» History » The Streets 2, Tai Goodman [children's ebooks free online txt] 📗

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on top of a building. He pulled out his walkie-talkie and said, "Hola, amigos. Escuchas a mi. Ellos estan andando dentro de callejon. Vas en... Tres." 

Four black, old cars with spiked bumpers pulled up in front of the fronts of the alleyways. "Dos." Their engines roared. The people in the center of the alley started backing away from all four ends, scared. "Yo, what the fuck are they doing?!"
Four people with cinderblocks walked by the car's driver seat. 



They threw their bricks onto the gas pedals, sending all four cars down the alley at once. "GET DOWN!"

All four cars crashed into each other, squashing six victims at once. The roaring and squealing of the cars' tires could still be heard. "Si, SI!"


Jose placed his sniper rifle on the ridge of the building. 


Damion: "Jose knew that Henry Oxford, one of Ivan's men, one of the closest ones, was at that cafe due to intelligence from another individual; A spotter, perhaps. He decided to start there. Let me announce this now so  you will get the picture: Jose and Michael do not mix. They have had an altercation which I'll get to later on in this documentary. But back on topic..."


Jose watched Oxford sprint out of the building, then see the collision in the alley. From the look of his mouth, he was saying, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

While Oxford was just standing there, Jose locked onto his skull. "Cabeza..." POW! One shot, and Oxford was on the ground, deceased. "Muy facil.."


Damion West: "Then Winchester got called by one of his own men about how they found Oxford's body and a few others by the alleyway. He went to the crime scene, and decided to look around himself."





Ivan walked over to the officers guarding the caution tape. "Officer, I need to get through!"

"Sir, you aren't authorized to pass this point. Remain behind the tape, please."




"Oh- My condolences, come on through." 


Ivan entered the crime scene, grinning, and walked over to the cars in the alley. Each one created a plus-sign looking symbol, with the squashed bodies in the middle. Ivan looked inside of the cars, and discovered the keys were still in the ignition. On the keychains, he saw a common ornament. A Mexican flag. Green. White with a symbol. Red.


"Well well well.."


Ivan took the keys from the car and walked out of the scene. "Suckers."


Damion: "Then in the same day, the forensics lab is broken into. Fingerprint books, tools, and scanners are scattered. And what is left is a keychain remaining in the scanner. The identity was shown as Pablo Diego Sanchez, one of the 'car-men' in the four way crash that day. Presumably, and obviously, Ivan Winchester broke into the lab and wanted to find the identity so he could track the people down."





Ivan held up a paper about the fingerprint scan. "This, this is one of the pricks we need to track down, on the double. If we find him, and follow this... Hispanic greaser, then we can find his boss. And trust me, WE WANT to find him."


Wayne: "I've heard of that Mexican gang in Las Vegas, barely cared about it though. We were focused on Winchester, not all these hispanic lunatics running around like morons. I only know some Spanish because I took French back then in the 60's, but we had a Spanish foreign exchange student. And it was hard as hell to try and convey our language to his gibberish."


Wayne loaded up his shotgun, and pumped it as he walked into a Mexican territory of a trailer park. He started whistling as he stepped through the border of the area. 




"Hola, what's the word for friends... Pendejos?" he said to the hispanic folk inhabiting the area. "Haha... Muy puta comico!? Tu eres no inteligente... Si?"

Wayne pumped his shotgun, to threaten him. "Shut up and show me where your boss is." 

"Que, pendejo?"


"Umm... Donde eres te jefe?"




 The man started leading Wayne to his boss.

Chapter 6: Blacker Ice



Wayne awakened, all exhausted, and beaten to a pulp, in a trailer. "Ahh... What the hell happened?" A bunch of corpses were spread around the area of the trailer. Then he heard footsteps coming inside. "Err... shit!"

Wayne laid down flat on the ground like he was before he woke up. One of Winchester's men entered the trailer, and looked around. "Hmm... What was that noise?"


He walked over to Wayne's body and nudged it. "Huh. Not a beaner." Wayne heard a zipper unzip. His eyes opened a little bit, and then he said in his mind, "OH HELL NO!"

The man started urinating on his body.

After about 5 seconds, Wayne jumped out of character and said, "YOU SICK FUCK!" 


The man zipped his pants back up and moved backwards.


Wayne: "The motherfucker was trying to piss on me!"


Damion: "This man, who tried to 'defile' Wayne Devila's body was one of Winchester's men, named Judeau Salvadore. Italian-American, mostly quiet guy. There's a thing with him, though. He was on... NOBODY's side. During this entire timeline, he killed his own and killed the others. I mean, he basically pulled a Benedict Arnold. Oh, and it ended in a car chase, and it took an hour for the conclusion to come to a show. 


Salvadore won, by escaping the fight."


Wayne pumped his shotgun while he had his hands on the wheel. "Time to pay, asshole!" 

Judeau looked in the mirror and spotted Wayne on his tail. He looked around in the glove-box of the car, and found a plethora of mail papers. Once he grabbed all of them, with one hand, he threw the letters out of the window, blowing backwards and landing on Wayne's windshield. "GOD- What in the- FUCK YOU!"


Wayne swiped the letters off of the windshield with the windshield wipers. When the line of sight was clear, Wayne discovered he was about to run into a gas pump at a gas station. "HOLY SHIT!"

He swerved to the left of it and drove back onto the road. From his position, Wayne could see Judeau from 32 feet away. "You're not getting away!"

Judeau looked to the right and noticed a shotgun hanging out of the window of Wayne's door. He sighed and looked around in the car. One blast, and the back windshield of Judeau's vehicle was shattered into snowflake sized glass particles. "YOU JUST DON'T QUIT, DO YOU?" Wayne screamed in rage. With the handle of the side-mirror, he cocked the shotgun and aimed. 


A brick flew from Judeau's window, and smashed the side-mirror. The shotgun barrel dropped and was scraping across the ground. "Come on, hit the tires!" Wayne said, aiming with one arm, struggling to stabilize the shotgun's aim. BOOM! One shot and Wayne hit the tire's rubber. Judeau grinned.

Judeau took a left turn and drove into a fire hydrant besides a deep ditch. "HAHA, I GOT YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

The car flipped over on its side.




Wayne parked by the scene of the crash, and exited the vehicle. He pumped his shotgun and walked over to Judeau's escape vehicle. "Come on out of the fucking car, you piece of shit!"

There was no response. "Alright, have it your way!"


Wayne creased the door open.. and the car was empty. Judeau had escaped somehow. "How? HOW? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET AWAY!?"



Damion: "Wayne was deceived by Judeau, when Judeau flipped his own vehicle over. Presumably, Judeau made an illusion and a diversion at once to escape Wayne's wrath. How you ask? Well... It wasn't very sanitary."




Judeau grabbed a branch in the ditch, after being thrown down the riverbed within the ditch. He hauled himself out, and back onto the grasses of Las Vegas. His clothes were stained, brown and wet. Drenched in mud and runoff. 


Damion: "He apparently rolled out of the car at the last second, then landed in the ditch, taking him down the stream."



Chapter 7: Eye to Knuckle




"WE GOT HIS LOCATION! That spic fuck!" Ivan said. 


Everybody clapped. "Now... Which of you wants to go pick him off?"

Smithy and Judeau both raised their hands. "We've got a couple of volunteers! And for the rest of you..!" 
Ivan stood up and pulled out his pistol. Then shot DePinto and Eustice in their heads. 


"Okay, since we have two volunteers... Which of you is going? You two talk amongst yourselves, choose wisely." 


Judeau whispered in Smithy's ear, "You go. Your family needs that money."


"You sure?"




Judeau then said, "Smithy's going." 


"Well then, come get your outfit, and head on down to *this* location on the map," informed Winchester.





Smithy walked over to the booth and said, "Hola, tu hablas ingles?"

"Yes, senor."


"HI, I'm here to fight a certain person..."


The booth worker handed him a clipboard. "Find whoever it is, and sign your name by his. You just looking for that one fight or are you doing the tour-"

"JUST that one fight, please."


The worker took the clipboard back after Smithy forged his signature on the paper. "Alrighty, Mister... Jack Reagan! You are fighting- Oh... Pablo? You uh... Ehh... Good luck."


Smithy walked into the locker room, but then he was stopped by security. "Ey, ey, cualquier armas?" they questioned him in Spanish. "Uhh... Que?"


The left one sighed. "Do you have WEAPONS?"


"No. None at all."


"Spread your arms and legs out, then."


Smithy held out his arms and legs in a T-Pose position, and the man patted him down. No weapons. "Si, you're good to go. Go to the locker room and we'll call you in. Oh, and you forgot your gloves." The guard handed him a pair of boxing gloves. His eyebrows raised. "Oh.. okay, thanks!"


Smithy hurried into the locker room, and pulled his feet out of his oversized shoes, revealing his toes were inside of brass knuckles. "Master plan."

He slid his fingers through the holes of the brass knuckles. Smithy inserted his hands inside of the boxing gloves. "Great.. Pablo, here I come." Smithy sat back down on the bench, and waited for the referee. Eventually, the referee entered the locker room. "Senor Reagan? You are up."


Smithy exited the locker room. "En esta esquina, tenemos al invicto, Pablo!" The crowd cheered for Pablo, standing in the other corner of the ring. "Y en esta esquina, tenemos Senor Jack Reagan!" Smithy raised his right arm in the air. "Tres! Dos! UNO!!"

Pablo approached Smithy. "You are cracker caballero!" Pablo insulted Smithy as he was circling around him. "I'm gonna give you one chance, where's your boss? All truth, no lies!"

Pablo said, "I'm not here for talking, I'm here to kick your ass!"



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