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Book online «The Streets, Tai Goodman [early readers txt] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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all the things he did, they were marks that were still there. He went to the Forensics office to destroy some of the evidence of the crimes he committed. At least they were recorded before he eradicated every single artifact in that unit."


Efrain wore a black mask, and black clothing. "Crackers can't see me now." He climbed the ladder in the alley and reached the roof. Efrain took a penny out of his pocket and strolled over to the ventilation on the roof. The bolts were unscrewed with the siding of the penny, and Efrain climbed inside. The exit vent was also destroyed, as Efrain entered the evidence room. "Aces, I already made it to the evidence room."


He saw all of the bags of evidence. Shotgun shells, 9mm bullet casings, the frying pan, the bloody tooth, a necklace chain, and several other things from the crime scenes. Efrain placed bags in the duffle bag he brought with him. A voice screamed, "Holy-!" Efrain turned his head to see a guard, standing there. Efrain snagged a bag with an empty pistol in it, removed the gun, and flung it a the guy. The grip hit the guard's forehead, knocking him unconscious.


Then he put the recording papers in the bag. Efrain broke the unconscious guard's neck and exited through the way he came in. On the roof, he burned the evidence bag with a cigarette lighter, freeing him from being tracked. 


Damion: "Later, the smoke from the fire went into the vents of the building, setting off the fire alarm. The firemen came and the fire had spread further below, burning most of the information. Not just of the Efrain incident, but of other crimes. The Detroit Riot, for example. But that was two years ago."


Efrain returned to his home, and called his brother. "Brenton? You there?"


"Yeah. This Efrain?"


"You already know who it is."

"'kay, what you wanna talk about?"

"Did you hear about the police station massacre?"

"Yep. I saw it too. In fact, I was the one that reported the incident. Why?"

"Were there men in suits with expensive guns?"

"Brother, where is this going?"

"You know where it's going. If you saw my face, you'd figure it out instantly."


"Mhm... Listen, that motherfucker leading those pricks... His name is Benjamin Tyrone-"


"I don't know who that is... I thought YOU said YOU caused it."


"No, but he's aiming to kill me and all the gangs around here. Mainly just me."

"Efrain... You're in a lot of trouble right now."

"Buddy, I can handle these guys."

"Those white folks are gonna kill you! You shouldn't take 'em on!"






Brenton nodded his head and said, "Fine, you're speaking to him."


Brenton: "He told me everything he's done since Tyrone showed his strength. Then he hung up. I didn't want to hear that side of Efrain again, but I had to if I wanted to learn what was happening around Detroit. I offered to him a ticket for him to fly out of Detroit to Ontario. Hell, I'd take that any day. But he declined, and now he's where he is."


Damion: "Efrain's brother knows more than I do about him. He's got most of the story, not me. It's a DISGRACE though, to be talking to some madman like that."



Chapter 8: Scorched Earth



Benjamin and Paul sat down and had a chat. "Did we learn any new intel on that... FILTHY goddamned rat?"

Paul answered, "No-No sir." 

"Hey Paul, remember what I said earlier?"

"I didn't see you this morning... what do you mean?"


Damion: "Remember when I said that since Paul was helping Benjamin, he counts as an asset? Well... I never said Efrain was the one who killed Paul."


Benjamin slid over the desk and stabbed Paul to death. "I TOLD YOU ONCE, NOT TO FUCK UP! WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU FUCKED UP, PAUL!" Benjamin took the knife out of Paul's corpse and cleaned the blood off of the knife. "Son of a bitch." Benjamin plopped back down in his chair. "Great... Now I need a new right-hand-man," he said to himself, angry. Then a few gunshots came from outside his door. "What the fuck?" He walked up to his door and listened, as the gunfire died down to silence. "Who's out there!?"


The door was kicked down by Efrain. "Oh, IT'S YOU! YOU'RE THE ONE KILLING ALL MY MEN!" 

Efrain popped his knuckles. "Alright then. CUNT. Come on over here, let's teach you "Getting Your Ass Kicked 101'!"


Benjamin backed into a fire-extinguisher container on the wall. Efrain charged over to him with his boxcutter. With quick speed, Benjamin smashed the glass of the case and took out the extinguisher, then smacked Efrain in the head with it. He was on the floor, unconscious. "Wow. It was... *That* easy."


He dropped the fire extinguisher and dragged Efrain's body out of the center of the room. 


Damion: "From surveillance cameras, we discovered Efrain took the loss in that one battle. Hit in his skull... WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER! I mean, out of everything that could have happened, between that and the safe- A FIRE EXTINGUISHER?"




Efrain awakened in a car compactor, in the middle of a junkyard. He heard the sides moving. "WHOA- WHAT THE HELL?" Efrain screamed. Efrain rolled out of the compactor as the car inside was crushed. "Well well well! Look what the cat dragged in..." said the operator of the compactor.




The operator pulled out a pistol. "Make me." Efrain pulled out his boxcutter. "Oh, I'm gonna!" Efrain dodged a bullet to his left, and slid across the dirt over to a metal staircase. Leaping over the railing, he continued upstairs, and slapped the gun out of the man's grasp. Efrain held him over the railing, interrogating him. "The cracker who put me here, WHERE IS HE YOU SON OF A BITCH?"




Efrain sighed. "Well then. You're useless to me." Right above the operator's head was a piston of the compactor. Efrain pulled the lever on the control panel, sending the piston downwards. "WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"


"Giving you a head-start."


The piston decapitated the man, and Efrain released the man's corpse. "Great. Just great." Efrain returned to his home and called Brenton. "Brenton? Brenton? Shit just got serious, Tyrone almost killed me."


"Well from the way you treated me last time, you kinda deserved it."

"FUCK YOU, MAN! You're my brother for God's sake!"

"That doesn't mean I care for your safety.

Efrain, what you're doing right now was 

because you stayed in the bloods. And you

lost your opportunity to go to Ontario-"


"Man, don't mention that bullshit on this call. Canada is for..

Freaking hippies and all that mess. And I'm NOT a hippie."

"Efrain, you brought this on yourself. So you solve this problem."


Brenton hung up the phone. "DAMMIT! DAMMIT!"


Chapter 9: Break-In

 Damion: "Now, we saw what happened in Tyrone's perspective. Let's see what Efrain did at the time."




Efrain strapped on a bulletproof vest, and popped his knuckles. "This is gonna be grisly." He entered the building and walked up behind a mobster on guard. Efrain subdued him, and said, "Shh.. Shh.. Calm yo ass down!" The mobster discontinued his squirming. "Great.. Now where's Tyrone?"


"Third floor... Big room with red doors in the front." 

"Gee, thanks."


Efrain pulled out a marshmallow shooter-like concoction. 


"This gadget that Efrain bought from Baxter's Pawn Shop was crafted from a marshmallow shooter, an air tank, and metal parts. First, the handle is pulled back, then pushed forwards, extending the needle. Once the needle has pierced skin of an individual, the needle absorbs the blood in that area, and as the handle is pulled back, the blood pours into the clear tank on the top. It also retracts the needle. And when the tank is full, then the cap on the back can be unscrewed to release the blood. If it isn't emptied, then the high force of air will not work."


Efrain pumped the marshmallow shooter, and put a hole in the man's head. He unscrewed the cap and let the blood pour out. Efrain also had a silenced pump shotgun with him. He walked to the center of the building, then he was spotted by two mobsters along pillars. "IT'S THAT CHOCOLATE SPIC, TAKE HIM OUT!"

 Efrain was shot twice in the chest by bullets. "You're gonna regret that, whitey!"


Efrain pumped the shotgun and blew one of the mobsters backwards. Then he turned and bashed the other in his jaw. "Yeew... Yeww broke my fecking jaw!" 

Efrain pumped the shotgun and killed the man with a blast to the chest and face. Efrain discovered the long, spiraling and red staircase. "Up." Efrain removed his shoes to prevent himself from creating noise. Mobsters upstairs were looking over the railing, and saw Efrain coming upstairs. "SHOOT!"


Efrain shot a mobster in his face from the middle of the staircase, and walked up to the second floor. Once he arrived on the second floor, he was kicked in the back by a mobster. Through the pain, Efrain hit the ground. But with his shotgun still in hand, he fired and killed another mobster while proned. Another mobster came around the pillar, and met the same fate because of another shotgun shot. He waited for a few moments. Nothing. Efrain composed himself, got back up, and turned around. A mafia-member was running with a knife in his hand. 

Efrain stood there, desparate. "Try me. Come on over here and hit my ass!"


The mobster continued to charge. With one hand, Efrain snatched the man's arm with the knife, broke it with his other hand, then stole the knife and stabbed the man in the gut. After the quarrel, Efrain snagged him by his suit and threw him over the railing. Efrain picked up a dropped gun. He fired it a few times. From upstairs, he heard: "Who's out there?"


Efrain walked upstairs to the third floor, and dodged a leg approaching his face. Efrain punched the guard in his crotch, and broke the man's kneebone.  Then he threw him over the railing, falling all the way down to the ground floor. Efrain heard footsteps from downstairs. "Ah... Shit." Efrain dropped his guns and kicked the two red doors opened. He caught Tyrone's location and found the corpse of somebody else, on the floor, dead from stab wounds.



Efrain popped

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