» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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executed in the Russian Gulag’s in 1938.

Sarah Gordon, in her book (Hitler, Germans and the "Jewish Question") she goes on to say: "There has been a tendency to circumvent or simply ignore the significant role of Jewish intellectuals in the German Communist Party, and thereby seriously neglect one of the genuine and objective reasons for increased anti-Semitism during and after World War 1. The prominence of Jews in the revolution and early Weimar Republic is indisputable, and this was a very serious contributing cause for increased anti-Semitism in post-war years. It is clear then that the stereotype of Jews as socialists and communists led many Germans to distrust the Jewish minority as a whole and to brand Jews as enemies of the German nation."

"On one point there should be no doubt; we shall not let the Jews slit our gullets and not defend
ourselves. Today in Berlin they may already be arranging their festival-dinners with the Jewish hangmen of Soviet Russia that they will never do here. They may today begin to set up the Cheka in
Germany, they may give it free scope. We surrender to such a Jewish Commission never. We have the
conviction, firm as a rock, that, if in this State seven million men are determined to stand by their 'No'
to the very last, the evil spectre will collapse into nothingness in the rest of the Reich." - Hitler's
Speeches, Baynes. Vol.1. the Institute of International Affairs. 1942

Adrien Arcand, Canadian political leader in New York Speech, October 30, 1937 “There is nothing else in Communism — a Jewish conspiracy to grab the whole world in their clutches; and no intelligent man in the world can find anything else, except the Jews, who rightly call it for themselves a “paradise on earth. Jews are eager to bring Communism, because they know what it is and what it means. It is because Communism has not been fought for what it really is — a Jewish scheme invented by Jews — that it has progressed against all opposition to it. We have fought the smoke-screen presented by Jewish dialecticians and publicists, refusing to fight the inventor, profiteer and string-puller. Because Christians and Gentiles have come to fear the Jews, fear the truth, and they are paralyzed by the paradoxical slogans shouted by the Jews.”

But that was far from the end of the KPD communist party in Germany. By 1932 it had 100 seats in the Reichstag compared to the 196 of Hitler’s NSDAP party. Had the communist party took over Germany it would have suffered the same fate as what the Bolsheviks bestowed on the Russian people. Hitler knew this and was totally against these communists and that is one of the reasons why he joined the German Workers Party.

Hitler had this to say about the evils of Jewish led communism.

“Soviet Communism already tried to poison Germany between the years 1918 and 1920, and its methods of penetration into this country was much the same as its present-day military efforts in moving the Bolshevik military machine closer and closer to our frontiers. We have stamped out Bolshevism which
Moscow's blood fiends such as Lewin, Axelroth, Neumann, Bela-Kuhn, etc. tried to introduce into
Germany. And it is because we see day by day these efforts of Soviet rulers to meddle in our
domestic affairs have not yet ceased, that we are forced to regard Bolshevism beyond our frontiers as
our deadly enemy. We have fought Bolshevism in Germany as a Weltanschaung that is, as a form of
philosophy that endeavoured to poison and destroy our people. And Bolshevism will continue to be
fought if it attempts to introduce its sordid Spanish methods into Germany. It is not the aim of
Bolshevism to free nations from their ailments. Its object is to exterminate all that is healthy and
replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements. We do not want a situation here in
Germany, as in Russia, in which 98% of official key positions are held by alien Jews. Under no
circumstances do we want our national intelligence debased. Communism however cannot deny that in Russia today 98% of all official positions are held by Jews who not only can never be classed as members of the proletariat, but who have never earned an honest penny in their lives. We have fought Bolshevism because its leaders had planned for us a slaughter house on Russian and Spanish lines. Such is the difference between the Bolshevik and the National Socialist revolutions. The one transforms prosperous and peaceful countries into a waste of ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a broken-down and poverty stricken Reich into an economically sound and prosperous state." We believe that it is a bigger task to put 5 million people back to work than to burn down houses and churches and allow hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants and others to kill each other. We have also fought Bolshevism on general economic grounds. From time to time the world hears of hunger famines in Russia. Since, 1917, that is, since the victory of Bolshevism, there is no end to this form of distress. This self-same Russia, starving for close on 20 years, was one of the richest grain countries in the world. What would have
happened to Germany and the whole of its economic structure if Jewish-Bolshevik economic
malpractice had ever been allowed to take root here? We have fought Bolshevism because a victory
for it in Germany would have spelt starvation for perhaps 50% of our population. Bolshevism preaches world revolution, and it would use the German workers as cannon fodder for the attainment of its goal”

German Workers Party: NSDAP

The German Workers’ Party was founded by Anton Drexler and Adolf Hitler became the 7th member in September 1919. The German Workers party held its first meeting in a Munich Beer Hall in 1920 in which the Party’s 25 points were laid down. Ten of these 25 points are below.

We demand the union of all Germans to form a Great Germany on the basis of the right of self-determination enjoyed by nations.

We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealings with other nations, and abolition of the peace treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain

We demand land and territory (colonies) for the nourishment of our people and for settling our excess population

None but members of the nation may be citizens of the state. None but those of German blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation. No Jew, therefore, may be a member of the nation.

We demand that the state shall make it its first duty to promote the industry and livelihood of citizens of the state. If it is not possible to nourish the entire population of the state, foreign nationals (non-citizens of the state) must be excluded from the Reich.

We demand nationalisation of all businesses.

We demand that the profits from wholesale trade shall be shared.

We demand extensive development of provision for old age.

The state must see to raising the standards of health in the nation by protecting mothers and infants, prohibiting child labour, increasing bodily efficiency by obligatory gymnastics and sports laid down by law, and by extensive support of clubs engaged in the bodily development of the young.

We demand legal warfare against conscious political lying and its dissemination in the press. In order to facilitate creation of a national press we demand: a) that all editors of newspapers and their assistants, employing the German language, must be members of the nation b) that special permission from the state shall be necessary before non-German newspapers may appear. These are not necessarily printed in the German language c) that non-Germans shall be prohibited by law from participation financially in or influencing German newspapers. It must be forbidden to publish papers which do not conduce to the national welfare. We demand legal prosecution of all tendencies in art and literature of a kind likely to disintegrate our life as a nation, and the suppression of institutions which militate against the requirements above-mentioned.

People will mention point 4 on this list. But when you understand the Communism threat in Germany and understand that 80% of the communists in Germany were Jewish then then it is easier to understand Point 4. Also we will go over later how much influence the Jews had on German life.

In April 1920, the name of the party was changed to National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP). Hitler and his NSDAP party never called themselves Nazis. Nazi is a political label invented by a Marxist German Jew, Konrad Heiden who was a member of the Social Democratic Party as a means of belittling Hitler’s NSDAP party. NAZI was an imitation of the word SOZI which was the nickname of the Social Democratic Party during Hitler’s rise to power. So the term Nazi was spread by Jews among English speaking countries to make Hitler and his party seem more evil. But you can’t get much more evil than what the Communist Jews had done to large parts of Europe.

The Beer Hall Putsch

In 1921 with Hyperinflation, Germans losing their saving and hunger riots Hitler decides that the time is right to seize power from the local government in Munich. Hoping that war veterans will join the revolt and move against the national government in Berlin, Hitler uses a rally in a Munich ‘Beer Hall’ to launch a coup.
After reaching the centre of Munich, the Nazis headed toward the War Ministry building but they encountered a police blockade along the route. As they stood face to face with a hundred armed policemen, Hitler yelled out to them to surrender. They didn't. Shots rang out. Both sides fired. It lasted about a minute. Sixteen NSDAP members and three police were killed. Goring was hit in the groin. Hitler suffered a dislocated shoulder when the man he had locked arms with was shot and dragged Hitler down to the pavement.

Hitler was put on trial and in April 1924 was sentenced to 5 years in Landsberg prison but he only served 8 months because of good behaviour. Alongside him in prison was Rudolf Hess. Hitler then used his time in prison to write Mein Kampf. From then on Hitler decided he would do everything legally and he would only take power if people voted for him to do so.

Mein Kamp was part political manifesto and part autobiography containing discussions of history, philosophy, and economics. In the book, Hitler explained the global conspiracy for world government and that it was directed by International Jewish bankers and the German loss of WW1, the Jewish-Bolshevik Revolution, the Versailles Treaty and the resulting hyperinflation that devastated Germany. He accused the elite Marxist Jews of Germany of controlling newspapers and banking, fomenting wars and corrupting the art, culture and morality of Europe. Hitler was not the only one warning of the International Jews. In 1922 American Henry Ford founder of the Ford Motor Company wrote a book titled ‘The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem’. In the book Ford laid out the plans of an organized Jewish global Elite. Fords research revealed the Jewish hidden influence over American politics, the press, crime and media entertainment.

Below Hitler outside the court.

“With his great speaking eloquence, undiscovered until now, Hitler began to whip this group into shape. In 1920 the party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party. During the next three years, from 1920 until 1923, Hitler and his loyal followers managed with great success to awaken the German

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