» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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The Truth about Germany and the World Wars

This book is dedicated to all the innocent civilians who have died in needless wars and revolutions

“What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbours and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world”. Robert E. Lee 1864
























I am a Christian and I am a 52 year old male and married with two children. I live in the north-east of England. Can be contacted at


Other books by Terence A. Smart:

The 9/11 Deception & False Flag Terror

The Global Elite’s Population Cull

The Illuminati and the Deception of History


© 2016 Terence A Smart - version 1

© 2018 Terence A Smart - version 2


The Truth about Germany and the World Wars

By Terence A. Smart





Introduction. 7

Bolshevik Revolution. 8

The Armenian Genocide. 26

World War 1. 29

World War 2. 44

Communism.. 46

Germany under Threat by Communism.. 52

German Workers Party: NSDAP. 56

The Beer Hall Putsch. 57

Jewish Influence in Germany. 59

Jewish Expulsions. 71

Jewish Media Control 73

Germany Before Hitler Took Charge. 94

Germany after Hitler Took Charge. 95

Jews Declare War on Germany. 100

Germany’s New Financial System.. 111

The Reichstag Fire. 120

The Night of the Long Knives. 121

Propaganda against Hitler. 122

Propaganda against the German Leaders. 122

Hitler not a Rothschild. 124

The Real Hitler. 125

Hitler wanted to Transfer the Jews. 135

Crimes of Stalin are Ignored, Why?. 137

Churchill, the Warmonger. 138

Germany Claims Back Territory. 145

Berlin Olympics. 146

Anschluss, Return of Austria. 147

Germany Unifies Sudetenland. 149

Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). 151

Polish Corridor. 153

The Phony War. 164

Scandinavian Countries. 167

The War in France. 168

Battle of Britain. 175

Rudolph Hess Peace Initiative. 176

Operation Barbarossa. 177

The Bombing of Germany. 180

Dresden. 186

The Jewish Hellbomb. 191

German Forces Retreat. 194

AlliedRussian Atrocities. 195

Concentration Camps for Germans. 200

Eisenhower’s Death Camps. 202

The Jewish Brigade. 205

The German People Suffer. 205

General Patton, Assassinated?. 209

Hitler and the Freemasons. 210

World War 2, but Why?. 213

The Holocaust Myth. 234

What about the Other Holocausts. 238

Hitler had Jewish Soldiers. 239

Volga Germans Marched to Soviet Concentration Camps. 239

The Jewish run Death Camps. 241

Holocaust is Big Money. 243

The 6,000,000 Myth. 248

How Many Died. 256

Death Toll Lies. 261

American Doctor who Liberated Camps reveals No Gassings. 264

Scientific Tests reveal No Gassings. 265

World War 2 Leaders say No Gassings. 268

Enigma reveals No Gassings. 268

Jews Declare War on Germany. 269

Germany Transfers Jews to Palestine. 270

The Internment Camps. 272

Auschwitz. 277

So Many in So Little Time. 290

The Fantasy Gassings. 290

Chelmno. 290

Belzec. 291

Sobibor. 291

Treblinka. 291

Majdanek. 292

Bergen Belsen. 294

Ann Frank’s Diary. 296

Alleged Eye Witness Accounts. 297

What happens to innocent people who dare question the Holocaust?. 300

Even Jews Claim Holocaust did not happen. 308

The Alleged Babi Yar Massacre in Kiev. 312

The Nuremburg Trials. 315

Conclusion. 325

Further Investigation. 334





















What is the truth? The truth is reporting, saying, writing exactly what happened when an event occurred. We should all be able to know the truth about any event in history but alas, we do not. The truth has been hidden, distorted, twisted to suit the agenda of the government or the powerful elite that run this planet.

Why are the governments scared of revealing the truth? Because it does not suit their agenda or objective. For instance World War 1 and 2 where started to weaken and demolish Germany and her people and so a propaganda campaign was started which portrayed the German people in WW1 and Germany and Hitler in WW2 as brutish and evil people. This was obviously an enormous lie but it was used to coerce the population into joining the armed forces to fight in the wars against Germany.

I think most people know now that Saddam Hussein was supposed to have weapons of mass destruction in 2002 according to the American and British government. Again this we now know was a lie because the agenda of these governments was to attack Iraq (for Israel) and take over its resources. May I also say that the mass media (newspapers, BBC news, Sky news etc.) also go along with these lies and the government’s agenda’s? Shouldn’t the mass media’s job be to report the truth to the people? Sadly the opposite is the case. Well that’s no surprise when you find out that the same people causing these wars are the same people that own the mass media. The reason you don’t get the truth is because the Jews are in control of the media as you will soon find out.

So what you then get is an untrue version of history were the full facts are not presented. Hopefully this book will show you an unbiased truer version of these historical events. I would say this is closer to the truth than you will get on BBC, History and the Discovery channel controlled versions as well as educational establishments. As an example The World at War series narrated by Lawrence Olivier is so biased and anti-German that you will never get to the truth of WW2 by watching it.

There is always two sides to every story and for over 70 years we have heard one side of the story about World War 2 and it is the Jews who are in charge of giving the WW2 story to the masses of people because they own most of the media and every single WW2 movie that has come out of Hollywood has been anti-German. This book will give you the other side of the story that the Jews always seem to leave out and when you hear the other side of the story you will have a different viewpoint of Hitler and World War 2 completely. A viewpoint in which it appears that the Germans were the good guys and the Jews were the instigators of the war from behind the scenes of the allied governments of America, Britain and Russia. This viewpoint is shared by many and some even served in the American forces during WW2 and their quotes will appear in this book. The task of recording the history of the WW2 is therefore largely in the hands of Germany’s former enemies!

Finding the truth is hugely important because the lies have cost the lives of millions of human beings and most of them civilians and the biggest crime is the deaths of the children. If you think that governments and leaders are there to do the best for the people then you are sadly mistaken. But then again there is a secret hidden hand behind these governments coercing and controlling them. They have been called the secret government, Cabal, Freemasons, Illuminati. But the name does not matter, they are there, they are real and we need to uncover their crimes if we are to find any peace in this world.

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes” Benjamin Disraeli (British Prime Minister 1875)

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Felix Frankfurter, Supreme Court Justice, 1952


Bolshevik Revolution

Many people today still don't know the reason why Adolf Hitler disliked Jews. There are several reasons which we will go over in the WW2 section of this book but first let’s take a look at one of the biggest reasons.

What most of the general public don’t know is that the financiers and leaders of this Bolshevik revolution (1917) where Jewish. A Jewish Revolution that cost the lives of over 40 million human beings, in fact it was the biggest mass slaughter in the history of the world, financed and carried out by Jews. This fact has been kept well-hidden throughout the years because

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