» History » A History of Art for Beginners and Students, Clara Erskine Clement Waters [best beach reads .txt] 📗

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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@24726@24726-h@24726-h-4.htm.html#Page_114" tag="{}a">114 “Last Judgment” (Michael Angelo), 101 “Last Supper” (Vinci), 87-89, 92 “Last Supper” (Titian), 211 “Last Supper” (Cespedes), 214 Last Supper, paintings by Joanes of, 229-230 Lastman, Pieter, 181 “Laughing Peasant” (Velasquez), 216 Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 269-271; portrait of West, 266 “Lear” (West), 266 Le Brun, Charles, 238 Lee, Colonel and Mrs., portraits by Copley, 260 Lely, Sir Peter, 251 Leo X., and Da Vinci, 90; and Raphael, 111; and Titian, 124 Leonardo da Vinci, 84-93 Leopold William, Archduke, portrait by Teniers, 179 Leslie, portrait of West, 266; portrait by Landseer, 301 Le Sueur, Eustache, 238 “Liber Fluviorum” (Turner), 286 “Liber Studiorum” (Turner), 280 “Liber Veritatis” (Claude Lorraine), 237 “Line-fishing off Hastings” (Turner), 287 Lippi, Fillipino, 79 Lippi, Filippo, 79 “Little Girl with a Lap Dog in her Arms” (Greuze), 240 Lombard school, 93 “Lomellini Family” (Vandyck), 171 “Lorelei Twilight” (Turner), 278 Lorenzo di Credi, 79 Lorraine, Claude, 236-238 Louis XII. and Da Vinci, 90 Louis XIII. and Poussin, 234-236 Louis XIV., and Le Brun, 238; and Mignard, 239; portraits by Rigaud, 239 Louis XV. and Vernet, 240 Louis Philippe and Vernet, 246 Lübke, quoted, 82, 237 “Lucretia” (Rembrandt), 186 Ludius, 21-23 Luini, Bernardino, 93 Luther, Dürer’s admiration for, 201

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Madonna del Sacco (Sarto), 107 “Madonna della Gran Duca” (Raphael), 108 “Madonna di San Francesco” (Correggio), 134 “Madonna di San Francesco” (Sarto), 107 “Madonna Enthroned” (Cimabue), 62 Madonnas of Fra Bartolommeo, 93 Madonnas of Raphael, 110 Madonnas of Elisabetta Sirani, 148 “Maids of Honor” (Velasquez), 218 Mannerists, 139-140 Mansfield, Lord, portrait by Copley, 263 Mantegna, Andrea, 82, 132 Mantua, Duke of, a patron of Rubens, 162-164 Manuscripts. See Illumination Margaritone of Arezzo, 64 Marochetti, Baron, portrait of Landseer, 301 “Marriage at Cana” (Veronese), 131 “Marriage à la Mode” (Hogarth), 252 “Marriage of St. Catharine” (Coello), 210 “Mars, Venus, and Vulcan” (Copley), 259-260 “Martyrdom of St. Andrew” (Utande), 212 “Martyrdom of St. Lawrence” (Titian), 127 Masaccio, 78-79 Maso, 69 Masolino, 78-79 “Massacre of the Innocents” (Volterra), 104 Matsys, Quintin, 161 Maximilian, Emperor, and Dürer, 198-199 Mazzuoli, Francesco, 139 Mediæval painting, 41-71 Medici, Lorenzo de, patron of Michael Angelo, 96-97 “Medusa’s Head” (Vinci), 86 Meire, Gerard van der, 158 Memling, Hans, 160-161 Memorial windows, origin of, 58 Mengs, Raphael, 153 “Meniñas, Las” (Velasquez), 218 Metsu, Gabriel, 181 “Meyer Madonna” (Holbein), 192 Michael Angelo, 94-104; his frescoes of Sistine Chapel, 112; and Raphael, 115; and Piombo, 120-121 Middle Ages. See Mediæval Mignard, Pierre, 238-239 Milan, Academia Leonardi Vinci, 87 Miniaturists in England, 249. See also Illumination “Miracle of St. Mark” (Tintoretto), 130 Miranda, Juan Carreño de, 211-212 Modena school, 71 “Modern Rome” (Turner), 287 “Mona Lisa” (Vinci), 89-90 Morales, Luis de, 209-210 More, Sir Thomas, portraits by Holbein, 189 Morland, George, 268 “Morning Among the Corriston Fells” (Turner), 277 Moro, Antonio, 162 Mosaics, found in ancient Italy, 34-36; of the Middle Ages, 41, 45-46; none by early Germans or Celts left, 49; transparent, 51 “Moses,” 42-44 Mountfort, Dr. de, portrait by Copley, 259 “Mouth of the Seine” (Turner), 284 Mural paintings, Egyptian, 3; Assyrian, 9; Oriental, 13; Pompeian, 15; ancient Greek, 20; of Ludius, 21; ancient Italian, 23-24; mosaics as, 35; in catacombs, 44-45; no early German or Celtic left, 49; in Middle Ages, 60-61 Murillo, 220-228

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“Napoleon and the Pope at Fontainebleau” (Wilkie), 293 Napoleon III., portrait by Horace Vernet, 247 “Nativity” (Navarrete), 211 “Nativity of the Saviour” (Correggio), 135 “Nativity of the Virgin” (Murillo), 224 Naturalists of the seventeenth century, 140, 150 Navarrete, Juan Fernandez, 211 “Navicella” (Giotto), 66 “Nest of Cupids,” 34 Nicholas V., epitaph on Fra Angelico, 78 Nikias, 17-18 Nikomachos, 17 “Nile Mosaic (The),” 36 “Niobe,” 36 Noort, Adam van, instructor of Rubens, 162; of Jordaens, 167 “Notte” (Correggio), 135 Nude paintings forbidden by Spanish Inquisition, 208 Nuremburg school, 193

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“Old Téméraire” (Turner), 287-288 Ophem, Anna van, and Vandyck, 169 Oppert, J., quoted, 9, 11 Orcagna, Andrea, 70-71 “Orestes and Pylades” (West), 265 Oriental nations more advanced in architecture and sculpture than in painting, 2 Oriental origin of mosaics, 34 Orsay, Count d’, portrait of Landseer, 301 Ostades, Van, 178 Outline drawing the best part of Egyptian painting, 7

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Pacheco, Francisco, 208, 214, 216 Palma, Jacopo, 121 Panel-pictures, 23, 50-51, 60, 61 Papyrus rolls, Egyptian illustrations in, 8 “Paradise” (Tintoretto), 130 Pareja, Juan de, 220 Parmigianino, 139 Parrhasius, 14-15 “Parting of Hero and Leander” (Turner), 287 Paul III., portrait by Titian, 126 Pausias, 17 Pavement mosaics, 35-36 “Peep-o’-Day Boy’s Cabin” (Wilkie), 293 Pelham, Charles, portrait by Copley, 259 Pembroke, Earl of. See Wilton Family Perkins, A. T., quoted, 260 Perkins, C. C., quoted, 70 Perkins, Mrs. Edmund, portrait by Copley, 260 Perspective, unknown to Egyptians, 5; and to Oriental nations, 13; first used by Apollodorus, 14; its use in Middle Ages, 58; Turner’s lectures on, 280-281 Perugino, Pietro, 82, 84, 107 Petrus, Christus, 158 Philip I., and Berreguette, 209; employs Coxie to copy Van Eyck’s altar-piece, 156 Philip II., and Titian, 127; and Morales, 209; and Coello, 210; and Navarrete, 211 Philip IV., and Carreño, 212; and Zurbaran, 215; and Herrera, 215; and Velasquez, 216-218; and Cano, 231 Philip of Burgundy, employs Jan van Eyck, 156 Philip of Macedon, portraits by Apelles, 18 “Phryne Going to the Public Baths as Venus” (Turner), 287 “Pietà, La” (Michael Angelo), 99 Pirkheimer, Willibald, and Dürer, 195 “Plague at Jaffa” (Gros), 242 Pliny, quoted, 14, 21-23 “Pointers, To-ho!” (Landseer), 295 Pollajuolo, Antonio, 79 Ponte, Da, family, 132 “Portrait of Dante” (Giotto), 64-66 “Portrait of a Young Woman” (Rembrandt), 186 “Ports of England” (Turner), 282 Potter, Paul, 187 Pourbus, Frans, 162 Pourbus, Peter, 162 Poussin, Nicholas, 175, 234-236 “Presentation in the Temple” (Titian), 123 “Presentation of Christ in the Temple” (Cammuccini), 154 “Prodigal Son” (Teniers), 180 Protogenes, 19-20 “Provincial Antiquities of Scotland,” illustrated by Turner, 282 “Purisima, La” (Joanes), 229

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“Raising of Lazarus” (Piombo), 115 “Rake’s Progress” (Hogarth), 252 Raphael, 107-118 Razzi, or Bazzi, 118 “Reading Magdalen” (Correggio), 135, 139 Redgrave, quoted, 277 “Regulus Leaving Rome to Return to Carthage” (Turner), 287 “Rejected Christ” (West), 266 Religious influence, upon Egyptian artists, 8-9; in Romanesque period, 50; in Gothic period, 56; upon Spanish painters, 207 Rembrandt, 181-186 Renaissance, 41, 72 “Rent Day” (Wilkie), 292 “Repulse and Defeat of the Spanish Floating Batteries at Gibraltar” (Copley), 262 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 251-258; and Angelica Kauffman, 204; portrait of, 250; and Romney, 267 Ribalta, Francisco de, 230 Ribera, Giuseppe, 150-151 Ribera, Josef de, 230 Rigaud, Hyacinthe, 238, 239 Rincon, Antonio del, 207 Ritchie, Leitch, on Ruskin, 286-287 “Rivers of England” (Turner), 282 Robusti, Jacopo, 130 Robusti, Marietta, 130-131 Rogers’s “Poems,” illustrated by Turner, 286 Roman painting, ancient. See Italian Roman school, 107 Romanesque period of Middle Ages, 42, 50-54 Romano, Giulio, 116, 118 Romney, George, 266-268 Rosselli, Cosimo, 80 Rossi, de, quoted, 204 “Rotello del Fico” (Vinci), 86 “Rotterdam Ferry-boat” (Turner), 284 Rubens, 162-167; and Vandyck, 168, 169; as an alchemist, 175; in England, 249 Rubrics, 47 Rupert, Prince, portraits by Vandyck, 174 Ruskin, on Turner, 280-281, 282, 283-284, 288 Ruysdael, Jacob, 187-188

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Sacchi, Andrea, instructor of Poussin, 234 “Sacrifice of Iphigenia” (Timanthes), 15 “St. Anthony Adoring the Virgin and Child” (Sirani), 149 “St. Anthony of Padua” (Murillo), 224 “St. Cecilia” (Raphael), 118 “St. Clara of Assisi” (Murillo), 223 “St. Diego of Alcalá” (Murillo), 223 “St. Francis” (Murillo), 223 “St. George Slaying the Dragon” (Raphael), 108, 110 “St. Hermengild” (Herrera), 215 “St. Margaret” (Titian), 212 “St. Margaret Overcoming the Dragon” (Raphael), 114 “St. Martin” (Vandyck), 170 “St. Michael” (Guido Reni), 147 “St. Michael Attacking Satan” (Raphael), 108 “St. Peter Martyr” (Titian), 129 St. Peter’s, Michael Angelo the architect of, 103; supervision of building by Raphael, 114 “St. Sebastian” (Coello), 210 “St. Sebastian” (Vinci), 90 Salvator Rosa, 151-152 Sarto, Andrea del, 104-107 Savonarola, 94-97 Saxony, school of, 202 “Scene at Abbotsford” (Landseer), 295 “Scene in the Lower World,” 38 “School of Anatomy” (Rembrandt), 182-184 Scott, Walter, “Poems” and “Life of Napoleon” illustrated by Turner,
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