» History » A History of Art for Beginners and Students, Clara Erskine Clement Waters [best beach reads .txt] 📗

Book online «A History of Art for Beginners and Students, Clara Erskine Clement Waters [best beach reads .txt] 📗». Author Clara Erskine Clement Waters

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tag="{}a">210 Coello, Claudio, 208, 212-213 “Collocation of the Host” (Coello), 213 Cologne school of art, 188 Colonna, Vittoria, friendship with Michael Angelo, 103 Colors, Egyptian rules for use of, 5-7; in Assyrian paintings, 11; in Pompeian wall-paintings, 32; in illumination, 47; Raphael’s skill in, 110; discoveries by Hubert van Eyck in use of, 156 “Communion of St. Jerome” (Domenichino), 141 “Condemnation of Marie Antoinette” (Delaroche), 242 Consalvi, Cardinal, portrait by Lawrence, 271 Cook’s “Southern Coast,” illustrated by Turner, 282 Cooper, Samuel, 249 Copley, John Singleton, 259-264 “Copley Family” (Copley), 264 Corday, Charlotte, portrait by Goya, 233 Cornaro, Caterina, portrait by Titian, 124 Correggio, 132-139 “Cottage Door” (Gainsborough), 258 “Cottage Girl” (Gainsborough), 258 Court influence upon art during Romanesque period, 50 Coxie, Michael, copies Van Eyck’s altar-piece for Philip I., 156 Cranach, Lucas, 202 “Cromwell at the House of Sir Walter Stewart” (Landseer), 293 “Cromwell Contemplating the Remains of Charles I.” (Delaroche), 242 Cromwell’s directions to Lely for painting his portrait, 251 Crucifixion as represented by Giotto, 68-69 “Crucifixion” (Fra Angelico), 75-76 “Crucifixion” (Tintoretto), 130 “Crucifixion” (Vandyck), 169, 171 “Crucifixion of St. Peter” (Bourdon), 238 Cunningham, Allan, quoted, 267 Cupid, statue of, by Michael Angelo, 98-99 Curran, portrait by Lawrence, 270 Cuyp, Albert, 186-187

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Damophilos, 21 “Danäe” (Titian), 129 Dance, George, portrait of Turner, 279 “Dance of Death” (Holbein), 192-193 Daniell, William, portrait by Wilkie, 293 Dante, portrait by Giotto, 64-66; and Michael Angelo, 103 Dante’s “Inferno,” painting by Delacroix of scene from, 245 David, Jacques Louis, 240-242 “David” (Michael Angelo), 99 “Dead Warrior, The” (Landseer), 298 “Death of the Duke of Guise” (Delaroche), 242, 244 “Death of Lord Chatham” (Copley), 262 “Death of Wolfe” (Romney), 267 “Death of Wolfe” (West), 266 “Decline of the Carthaginian Empire” (Turner), 282 “Decoration of a Roof,” 44-45 Delacroix, Eugene, 244-245 Delaroche, Paul, 242 “Demeter Enthroned,” 34 “Descent from the Cross” (Ribera), 151 “Descent from the Cross” (Volterra), 104 “Dido Building Carthage” (Turner), 282 “Dionysus, or Bacchus” (Aristides), 17 “Discovery of the Herb Mandragora,” 47-48 Dobson, William, 249-251; and Vandyck, 173 “Dodwell Vase (The),” 38 Domenichino, 141-143; and Poussin, 234 Dorian school of Sikyon, 15-17 Dow, Gerhard, 181 Drawing first regularly taught in Sikyon school, 17 “Drunken Bacchus” (Michael Angelo), 99 Duccio, 64 Dupper, portrait of Landseer, 301 Dürer, Albert, 193-202 Dutch. See Holland

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Early Christian art, 41, 42-49 Early period of Middle Ages. See Early Christian art Eastern. See Oriental Eclectics of the seventeenth century, 140 “Edward the Confessor” (Mortimer), 267 Edward III., paintings by West from the life of, 266 Eeckhout, Gerbrandt van der, 186 Eginhard, 49 Egyptian mosaics, 36 Egyptian painting, 3-9 “Ehrenbreitstein” (Turner), 287 Ekphantos, 21 Encaustic paintings of Nikias, 18 England, painting in, 249-303; glass-painting in, 53; wall-painting in, 60 “England and Wales” (Turner), 282 Engravings, by Rembrandt, 185; by Dürer, 194, 198; by Hogarth, 254. See also Etchings “Entombment of Christ” (Caravaggio), 150 “Entombment of Christ” (Titian), 128-129 Erasmus and Holbein, 189 Escorial, Giordano painted walls of, 213 Etching, Rembrandt’s use of, 182 Etchings, of Salvator Rosa, 152; of Teniers, 180; of Rembrandt, 186 Etruscan tombs, decorated with mural paintings, 23; stone-paintings found in, 36 Etruscans introduced painting into Italy from Greece, 13, 20-21 Euphranor, 17 “Extract from a Journal whilst at Abbotsford” (Landseer), 295 Eyck, Hubert van, 155-156 Eyck, Jan van, 156-158 Eyck, Lambert van, 158 Eyck, Margaretha van, 158

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Faes, Peter van der, 251 “False Players” (Caravaggio), 150 “Family of Darius” (Veronese), 131 “Family Picture” (Copley), 262 Farnesina Villa, frescoes by Raphael in, 111 Farrari, Gaudenzio, 93 Fawkes, H., friend and patron of Turner, 277 “Feast of Rose Garlands” (Dürer), 197 Fernandez, Louis, 221 Ferrara, Duke of, and Titian, 124 “Field of Eylau” (Gros), 242 “Fifth Plague of Egypt” (Turner), 278-279 Figure-painting in ancient Greece, 20 Final period of Middle Ages. See Gothic “Five Senses” (Teniers), 180 Flanders, painting in, 155-176 “Flaying of St. Bartholomew” (Ribera), 151 “Flemish Kermes” (Teniers), 180 “Flora” (Titian), 124 Florentine school, 72-80, 93 Fonesca, portrait by Velasquez, 216 “Font, The” (Landseer), 300 Foreshortening of Correggio, 134 “Fortune Teller” (Caravaggio), 150 “Four Apostles, The” (Dürer), 201 France, painting in, 234-248; glass-painting in, 51. See also Gaul Francia, Francisco, 82-83 Francis I., and Da Vinci, 90-92; and Sarto, 105; and Raphael, 114 “Francis I. and Charles V. Visiting the Tombs at St. Denis” (Gros), 242 Franconian school, 193 Frederick Henry, Prince, scenes from the life of, painted by Jordaens, 167 Fuseli, and Angelica Kauffman, 204; and Landseer, 294 Fyt, Jan, 167

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Gaddi, A., 69 Gaddi, T., 69 Gainsborough, Thomas, 258 “Gamba, La” (Vargas), 213 Gardiner, quoted, 260 Gardiner, Miss Rebecca, portrait by Copley, 260 Gargasos, 21 Garrick, David, epitaph on Hogarth, 254 Gaul, miniature-painting in, 49 George III., and West, 265; and Lawrence, 270 Géricault, Jean Louis, 244 German illuminated MSS., early, 49 Germany, painting in, 188-206; glass-painting in, 51; wall-painting in, 60 Gelée, Claude. See Lorraine Ghirlandajo, Domenico, 79-80, 96 Giordano, Luca, 213 Giorgione, 118-120; and Titian, 123 Giotteschi, 69 Giotto di Bondone, 64-69 “Girl and Pigs” (Gainsborough), 258 Girtin, Tom, 274 Glass-painting, 51-54, 58-60 “Glykera” (Pausias), 17 Goes, Hugo van der, 158 Goethe, quoted, 205 Goldsmith, Oliver, and Reynolds, 258 Gomez, Sebastian, 228-229 Gongora, portrait by Velasquez, 216 Gonzaga, Giulia, portraits by Piombo, 120 Gothic architecture, its influence upon painting and sculpture in Middle Ages, 54; its influence upon glass-painting, 58 Gothic period of Middle Ages, 42, 54-71 Gower family, portraits by Romney, 267 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco, 232-233 Goyen, Jan van, 187 Gozzoli, Benozzo, 80 “Graces Decorating a Statue of Hymen” (Reynolds), 257 Granacci, Francisco, 80, 96 Great Book of the Hours, illumination of, 58 Greek painting, ancient, 13-34, 40; on stone, 36 Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 239-240 Grimm, quoted, 100-101 Grisaille glass, 54 Gros, Antoine Jean, 242 Guardi, Francesco, 153 Guérin, instructor of Géricault, 244; of Delacroix, 245 Guido, Tommaso, 78-79 Guido of Siena, 64 Guido Reni, 143-148 Guilds among painters in Gothic period of Middle Ages, 56

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Hals, Franz, 177; and Vandyck, 169 Hamerton, on Turner, 286; on Landseer, 298 Hamilton, Lady, portraits by Romney, 267-268 “Hamlet and Ophelia” (West), 266 “Harlot’s Progress” (Hogarth), 252 Haydon, instructor of Landseer, 294 Hayman, Francis, instructor of Gainsborough, 258 Hayter, J., portrait of Landseer, 301 “Heidelberg Castle in the Olden Time” (Turner), 287 Hellenic school, 18 “Hemicycle” (Delaroche), 242-244 Henrietta Maria, Queen, portraits by Vandyck, 174 “Henry I.,” 54-55 Henry III. and Titian, 127 Henry VIII. and Holbein, 189-192 Hercules, statue of, by Michael Angelo, 98 Herrera, Francisco de, 212, 214-215, 216 Hobbema, Mindert, 188 Hogarth, William, 252-254 Holbein, Hans, 188-193 Holland, painting in, 176-188; fidelity to detail, 11 “Holy Family” (Vandyck), 169-170 Honthorst, Gerard, 180 Hooge, Pieter de, 181 Houssaye, A., 92 Hudson, instructor of Reynolds, 255 “Hundred Guilders Print” (Rembrandt), 186

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Illumination of MSS., 41, 46-49, 58 Illustrations used in Egyptian papyrus rolls, 8 “Immaculate Conception” (Murillo), 224, 225-227, 228 Inquisition, its influence on Spanish painting, 207-208 Intaglios in Egyptian painting, 6 Interiors, Dutch painters of, 180-181 Ionian school, 15 Ireland, miniature-painting in ancient, 49 Isabella, Empress, portrait by Titian, 127 Isabella, Infanta, sends Rubens to Spain, 164 Isabella of Portugal, portrait by Jan van Eyck, 156 Italy, painting in, 13-34, 40, 72-154 “Ixion on the Wheel” (Ribera), 151

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Jameson, Mrs., quoted, 119 Joanes, Vicente de, 229 “John Knox Preaching” (Wilkie), 293 Johnson, Samuel, and Sir Joshua Reynolds, 255 Jonah, statue of, modelled by Raphael, 115 Jordaens, Jacob, 167-168 Julius II., Pope, and Michael Angelo, 99-100; and Raphael, 111 “Julius II., Tomb of,” (Michael Angelo), 100, 101 “Justinian, Theodora, and Attendants,” 45-46 Justus of Ghent, 158

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Kauffman, Angelica, 203-206 “King David,” 51 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 251-252 “Knight (The), Death, and the Devil” (Dürer), 202 Kugler, quoted, 129

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Landseer, Charles, 293 Landseer, Sir Edwin, 293-301 Landseer, John, 293 Landseer, Thomas, 293 Landscape-painting, in ancient Greece, 20; in ancient Rome, 27-29; in Holland, 186-187 “Larder Invaded” (Landseer), 295 “Large Holy Family of the Louvre” (Raphael),
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