» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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itself, to include the way the U.S. has persisted in going to war and the constant search for enemies worldwide to justify our own form of Deep State government, I would, to a large extent, have to believe that PNAC was either prescient or perhaps, more diabolically, actively engaged in creating a new reality”. Former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the C.I.A. Philip Giraldi.

“When an event occurs that changes the dynamics of the geopolitical spectrum, there is only one question that needs to be asked, no matter what kind of information is being force-fed to the public by the Zionist media: Who does this event benefit? The answer to this question is always: The Zionist elite. The official story presented to the masses in the laughable (and criminally false) 9/11 Commission Report, overseen by Zionist Jew Philip Zelikow, is so dubious and so nonsensical in its arrogance, it is truly amazing that the story was swallowed by the world’s population as truth to begin with. It doesn’t take a scientist, an architect, or an engineer to determine that something else other than planes brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7 at free fall speed on that infamous day. Al Qaeda, Arabic for “The Base” because it was the CIA’s base of operations in Afghanistan, was not behind the September Eleventh attacks, the Mossad and its Zionist criminal network were. Wake up”, Jonathan Azaziah – American Author, writer and journalist.

“Once I began investigating the events of 9/11 – I quickly discovered that everything the government and media have told us about that monumental, world-changing event was and remains a total lie. After a few months of investigating, I realized that the state of Israel and a wider international network of Jewish criminals controlling the mass media and United States government were responsible for planning, organizing, orchestrating and benefiting from 9/11. That’s when I truly discovered the reality of the age-old phenomenon often called the Jewish problem. The Jews lie about 9/11 being organized and carried out by Osama bin Laden and “al-Qaeda”, when in reality the Jews planned, executed and have benefited from 9/11, and merely blamed it on bin Laden and “radical Muslim terrorists” in order to kick start the fraudulent, pre-planned “Global War on Terror” and to justify the tyrannical “Homeland Security” paradigm in America and the West. The Jews lied about Iraq having “Weapons of Mass Destruction” and are lying about Iran attempting to acquire them. The entire “Global War on Terror” and threat of “international terrorism” is one big lie” - John Friend, independent journalist, and host of the and reporter for American Free Press (

After years of research I am certain that the events of 9/11 were a false flag event carried out by treasonous government agencies and Politicians who have infiltrated the highest levels of the American government, most of whom offer their main allegiance to Israel and not America. Over a thousand architects, engineers, academics, and high-ranking military officers, as well as hundreds of 9/11 firemen, survivors, and family members have challenged the government's conspiracy theory.

The gullible public was fed the fairy story that 19 Arabs with box cutters bypassed the air defence system of the most powerful country in the world to crash 4 hijacked planes in to targets on the ground and one of those targets was the best defended building in the world, the Pentagon. They then used the controlled media to convince people around the world about their version of events. Now it is so laughable but I must admit at the time I was one of the gullible public who believed their story but if you actually do a bit of research the story falls apart quicker than a snowflake in the desert. The only country to benefit from 9/11 was Israel because its hated enemy in the region Iraq was bombed into oblivion followed by Libya and then the Muslim population in the world was demonised because they were blamed for 9/11 and every other terrorist outrage since.

This is what is called the Hegelian dialect (David Icke has been saying this for 20 years), problem, reaction, solution. Let’s say the secret Cabal or American government want a certain solution to happen in the world. First they create a problem, the public then reacts and clamours for a solution, the Illuminati then offers the solution, the solution that they wanted in the first place. This happened in 9/11. They wanted to take over Iraq, Afghanistan, create a never ending War on Terror and bring in the Patriot Act and create the Department of Homeland Security but they can’t just do that for no reason so they plan and carry out 9/11 and blame the Arabs and Osama Bin laden (Problem). The American public wants revenge (Reaction) so they come up with the solution (what they wanted in the first place) to attack Afghanistan (were supposedly Bin Laden was hiding) and Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 but they did have weapons of mass destruction, yeah right. The same people (Bush, Blair etc.) who told us the lies that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction are also the same people who told us the official story of 9/11. Do you really believe them? Don’t forget these lies have cost the lives of up to 2 million human beings. Weeks after 9/11 they then brought into law the Patriot Act (more about that later) and the Department of Homeland Security. If 9/11 did not happen they could not have carried out the acts mentioned above.

Again the mainstream media just goes along with these blatant lies, fairy stories, without investigating them. It just goes to show how controlled they are. A bit of research would show you that the organisations behind the events of 9/11 are also the same organisations that own the mainstream media and central banks in America and the western world and these are all Rothschild ZionistJewish owned.

An important event which is connected to 9/11 happened in Yemen in 2000.

In October 2000, the USS Cole was allegedly attacked by Arab suicide bombers, while in port in Aden, Yemen. The explosion ripped a hole in the hull of the ship, killing 17 U.S. sailors. Thirty-nine others were injured. The attack was attributed to Al Qaeda. However this was a similar attack to the USS Liberty which we know was carried out by Israel. A former CIA agent who worked with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole was hit by a specially-configured Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. Probably the same type of missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Israeli tests of the missile in May 2000 in the waters off Sri Lanka demonstrated it could hit a target 930 miles away. The ex-CIA agent also stated that Ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine (Jewish) threw (FBI investigator) John O’Neill and his team out of Yemen because their investigation began uncovering evidence that the Cole was not blown up by an explosive-laden boat but by an Israeli cruise missile. FBI investigator John O’Neill had his investigation thwarted. He was not permitted to interview Yemenis who witnessed the Cole explosion and was not permitted to examine the hat worn by one of the bombers in the boat. O’Neill was sent from Yemen and was not allowed to return. He was given a job in security at the World Trade Centre and his first day on the job was 9/11/01 and unfortunately he was one of the victims. Was he intentionally given that job so that he would be silenced? Well yes of course he was.

The former CIA agent said the reason for the Israeli attack was to further galvanize U.S. public opinion against Al Qaeda and It was also used to install the Al Qaeda group into the minds of the American public because a year later they would be blamed for 9/11.

Yemen’s Interior Minister Hussein Mohammed Arab made a statement that there was no evidence linking the Cole bombing to Al Qaeda “Investigations have not so far proved, either to us or to the Americans, any link between Osama bin Laden and the Cole bombing”.

I believe the organisation behind 9/11 was Israel and Mossad with the help of the American intelligence Agencies and the controlled AmericanJewish media. Minutes after 9/11 Jewish leaders blamed Osama Bin Laden and the Muslims even before the towers fell.

On the morning of the September 11 attacks, just after the Twin Towers had collapsed, Ehud Barak (Prime Minister of Israel) appeared on the U.K’s BBC news where he gave a story to the public. The main part of this story was that Osama bin Laden is responsible for the attacks and that a “global war on terror,” led by the United States, must be launched to defeat this terror. How can he possibly know Bin laden was guilty minutes after the attack on 9/11, without looking at any evidence? Immediately assigning blame to your enemy is a tell-tale sign of a false-flag in action. Don’t forget a false flag is carrying out a terrorist event and then blaming someone else for that terrorist event.

That same night Ehud Barak went on the UK news program Newsnight and advocated American military strikes against Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Hezbollah and Hamas, all of whom are enemies of Israel and World Zionism! Pointing your fingers and immediately blaming someone else for an act is just a way of turning the guilt away from yourself.

Since then we know that America have all but destroyed Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and installed puppet regimes who are compliant to America and Israel. Syria is currently been destroyed and it remains to be seen if they can remove Assad the president of Syria.  There lies the proof.

Within a few days of 9/11 the Jewish media instigated such a media propaganda campaign against the Muslims and Osama Bin laden that the American public wanted revenge against the Muslims within days. It reminded me of the of Organized Jewry’s propaganda campaign to get western nations to go to war against Hitler and Germany during WW2.

A quote from the former Pakistani spy chief Hamid Gul.

“Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Centre
CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation
by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a
trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves.”

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: "It's very good (Oh yes 3000 people dying) Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel". He means Israel can go on attacking and terrorising the Palestinians without anyone taking notice.

“Since September 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States”. Fox News 2001.

“I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation Period. The Zionists are playing this as an all-or-nothing exercise, if they lose this one, they’re done”. Alan Sabrosky U.S Army War College.

If you are unsure about Israel causing terror and then blaming it onto the Muslims then you need to read about the King David Hotel Bombing, the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair to see Israel's history of False Flag Terror attacks which I go into detail in my 2nd book The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror.

General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), gives several interviews in which he says Osama bin Laden is not responsible for 9/11, and that he believes the attacks were perpetrated by the Israeli overseas intelligence service, Mossad, and renegade elements within the US Air Force. Hamid Gul points to the failure of the US Air Force to halt the 9/11 attacks. He tells Newsweek: “F-16s don’t scramble in time, though they had 18 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Centre.… A flight to Los Angeles turns to Washington and is in the air for 45 minutes, and the world’s most sophisticated air defence doesn’t go into action.” [Newsweek, 9/14/2001] In an interview with United Press International editor at large Arnaud de Borchgrave, he says: “The attacks against the Twin Towers started at 8:45 a.m. and four flights are diverted from their assigned air space and no air traffic controller sounds the alarm. And no Air Force jets scramble until 10 a.m. That also smacks of a small scale Air Force rebellion, a coup against the Pentagon perhaps?

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