross of Inverness, and of that part of the street where the merchants congregated. I ought here to acknowledge my obligations to Mr. Robert Carruthers, who kindly furnished me with much curious information about Inverness and with some extracts from the municipal records.

FN 332 I am indebted to Mr. Carruthers for a copy of the demands of the Macdonalds and of the answer of the Town Council.

FN 333 Colt's Deposition, Appendix to the Act. Parl of July 14. 1690.

FN 334 See the Life of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 335 Balcarras's Memoirs; History of the late Revolution in Scotland.

FN 336 There is among the Nairne Papers in the Bodleian Library a curious MS. entitled "Journal de ce qui s'est passe en Irlande depuis l'arrivee de sa Majeste." In this journal there are notes and corrections in English and French; the English in the handwriting of James, the French in the handwriting of Melfort. The letters intercepted by Hamilton are mentioned, and mentioned in a way which plainly shows that they were genuine; nor is there the least sign that James disapproved of them.

FN 337 "Nor did ever," says Balcarras, addressing James, "the Viscount of Dundee think of going to the Highlands without further orders from you, till a party was sent to apprehend him."

FN 338 See the narrative sent to James in Ireland and received by him July 7, 1689. It is among the Nairne Papers. See also the Memoirs of Dundee, 1714; Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron; Balcarras's Memoirs; Mackay's Memoirs. These narratives do not perfectly agree with each other or with the information which I obtained from Inverness.

FN 339 Memoirs of Dundee; Tarbet to Melville, 1st June 7688, in the Levers and Melville Papers.

FN 340 Narrative in the Nairne Papers; Depositions of Colt, Osburne, Malcolm, and Stewart of Ballachan in the Appendix to the Act. Parl. of July 14. 1690; Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron. A few touches I have taken from an English translation of some passages in a lost epic poem written in Latin, and called the Grameis. The writer was a zealous Jacobite named Phillipps. I have seldom made use of the Memoirs of Dundee, printed in 1714, and never without some misgiving. The writer was certainly not, as he pretends, one of Dundee's officers, but a stupid and ignorant Grub Street garreteer. He is utterly wrong both as to the place and as to the time of the battle of Killiecrankie. He says that it was fought on the banks of the Tummell, and on the 13th of June. It was fought on the banks of the Garry, and on the 27th of July. After giving such a specimen of inaccuracy as this, it would be idle to point out minor blunders.

FN 341 From a letter of Archibald Karl of Argyle to Lauderdale, which bears date the 25th of June, 1664, it appears that a hundred thousand marks Scots, little more than five thousand pounds sterling, would, at that time, have very nearly satisfied all the claims of Mac Callum More on his neighbours.

FN 342 Mackay's Memoirs; Tarbet to Melville, June 1, 1689, in the Leven and Melville Papers; Dundee to Melfort, June 27, in the Nairne Papers,

FN 343 See Mackay's Memoirs, and his letter to Hamilton of the 14th of June, 1689.

FN 344 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 345 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 346 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 347 Dundee to Melfort, June 27. 1689.

FN 348 See Faithful Contendings Displayed, particularly the proceedings of April 29. and 30. and of May 13. and 14., 1689; the petition to Parliament drawn up by the regiment, on July 18. 1689; the protestation of Sir Robert Hamilton of November 6. 1689; and the admonitory Epistle to the Regiment, dated March 27. 1690. The Society people, as they called themselves, seem to have been especially shocked by the way in which the King's birthday had been kept. "We hope," they wrote, "ye are against observing anniversary days as well as we, and that ye will mourn for what ye have done." As to the opinions and temper of Alexander Shields, see his Hind Let Loose.

FN 349 Siege of the Castle of Edinburgh, printed for the Bannatyne Club; Lond. Gaz,, June 10/20. 1689.

FN 350 Act. Parl. Scot., June 5. June 17. 1689.

FN 351 The instructions will be found among the Somers Tracts.

FN 352 As to Sir Patrick's views, see his letter of the 7th of June, and Lockhart's letter of the 11th of July, in the Leven and Melville Papers.

FN 353 My chief materials for the history of this session have been the Acts, the Minutes, and the Leven and Melville Papers.

FN 354 "Athol," says Dundee contemptuously, "is gone to England, who did not know what to do."-Dundee to Melfort, June 27. 1689. See Athol's letters to Melville of the 21st of May and the 8th of June, in the Leven and Melville Papers.

FN 355 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 356 Mackay's Memoirs.

FN 357 Ibid.

FN 358 Van Odyck to the Greffier of the States General, Aug. 2/12 1689.

FN 359 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 360 Balcarras's Memoirs.

FN 361 Mackay's Short Relation, dated Aug. 17. 1689.

FN 362 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 363 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron; Mackay's Memoirs.

FN 364 Douglas's Baronage of Scotland.

FN 365 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 366 Memoirs of Sir Swan Cameron.

FN 367 As to the battle, see Mackay's Memoirs Letters, and Short Relation the Memoirs of Dundee; Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron; Nisbet's and Osburne's depositions in the Appendix to the Act. Parl. Of July 14. 1690. See also the account of the battle in one of Burt's Letters. Macpherson printed a letter from Dundee to James, dated the day after the battle. I need not say that it is as impudent a forgery as Fingal. The author of the Memoirs of Dundee says that Lord Leven was scared by the sight of the highland weapons, and set the example of flight. This is a spiteful falsehood. That Leven behaved remarkably well is proved by Mackay's Letters, Memoirs, and Short Relation.

FN 368 Mackay's Memoirs. Life of General Hugh Mackay by J. Mackay of Rockfield.

FN 369 Letter of the Extraordinary Ambassadors to the Greffier of the States General, August 2/12. 1689; and a letter of the same date from Van Odyck, who was at Hampton Court.

FN 370 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron; Memoirs of Dundee.

FN 371 The tradition is certainly much more than a hundred and twenty years old. The stone was pointed out to Burt.

FN 372 See the History prefixed to the poems of Alexander Robertson. In this history he is represented as having joined before the battle of Killiecrankie. But it appears from the evidence which is ín the Appendix to the Act. Parl. Scot. of July 14. 1690, that he came in on the following day.

FN 373 Mackay's Memoirs.

FN 374 Mackay's Memoirs; Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 375 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 376 Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 377 See Portland's Letters to Melville of April 22 and May 15. 1690, in the Leven and Melville Papers.

FN 378 Mackay's Memoirs; Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron.

FN 379 Exact Narrative of the Conflict at Dunkeld between the Earl of Angus's Regiment and the Rebels, collected from several Officers of that Regiment who were Actors in or Eyewitnesses of all that's here narrated in Reference to those Actions; Letter of Lieutenant Blackader to his brother, dated Dunkeld, Aug. 21. 1689; Faithful Contendings Displayed; Minute of the Scotch Privy Council of Aug. 28., quoted by Mr. Burton.

FN 380 The history of Scotland during this autumn will be best studied in the Leven and Melville Papers.

FN 381 See the Lords' Journals of Feb. 5. 1688 and of many subsequent days; Braddon's pamphlet, entitled the Earl of Essex's Memory and Honour Vindicated, 1690; and the London Gazettes of July 31. and August 4. and 7. 1690, in which Lady Essex and Burnet publicly contradicted Braddon.

FN 382 Whether the attainder of Lord Russell would, if unreversed, have prevented his son from succeeding to the earldom of Bedford is a difficult question. The old Earl collected the opinions of the greatest lawyers of the age, which may still be seen among the archives at Woburn. It is remarkable that one of these opinions is signed by Pemberton, who had presided at the trial. This circumstance seems to prove that the family did not impute to him any injustice or cruelty; and in truth he had behaved as well as any judge, before the Revolution, ever behaved on a similar occasion.

FN 383 Grey's Debates, March 1688/9.

FN 384 The Acts which reversed the attainders of Russell Sidney, Cornish, and Alice Lisle were private Acts. Only the titles therefore are printed in the Statute Book; but the Acts will he found in Howell's Collection
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