» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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prolonging of the virus life cycle. A rapid spike followed by a rapid plunge is preferable

Going OUTSIDE -- not "sheltering in place"™ prevents / kills respiratory viruses. Having so many people locked in their homes will actually keep the virus alive.

The related policies of "social distancing"™ and "sheltering in place"™ could lead to a second wave of infection when we do go back to work and school because the nature-mandated herd immunity was never achieved. Wittkowski cites his kidnapped clothes at the dry cleaners as a hypothetical example of what might happen when the lock-down ends. He argues that it is theoretically possible that he'll bring CV from the clothes into his home, weeks from now -- when it ought to have died through its natural course weeks ago.

Self-isolation and economic losses will contribute to higher rates of depression, weight gain and poorer general health

The revised death projections are in line with deaths related to the annual flu season

Corona-related deaths in countries that did not impose "social distancing"™ policies or school closings are not any higher than normal flu-related death rate

Had it not been for media hype, no one would have noticed anything different this year

Government-funded "scientists" ought to be viewed with suspicion

However Bill Gates and his sidekick Anthony Fauci (Head’s Trump’s Administration's White House Coronavirus Task Force) insist that we vaccinate the world -- at a hefty profit for the Globalist Pharmaceutical Mafia. But were it not for "social distancing, we could have essentially self-vaccinated naturally by now -- for free and without artificial side-effects!

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has become a doom prophet fomenting mass hysteria among the American public amidst the coronavirus hysteria, once worked with Bill Gates on his “Global Vaccine Action Plan.”

It is very telling that the main broadcaster in the UK, The BBC have nothing but WALL TO WALL COVID - 19 Coverage on their News channel. With all the emphasis on the death rates and emotional blackmail! Nothing else in the world seems to matter especially the killing of the economy!! Unadulterated Propaganda is what is being spewed out to spread fear and keep the people in check!

The worldwide response to what is essentially a new cold virus is completely over the top. Sure it can cause fatal pneumonia in older people who have preexisting illnesses and people who have a weakened immune system, but this is a risk that ordinary colds and flus already pose to these people anyway. Millions of people have had their lives, their livelihoods and their future quality of life decimated and their freedoms removed. The response is not logical or justified.

The world has gone mad, people are literally demanding the state take their freedoms away. So many people seem to be living in this happy la la land that if we stay in our houses for 6 weeks the virus will go away, no one will ever die again and the economy and their jobs will still be there once they re-emerge. It's crazy!

There's no other way of putting it. There was no need to crash the economy. There was no need to lock everyone down. There was no need to scare the crap out of everyone. The numbers just don't warrant the reaction. Britain's coronavirus lockdown is costing the economy £2.4billion a day, according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research.

“Yes, this is serious, and, yes, it’s understandable that people cry out to the government, but the real question is, is this serious enough to warrant putting most of our population into house imprisonment, wrecking our economy for an indefinite period, destroying businesses that honest and hardworking people have taken years to build up, saddling future generations with debt?” - Lord Sumption, is a British author, medieval historian and former senior judge. Sworn in as a Justice of the Supreme Court on 11 January 2012

“Yes, coronavirus poses a risk. No, our response to it is not intelligent or useful. In fact, I think it is increasingly damaging and will soon become more so. The key word here is proportion. There is nothing wrong with simple, practical precautions. I reckon that my risk from coronavirus is quite small. If I catch it, and I quite possibly will, I doubt it will trouble me all that much. The truth is, people with what are called ‘underlying conditions’, many of which follow decades without exercise, are in danger not just from coronavirus but from almost everything. If the Government is so worried about them, why has it followed transport and housing policies that have made it hard and dangerous to walk or bicycle, and so devastated the health of the people? Why is the sale and possession of cigarettes still even legal? I wouldn’t normally raise these questions quite so fiercely, but the ever-increasing panicky bossiness of the authorities is annoying me. I must ask them: are you really worried about our health, or are you just afraid of being blamed for a small number of the deaths that your policies are causing? But I am quite sure that many of the current panic measures do far more harm than good. They create the idea that we are in the midst of a terrifying plague that will kill us all, when the truth – though disturbing – is far less frightening. Their worst effect is to savage the economy by scaring people away from normal activities. But while I see very little evidence of a pandemic, and much more of a PanicDemic, I can witness on my daily round the slow strangulation of dozens of small businesses near where I live and work, and the catastrophic collapse of a flourishing society, all these things brought on by a Government policy made out of fear and speculation rather than thought. Much that is closing may never open again. The time lost to schoolchildren and university students – in debt for courses which have simply ceased to be taught – is irrecoverable, just as the jobs which are being wiped out will not reappear when the panic at last subsides. We are told that we must emulate Italy or China, but there is no evidence that the flailing, despotic measures taken in these countries reduced the incidence of coronavirus. The most basic error in science is to assume that because B happens after A that B was caused by A” - Peter Hitchens, English conservative journalist and author. Hitchens writes for The Mail on Sunday and is a former foreign correspondent in Moscow and Washington

Remember: there are two types of infectious disease: the very dangerous such as Ebola and the rest such as the flu. The coronavirus was originally placed in the same category as Ebola. The Government’s advisors have now downgraded it and put it in the flu category. Are we to assume that we will be put into lockdown whenever a new flu virus appears?

Just think of all those now being denied essential screening, scanning, treatment and surgery while the UK NHS (and other countries health services) devotes itself to an infectious disease in the same epidemiological bracket as the flu. Think of all those who will have heart attacks because they are eating badly and not exercising. I am convinced the `cure’ will do more damage than the `disease’.

The Government published an `Emergency bill to strengthen coronavirus (covid19) response plans’. The new Bill, gives the Government tremendous powers including `easing legislative and regulatory requirements'. The bill is 358 pages long and, for a start, lasts two years. (They didn’t write a 358 page Bill in a week, did they? How long have they been working on this?) The police and immigration officers will also have new powers. Shouldn’t these powers be removed once this Virus crisis is over? I doubt it very much.

“How long before we need passes to go out in the streets, as in any other banana republic? As for the grotesque, bullying powers to be created on Monday, I can only tell you that you will hate them like poison by the time they are imposed on you. Imagine, police officers forcing you to be screened for a disease, and locking you up for 48 hours if you object. Is this China or Britain? Think how this power could be used against, literally, anybody. The Bill also gives Ministers the authority to ban mass gatherings. It will enable police and public health workers to place restrictions on a person’s ‘movements and travel’, ‘activities’ and ‘contact with others’. Many court cases will now take place via video-link, and if a coroner suspects someone has died of coronavirus there will be no inquest. They say this is temporary. They always do” – Peter Jonathan Hitchens is an English conservative journalist and author. Hitchens writes for The Mail on Sunday and is a former foreign correspondent in Moscow and Washington

Belarus has been one of the few nations in the northern hemisphere to resist introducing nation-wide quarantines and other large-scale restrictions in its battle with the new coronavirus, instead preferring a targeted response. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has expressed concerns over how powerful nations and interests may try to use the coronavirus pandemic to reshape the world to their own advantage.

“I once asked the question: is this pandemic, this coronavirus, a man-made phenomenon? I don’t know the answer yet, but I have my suspicions. Are politicians and others using this situation for their own purposes? You and I both know the answer to that question. You already see how it is used today…Doesn’t it seem to you that the powerful forces of the world would like to remake the world, without a ‘war’ (Emmanuel Macron has already called it a war), through this so-called ‘corona-psychosis’, or ‘info-demic’? Many people are asking: ‘what will happen after the pandemic?’” Lukashenko said.

“I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near-total meltdown of normal life — schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned — will be long-lasting and calamitous, possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself. The stock market will bounce back in time, but many businesses never will. The unemployment, impoverishment and despair likely to result will be public health scourges of the first order” - Dr. David Katz is an American physician and founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center

Over the course of just a few weeks, America and most of the world has been subjected to a power play that rivals anything that George Orwell and his book 1984 could have dreamed up. Whole countries locked down. People quarantined who have no illness. People restricted to their houses. “Social distancing” mandating that people stay six feet apart from one another. The closing down of virtually all businesses. No more going to the movies, or restaurants, or casinos, or concerts or even sports.

For those who say there is no global conspiracy to control the masses. You’re wrong, you are now living in it. A few Globalists have got maybe 5 or 6 billion people to stay in their houses under threat of a supposed virus that has maybe killed 70,000.

Another fundamental question: What is being tested?

Inasmuch as COVID-19 and Influenza have similar symptoms, to what extent are the data pertaining to COVID-19 “overlapping” with those pertaining to viral seasonal influenza and pneumonia? I know of instances where elderly people who are in hospital in Italy with heart and lung conditions and they get tested positive for a Coronavirus then they die. But it goes down on their death certificate as death by Covid-19 and not by the heart or lung condition that they were originally in the hospital for.

Take note of the following picture.

“Here in the UK my daughter developed flu-like symptoms recently. When she phoned 111 (the NHS helpline) she was told she had covid19 and must self-isolate for 7 days. Despite the fact that she was not tested for anything, my daughter's details were placed on the NHS register

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