» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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white man doesn’t know what to order (he is “incompetent”). The black man knows exactly what to order (he is “competent”). The white waitress is charmed by the competent black man. She says: “That’s hot”. The white man asks: “What’s hot, the chilli or the chicken?” The waitress indicates that it’s the black man that is “hot”.

4.  A white woman is married to a black man

Examples: A black man is sitting in a romantic pose with his white wife on a bed. They eat white cream. A song sounds in which the words love, joy, and happiness occur. Everything is sweet and romantic.

A happy coal-black bridegroom and his white bride dance in the wood, embrace each other closely, stand in the surf of the sea, reach with their arms to the sun. Beautiful music sounds. Everything is sweet and romantic.

5.  A black and white couple has a mulatto child

Example: A little mulatto girl discusses the merits of cheerios with her white mother, while her black father sleeps on the couch. The mulatto girl is cute and disarmingly charming. This mixed family is depicted as perfectly normal.

6.  The whole family, father, mother and children consists of mulattoes

Example: The scene of an all-mulatto family. The mother and all four children have afros. They are presented as the “typical” American family. Notice that the Jews, who don’t want Whites to have many children, suddenly suggest a big family. That is because they want the whole white population to become mulatto.

As for the films, Steven Spielberg’s Dream Works Studios produced films with as theme “evil white racists” (Amistad, The Help, Lincoln), “bigoted whites” (Meet the Parents, Stepford Wives, Anchorman) and a film about a black American president (Deep Impact) to prepare the American public for what the Jews would later orchestrate in reality.

The Jewish Weinstein Brothers are more revengeful in the anti-white themes of their films. They too produced films with the “evil white racists” theme (The Great Debaters, You don’t mess with the Zohan, The Butler, The Equalizer, Crossing Over) but then went over to the “anti-white revenge” theme (Mandela, Django Unchained, Inglorious Basterds).

Inglorious Basterds is no more than a rather pathetic Jewish revenge fantasy.

Based on small glimpses of marketing sub-culture, one might assume half or more of all relationships involve some sort of race-mixing. The combination of white women with black men is the most common mixed-race couple depicted in race-hate advertising. There is clearly a disproportionate number of Jews and those with Jewish sympathies involved in mass media advertising. From small start-up firms to multi-billion-dollar corporations, all of which are promoting hostile anti-white falsehoods, while praising “diversity” and “inclusion.”

Below the French national football team from 1994.

Below the French national football team from 2006

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the National Geographic magazine (below) is owned by Jews and editor in chief is the Jewess Susan Goldberg. There is no doubt what they are trying to promote here.

“The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. The Jews are responsible for bringing Negroes and Muslims into Caucasian countries with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people. That is why the Jew systematically endeavors to lower the racial quality of a people by permanently adulterating the blood of the individuals who make up that people. The Star of David has steadily ascended as the will to National Self-Preservation declined. Total Global domination is the Jew's endgame. Destroying countries, cultures and cohesive races are the ways and means to that end” - American Author Charles Maultsby -

The below article is from

A study was conducted by professors at the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University in Denmark to determine the effect of ethnic diversity on society.

The researchers performed a meta-analysis of 1,001 estimates from 87 different studies from around the Western world to make their determinations. Their findings, which were published in the Annual Review of Political Science, demonstrate that “continued immigration and corresponding growing ethnic diversity” had a demonstrably negative impact on social cohesion, unity, and togetherness. This is something that should be entirely obvious to anyone who has been paying attention and understands the basics of human nature. Peter Thisted Dinesen, a main researchers on the study, wrote: "To be clear, the overall negative relationship between residential ethnic diversity and social trust is statistically significant and holds up when conditioning on a range of potential confounders and moderators. Extant studies have relatively consistently reported a significant negative relationship between neighborhood-level ethnic diversity and various forms of social trust.” While this study has assuredly angered many of the proponents of “diversity” (aka White genocide), other serious researchers have recognized the value in this work. Tom var de Meer, professor of political science at the University of Amsterdam, found the study to be “excellent and conclusive.” Eric Kaufmann, professor of politics at Birkbeck University of London, reiterates the findings of the study, saying, “Higher diversity is significantly associated with lower trust in communities, even when controlling for deprivation.” Ethnic diversity is a weakness. We all know this to be true. We have watched as homogenous communities have been destroyed and the remaining White inhabitants no longer even associate with each other the way they used to – no more block parties, no more cookies or cake for the new neighbors, and fewer front porches where people converse with others. People shut themselves off from the alienating world outside of their homes, and the psychological repercussions are profound. The people who are enforcing ethnic diversity across the White world do not actually think that it brings strength to communities; they know it does not. They are flooding White communities with alien people precisely because they know it will destroy the very fabric of society, and this weakened populace becomes easier to control and eventually destroy. Ethnic diversity is a weapon wielded by Jews on white nations. – From

“I also want to bring up something here you may already be wondering about which is why the Zionists are not only anti-Christian but pro Islam especially considering they have been such bitter enemies since Israel’s theft of Palestine from Muslims after World War One. The answer is they aren’t pro Islam, not really it is just a façade. They support Islamic immigration to western countries however for a number of reasons. The first of which of course is their bitter hatred of Christians and whites. They are constantly promoting miscegenation to try and breed whites out of being majorities in their own nations again countless examples of this can be found in the media, namely commercials you can find many examples at the this website I want to note here that often I have thought of this as a positive thing that would eventually be a reality over time anyway. If there were no “races” and the planets inhabitants were a single “race” there would no longer be racism. However, this needs to be a choice each person makes for themselves whether or not they want to engage in, and the Zionists are not promoting it for benevolent reasons. Another reason they promote Islamic immigration is because the more Islamic migrants immigrating into western nations the more likely Islamic terrorists will get through as well. The more terrorist attacks that occur the more militant they can make the government intelligence and police services and the more freedoms they can take away from the citizens under the guise of “security measures”. Lastly they promote Islamic immigration because they know people from Islamic nations are used to living under authoritarian socialist dictatorships. Most Islamic nations are ruled by Fascist Theocracies. The Zionists know these 3rd world immigrants will move to western countries commit terror attacks, drain the nation’s wealth by burdening their social welfare systems to the point of bankruptcy, vote “left” who promises them more socialist programs (free tax payer money), breed out the white Christians, and advocate for Sharia Law, which is a totalitarian system. They also know Islamic culture is not ideologically compatible with western values causing further division and turmoil in these nations, divide and conquer remember. One of the “lefts” favorite catchphrases is “diversity is our strength”, diversity is not a strength it is a weakness, unity is strength. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mean this in terms of race, in fact race has nothing to do with it, in fact I often tell racists I will always prefer to live in a society where people think like me as opposed to one where they look like me. The diversity the Zionists seek to establish is a diversity of conflicting ideologies, which cripples a nation’s ability to organize a resistance movement”. - Daniel Estulin, Author ‘Communism’ and ‘The True Story of the Bilderberg Group’

Also promoted in the Jewish owned Hollywood and media is the superiority of the black race and the weakness of the white race. For instance black movie stars such as Will Smith are promoted as heroes in movies and black movie star Morgan Freeman is promoted as all knowledgeable with him taking the part of the President of America in two movies and black movie star Jamie Foxx taking the part of the U.S President in the movie ‘White House Down’. In another movie called the Dark Tower we have the black movie star Idris Elba who saves the fate of the world and leads the weak white people to safety. Also there is a good chance that the Jewish owned Hollywood will be pushing for Idris Elba to be the next James Bond after Daniel Craig. Its madness, James Bond is a British white intelligence agent. Then we have the singer Beyonce’s movie called Obsessed were a crazy obsessed ‘white’ woman is trying to kill two rich black people. The movie ‘The Purge’ is about removing all laws so anyone can kill anyone without retribution by the law for 24 hours and it is a ‘white’ family that we see as the killers in this movie and a black man is seen as the saviour. The reality of course is that most crime in America is committed by black people and not white people.

It is all part of the Jewish Cultural Marxism plan to remove the white people from the centre stage of society and this they do with their Jewish owned Hollywood with such movies as mentioned above.

Also watch this Mark Collet YouTube video below titled ‘Black James Bond - Replacing Whites in Films’.

“In every Jewish commercial ever created, a black or brown is never, no matter what the situation, portrayed in a bad light, ever–in the fantasy world of Jewish commercials, they are always the flawless decision-makers, the sure, certain, selfless take-chargers, the best and the brightest mankind has to offer. They never commit the same stupid mistakes as the crude, clumsy, clueless white men. They are all cool, confident, well-dressed, natural-born-leader types; they are scientists, surgeons, professors, jet pilots, or just your common everyday successful black or brown businessman cooly making their million dollar decisions each day inside Fortune 500 boardrooms. White males in these commercials are often looked at askance and lectured by blacks and browns on the proper, mature and intelligent way of doing things even though the ancestors of the latter, with millions of years to work with, somehow never managed to even invent the simple wheel. Race-mixing, of course, is the main focus of these Jewish commercials. Virtually every other couple shown is a mixed race twosome, usually a charming, successful, intelligent young black man embracing, kissing and rolling happily in bed with a lovely, slim, graceful white woman. These couples are always portrayed as laughing, care-free, successful, and deeply in love; they are never seen as they in reality usually are–miserable, angry, arguing, drunken, drugged, fat, vulgar, disheveled, and violent. In one Progressive Insurance ad, a beautiful young white woman bumps into a black man at a juke box whereupon they fall instantly in love. In the next shot the deeply smitten duo are happily performing together on stage, singing to a rapturous audience. “Now That’s Progressive” reads the Jewish moral message. Clearly, blacks, browns and whites do not create these commercials–Jews do.  All the above is how Jews want unthinking TV watchers to perceive white men.  Blacks and browns in these Jewish commercials are used by Jews as they have always been used–as hammers against us whites.  Jews do not care a fig about the well-being or elevation of blacks and browns; their sole purpose is for them to be used as Jews have always used them–as clubs and bricks to attack us whites. This is how the Jews who create the ads want us and others to think about ourselves.  Their

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