» History » The Streets, Tai Goodman [early readers txt] 📗

Book online «The Streets, Tai Goodman [early readers txt] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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Damion: "Efrain went to the house on seventh, it did belong to Richard Cauley but the mafia overthrew its control. They made a settlement inside, and they fortified the location. What DID happen was after Efrain arrived, the police eventually showed up." 


Efrain unloaded his pistol's magazine, then looked at it. "12 rounds. 1 per person... or maybe I can get a two-fer." Efrain loaded the gun back up and used the air pressurizer to blow the door's lock off. "THE FUCK?"


Efrain arrived behind a mobster, and with the palm of his hand, he knocked him out. Efrain shot him in the back of his head. "One." He turned to see two of them coming. "It's that blood! Shoot him!"

Efrain aimed and shot the first one in his forehead, then the other in his throat. "Three." Efrain grabbed one of their corpses and used it as a human shield. Efrain entered the kitchen. "KICK HIS ASS!"

Efrain blocked several gunshots with the corpse, and when the opportunity arrived, he fired again, and shot a hole in a mobster's hat. Blood leaked out of the bullet-hole. "Four." Then Efrain dropped the shield, and jumped over a tiled counter, kicking the second mobster in the process. Efrain landed, and popped the mobster in his head. "Five."

A shotgun blast missed and hit a hanging frying pan near Efrain. "SHIT!"


Efrain scooted behind the counter, and laid flat. The mobster starting shooting a line of fire across the counter's bottom, or near it. He missed Efrain's skull by just an inch as the gunfire pierced the material. Once it stopped, Efrain snatched a frying pan, blocking incoming gunfire, and whacked the mobster in the nose with it. He received a broken nose. "Aghhh! Stop!"


Efrain slammed the pan down again on the back of his head. "PLEASE, I'M BEGGIN' YOU!"

Efrain knockekd the mobster over with his elbow and shot him in his chest. "AGHH!" 




Efrain moved into the hallway, holding the frying pan like a shield. Footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway. "Come on, he's this way!"


When a peak of a shadow appeared in the doorway, Efrain extended his arm with the frying pan out, and clotheslined the mobster. On the ground, the man still aimed his weapon upwards at Efrain. In a revolt, he smacked the gun out of his hand, then repeatedly bashed the man's head in with the pan until his skull splattered. Efrain heard more enemies rushing his way. "Watch your six!" Three mobsters moved along a wall, as around the other corner, Efrain stood waiting. "Alright, I'm going in, watch my back!"

As soon as he turned the corner, PEW!


Dead as a doornail. "Seven." Efrain then shot the edge of the corner of the wall, and killed another one with a headshot. "Eight." The third one dropped his gun and ran around the corner with his bare fists. "Let's do this the old fashion way, boy!" Efrain showed no emotion. Dropping his gun and pan, Efrain held up two fists. "Come hit me."


The mobster punched Efrain in the gut, but then Efrain kicked him into a television. Efrain sprinted to his new location, and punched one of the enemy's teeth out. It landed besides his suit, all bone. "Don't.. don't do this." Efrain picked up the tooth, and with the sharp ends, he plunged the tooth into the man's throat, gashing it open. The man clutched Efrain's arm, and then released it.


"Dead." Efrain grabbed his pistol walked down to the ending of the hallway. "I know you're in there, come on out!" A gunshot fired and shot a hole through the door. "Huh. Guess we'll do it my way." Efrain kicked the door open and kicked a pistol out of a mobster's hand, sitting behind a desk. "Go to hell, motherfucker." Efrain popped the man in his head with the pistol. "Nine."


Big loud footsteps came from down the hall. "Ten." He shot an enemy approaching at breakneck speed. 


Damion: "Oh, I forgot to mention, the police officer that came WAS Richard Cauley."


A police vehicle arrived in the front of the house. "Sumbitches, taking over my house!" he bellowed in his walkie-talkie. "Do you require backup Officer Cauley?" 

"No, it's my house, so I'll shoot this cunt myself!" 



Efrain looted a shotgun off of a corpse and took it into the back room with him. Before he entered, he backed up and took a necklace off of a corpse’s body, then went back into the room he came out of. 

He hid behind a desk as the officer came into the building. Efrain tied the end of the necklace around a circular handle on of the desk’s drawers, then around his thumb. The officer busted into the room and caught Efrain sitting on top of the desk. 



“I’m frozen, aren’t I, officer?”

“Hands where I can see them, NOW!”


Efrain shook his head and said, “I don’t think you want me to do that.”

“This is your last warning, hands up, or I will fire!”


Efrain looked down for a second, then looked back up. “Fine.” Efrain raised his hands, and a blast from a shotgun came from under the desk, and hit the officer in his chest, knocking him down. Efrain walked over to the officer, still alive and squirming, and put his boxcutter up to his neck.


“Follow directions, next time, officer. This is my mission. Not yours."


Then Efrain spiked a blade through his neck.


Damion West: “Efrain was clever at the murder of Officer Cauley. Baited him into a room, he apparently pulled a string tied to a shotgun trigger underneath a desk. This is how most every other important individual died to Efrain, a very nasty way.”


Efrain listened to the police officers that followed up on the incident. "SHIT." Efrain pulled the magazine out of his pistol. Two rounds left. "Fuck this." He rotated and shot the window open with two shots. "Twelve."

"Move in! Move in!" said the officers outside. Efrain took the shotgun and aimed down the hallway. One officer appeared from around the corner with his gun pointed. "HANDS UP!"

Efrain pulled the trigger, and figured out the shotgun was jammed. "What in the FUCK?" He threw down the gun and leaped out of the window he recently smashed. "WE GOT A RUNNER! SEND BACKUP TO SEVENTH!"


Efrain sprinted down the alley to dodge the police's fury. He found a motorcycle, laid against a wall of a building. He picked the lock to the ignition and started the motorcycle, right as a police officer made it out the window, firing his gun. Efrain sped off on it, and was hit in his shoulder by a bullet. "AGH- BITCH!" 


Efrain drove deep into the more grass-surrounded areas of Detroit, whilst being followed by the police. A bullet flew and destroyed one of the motorcycle's side-mirrors. Efrain drove off of the road and onto the grass, and drove up a hill's inclined plane. Gunfire hit most of the dirt and soil he passed. He reached the top, and as he drove over, he flew off the hill. In mid-air, he was falling towards a lake. "Oh... GOD!" 


Damion: "Yep. He drove OFF OF A HILL. It's surprising how he held on and didn't fall off. No officers were hurt after Cauley's death, but Efrain had a nasty wound according to officers who chased D'Myers. Shot in his right shoulder by a 9mm bullet. With that much firepower, it creates most resistance within the cops, making each other think one is about to shoot him. But only one hit Efrain."


Chapter 6: Firepower

Brenton: "Benjamin Tyrone was one smart motherfucker... When he meant business, it meant business. Kept philosophers busy for a while. Tyrone came to the police station and gunned it down. I was just walking by, and these fancy-ass cars came into the lot and... Four men, including Tyrone, stepped out with guns." 


DPF Building


"You might want to watch your aim, I've been in the police force. We had to wear vests and they blocked gunfire like a punch to a brick wall," Tyrone told them. 


"So you broke bad?" said one of his men. Tyrone got up in his face. "Shut the fuck up right now, or I'll murder you right here in my car." The mobster became frightened. "Sorry, boss." Tyrone nodded and choked him. "SAY IT LOUDER."











Benjamin grinned and released him. "Great. Now are we all ready to go?" 






The four exited their car and stormed into the station. First, Tyrone blasted the officer at the front desk. "SHOTS FIRED!" yelled someone from in the station. Benjamin pointed down the hall. "Flank... left I guess."

Brenton walked along the sidewalk and saw the incident happening. "What the hell?" He saw Tyrone yank an officer out of a room and stomp on his head. "My lord." He sprinted the other way screaming, "HELP! I NEED SOME POLICE DOWN HERE!"


Benjamin watched an officer with a pistol swing out and shoot one of Tyrone's men in the chest three times. "SHIT! RIGHT THERE!" His two other men opened fired on the officer, shooting him 15 times. Benjamin was hit in the ear with a baton. "OW!" He hit the ground, vulnerable. "You... You think you're tough... You're NOT!" the officer taunted him. A shot came from somewhere and killed the officer. "Boss! You alright?" said one of his men. 

He assisted Tyrone and helped him up. "Did you check all the rooms?" 



 "Let's burn this place down to the ground!" 

Benjamin and the other two men walked back outside to go get gasoline. "Kill count?" 

"We counted 7 guys."


"That's 7 less in the DPF."


Benjamin unscrewed the cap of the canister, and sloshed around a liter of gasoline all over the floor. 


Damion: "Forensics discovered 10 canisters of gas were poured and ignited on fire, and burned down the station along with the corpses inside. They knew who all was in the station, they just couldn't tell them apart. Each body was charred to ashes."





Efrain climbed out of the lake, all soaked. The police cars disappeared from the hilltop. "God-d-d-damn.... T-t-t-that-t-t-t was-s-s-s close..." he said, freezing from the lake's temperature. The handlebars of the motorcycle bobbed up to the surface, catching his attention. 


Brenton: "Sometimes I wish Efrain never made that jump. Sometimes I wish he never came out of the lake and drowned. But I have enough sins on my life to the point where I have no position to wish for that shit."

Chapter 7: Removing the Past




Damion: "Efrain realized the

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