» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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They get billions more every year from the United States. It (Israel) has to steal or buy technology from Western nations as the Jews have not the creativity to develop their own. The Jewish state of Israeli would collapse in a minute without the continued support, protection and assistance from Jacob/Israel (The White Nations of Christendom). It is not, never has been, and never will be a self-sustaining nation." (Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, pp. 27-28).

So the Jews got America into the war which was the reason that Germany was defeated. This is just one of the reasons why Hitler and many Germans disliked the Jews and who can really blame them for that after what they brought down on to Germany. Also the might of Britain, France and Russia would never have defeated the Germans by themselves.

American people were pro-German and had no axe to grind against Germany and had no reason to go to war against them. But the people were brought around to disliking the Germans through propaganda in the Jewish press and the planned sinking of the Lusitania.

Below Propaganda posters used by Britain and America to turn the people against Germany.

The Lusitania was sunk by a German U-Boat on May 7th 1915, 11 miles of the coast of Ireland with the loss of 1198 lives, 128 of which were American citizens. The German Embassy had placed adverts in newspapers in America warning not to travel on the ship. The ship also had munitions inside it to help Britain’s war effort and the Germans will have known this. The Lusitania would have had two warships sailing beside it for protection but these were suspiciously called off by Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. Also Germany declared all seas around Britain as a war zone. Under these circumstances was it wise to send this ship to the U.K unprotected. It was sent in the hope that it would be sunk so as to turn public opinion in America against Germany.

Had America not joined the war it would have ended in a stalemate or truce. As it happened the Jewish Zionists cost the lives of 117,000 American soldiers and 200,000 injured, not to mention the other nation’s soldiers who died after America joined the carnage.

However by the autumn of 1918 it was clear that Germany could not win the war but you could say it could not lose it either. No enemy soldier had set foot in Germany and Berlin was 600 miles away from the safety of the front. Russia was not in the war anymore so the eastern front was safe. Kaiser Wilhelm offered negotiated peace terms based on Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points and at 5 A.M. on the morning of November 11, 1918 an armistice between Germany and the Allies was signed in a railway car parked in Compiegne near a French forest.

The Human Cost of the War

Vast areas of northern France were reduced to rubble and hundreds of thousands of French homes destroyed. The cities Flanders and Ypres in Belgium were all but destroyed. Allegedly Britain came into the war to protect Belgium’s sovereignty, what nonsense.

Let us look at the casualties.

Britain: 885,000 soldiers killed; 1,663,000 wounded

France: 1,400,000 soldiers killed; 2,500,000 wounded

Belgium: 50,000 soldiers killed; 45,000 wounded

Italy: 651,000 soldiers killed; 954,000 wounded

Russia: 1,811,000 soldiers killed; 5,000,000 wounded

America: 117,000 soldiers killed; 206,000 wounded

Germany: 2,037,000 soldiers killed; 4,250,000 wounded

Austria/Hungary: 1,200,000 soldiers killed; 3,600,000 wounded

Turkey: 800,000 soldiers killed; 400,000 wounded

Bulgaria: 100,000 soldiers killed; 152,000 wounded

The number of soldier killed on all sides totalled 9.7 million with 21 million wounded. Nearly 7 million civilians on all sides died. Britain’s blockade of Germany which lasted until 8 months after the war had ended cost the lives of about 2 million German civilians, mostly women and children. Another atrocity led by Winston Churchill.

This British blockade was kept in place until Germany accepted the blame for World War 1 and accepted the terms of the evil Versailles treaty. So the German leaders reluctantly signed it.

In his book, "Propaganda for War", Prof. H.C. Peterson wrote: "By 1918, approximately 763,000 Germans had died of malnutrition and sickness resulting from the blockade." These Germans were children, women, and old men, the weakest members of society.

The Versailles Treaty Swindle

Unbelievably Germany was to be blamed for starting the war and blamed for all the death and destruction and would have to pay all the victorious nations money to cover their costs. Britain’s starvation blockade was set up until Germany signed a document accepting responsibility for the war.

The American President Woodrow Wilson set 14 points as the terms for a peace treaty to end the war. Germany agreed to the armistice on good faith that these 14 points would be carried out. But once the Paris Peace Conference was set up in 1919 France and Britain would ignore these 14 points and instead they came up with the barbarous Versailles Peace Treaty which was set up to financially and economically crush Germany so that it could never rise again. This was the secret elite’s objective from the beginning.

These were the main points of the terrible Versailles Treaty.

1. Germany must accept 100% responsibility for the war. (It was not responsible at all)
2. German armed forces restricted to 100,000 men.
3. The industrial German Rhineland will be occupied by French troops for 15 years.
4. Kaiser Wilhelm II (safe in Holland) should be tried for "offenses against international morality". (He did nothing wrong)
5. The German region of West Prussia is given to the new nation of Poland. (Would be used to start World War 2)
Two million West Prussians are forcefully expelled from their homes, and East Prussia is left
isolated from the rest of Germany!
6. The German Sudetenland (3 million Germans) region is put under the rule of the new nation of ‘Czechoslovakia’.
7. The new state of Austria is forbidden from uniting with their brethren in Germany.
8. Germany is stripped of African colonies, Cameroon, Namibia and Tanzania. Britain, France, & Belgium take them.
9. The coal-rich Saar region of Germany is placed under League of Nations control for 15 years.
During this time, its coal is to be shipped to France.
10. The Baltic Sea port city of Danzig is separated from Germany and declared a "free city."(This port would be used to start World War 2)
11. Germany is forced to pay massive war reparations in the form of money and natural resources.
The crushing debt payments (equal to 1 Trillion dollars in modern currency) will devastate the
German economy and soon cause a hyperinflationary monetary collapse.

No country in the history of the world that has ever lost a war has had such nefarious conditions placed upon it. Any serious historian knows that if Germany won the war they would not have placed the same conditions and reparations on Britain. Do you really think Germany would have took all overseas territories of Britain, Stolen her coal mining, removed her navy and air force and took away Scotland and Wales. No I am sure that would not have happened but Britain was prepared to do this to Germany and that was the plan from the very beginning.

A million Germans, mainly women, children and the elderly, starved to death as the result of the Royal Navy’s food blockade. This blockade was kept for 8 months after the war until Germany signed the treaty and accepted all these conditions. This treaty was the only reason that World War 2 broke out.

Before World War 1 broke out Germany was the most powerful country in Europe. Germany did not start the war and gained nothing from it but lost its territories and land, lost its navy and air force, lost its industries and was made bankrupt. Germany had to pay huge reparations to Britain and France but it could not do so because its shipping and coal mining had been taken away from it. Britain, France and the Jews were the only ones who gained anything after the war. Britain and France gained Germany’s overseas territories and received its coal production plus they received money from Germany and their main economic competitor in Europe was gone. The Jewish bankers bankrolled both sides in the war and gained huge profits and the Jews had the promise of taking over Palestine. The Turkish Ottoman Empire was broken up and Britain took charge of Palestine which they later handed to the Jews.

In 1919 President Wilson heads to the Paris Peace Conference but who did Wilson appoint to head the American delegation to the peace conference? The Jewish Paul Warburg – who he’d also named vice chairman of the Federal Reserve! How could Warburg – a recent immigrant – be the only person qualified for these critical positions? Who did Wilson bring to Paris as his chief economic advisor? Again we find the Jewish banker Bernard Baruch, to whom he made his campaign pledges. Wilson did not invite any leading Democratic Party members to travel with him to Paris – not a single Senator or congressman accompanied him; only the Jewish bankers and their entourage.

Another thing to mention here was that the Jews had a huge representation at the Paris Peace Conference. The following leading Jews were there to advise America, Britain and France: Lord Walter Rothschild, Lionel de Rothschild, Sir Phillip Sassoon, Moses Montefiore, Felix Frankfurter, Jacob de Haas, Paul Warburg Bernard Baruch Jeroboam Rothschild and many more. But you might say why the Jews should be there at all, they were not the leaders of any country. The Jews normally get Christian soldiers to fight there wars and then reap the benefits. It just goes to show you the power the Jews had on the presidents and prime ministers and I would suggest they had a huge say in laying down some of the Versailles treaties main terms which were to crush Germany. Yet it is still a great puzzle to some people why some Germans disliked the Jews, I don’t understand why that might be.

“At the end of the First World War, Germany was essentially tricked into paying massive reparations to France and other economic competitors and former belligerent countries by the terms of the iniquitous Treaty of Versailles, thanks to the meddling of liberal American President Woodrow Wilson, himself acting under Jewish advice”. [See Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World (1983), p.24; and H. Nicholson, Peacemaking, 1919 (1933), pp. 13-16]

Germany was declared to be solely responsible for the Great War of 1914-1918 in spite of the fact that “Germany did not plot a European war, did not want one, and made genuine efforts, though too belated, to avert one.” (Professor Sydney B. Fay, The Origins of the World War (Vol. 2, p. 552).

As a result of these massive enforced financial reparations made by the Versailles Treaty, by 1923 the situation in Germany became desperate. Inflation on an astronomical scale became the only way out for the government. Printing presses were engaged to print money around the clock In 1921 the exchange rate was 75 marks to the dollar; by 1924, it had become roughly 5 trillion marks to the dollar. This virtually destroyed the German middle classes, reducing any bank savings to a virtual zero.

“In no other country in the world have Jews in times of severe national distress played such an inglorious, destructive and treacherous role as in Germany. Jews also took a prominent part in the work of planning the HH8 revolution in Germany which finally, led to the collapse of the entire western front during WW1. It was Dr. Oscar Cohn, the social-democratic deputy who early in November 1918 accepted the sum of four million gold roubles from M. Joffe, the Soviet-Russian ambassador to Berlin in those days, and also a Jew. This money was intended to finance the German revolution. Hugo Haase, a Jewish Reichstag deputy, was the master-mind behind the Sailors’ revolt at Kiel, which was the signal for general revolution throughout Germany. At the national meeting of protest held on May 12, 1919, when it was unanimously decided to vote against signing the peace terms, it was the Jew Haase, as leader of the Independent Social Democrats, who alone insisted on accepting the terms. It must also be added that in the Prussian Diet of that period it was a Jew, Kurt Rosenfeld, who on May 7, 1919, on the occasion of a similar protest meeting demanded that these terms should be accepted. Closely allied to these destructive elements and traitors to national interests, a few further outstanding names can be mentioned: The Jews Georg Bernhard, editor of the Vossische Zeitung, Friedrich Stampfer and Erich Kuttner, both on the staff of the social-democratic Vorwärts, Rudolf Hilferding, attached to the radical Freiheit press. Their united efforts were chiefly responsible for Germany being forced to bow down and submit to the yoke of the peace terms. Although political development proved later that these terms could never be fulfilled, yet to the military collapse there was added a total political and economic crash. It is not possible to conclude this chapter of Jewish defeatism without mentioning the following: It is true that there were also numbers of non-Jewish Germans who both during and

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