» History » A Short History of the World, H. G. Wells [beach books .TXT] 📗

Book online «A Short History of the World, H. G. Wells [beach books .TXT] 📗». Author H. G. Wells

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valign="top" align="right">1799.    Bonaparte returned to France. He became First Consul with enormous powers.   1804.    Bonaparte became Emperor. Francis II took the title of Emperor of Austria in 1805, and in 1806 he dropped the title of Holy Roman Emperor. So the “Holy Roman Empire” came to an end.   1806.    Prussia overthrown at Jena.   1808.    Napoleon made his brother Joseph King of Spain.   1810.    Spanish America became republican.   1812.    Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow.   1814.    Abdication of Napoleon. Louis XVIII.   1824.    Charles X of France.   1825.    Nicholas I of Russia. First railway, Stockton to Darlington.   1827.    Battle of Navarino.   1829.    Greece independent.   1830.    A year of disturbance. Louis Philippe ousted Charles X. Belgium broke away from Holland. Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha became king of this new country, Belgium. Russian Poland revolted ineffectually.   1835.    The word “socialism” first used.   1837.    Queen Victoria.   1840.    Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.   1852.    Napoleon III Emperor of the French.   1854-56.    Crimean War.  

1856.    Alexander II of Russia.   1861.    Victor Emmanuel First King of Italy. Abraham Lincoln became President, U. S. A. The American Civil War began.   1865.    Surrender of Appomattox Court House. Japan opened to the world.   1870.    Napoleon III declared war against Prussia.   1871.    Paris surrendered (January). The King of Prussia became “German Emperor.” The Peace of Frankfort.   1878.    The Treaty of Berlin. The Armed Peace of forty-six years began in western Europe.   1888.    Frederick II (March), William II (June), German Emperors.   1912.    China became a republic.   1914.    The Great War in Europe began.   1917.    The two Russian revolutions. Establishment of the Bolshevik regime in Russia.   1918.    The Armistice.   1920.    First meeting of the League of Nations, from which Germany, Austria, Russia and Turkey were excluded and at which the United States was not represented.   1921.    The Greeks, in complete disregard of the League of Nations, make war upon the Turks.   1922.    Great defeat of the Greeks in Asia Minor by the Turks.  



Abolitionist movement,384

Abraham the Patriarch, 116

Abu Bekr", 249, 252, 431

Abyssinia, 398

Actium, battle of, 195

Adam and Eve, 116

Adams, William, 400

Aden, 405

Adowa, battle of, 398

Adrianople, 229

Adrianople, Treaty of, 353

Adriatic Sea, 178, 228

Ægatian Isles, 182

Ægean peoples, 92, 94, 100, 108, 117, 174

Æolic Greeks, 108, 130

Aeroplanes, 4, 363, 413

Æschylus, 139

Afghanistan, 163

Africa, 72, 92, 122, 123, 182, 253, 258, 302

Africa, Central, 397

Africa, North, 65, 94, 180, 192, 232, 292, 394, 397, 431

Africa, South, 72, 335, 398, 405

Africa, West, 393

“Age of Confusion,” the, 168, 173

Agriculturalists, primitive, 66, 68

Agriculture, 203; slaves in, 203

Ahab, 119

Air-breathing vertebrata, 23, 24

Air-raids, 413

Aix-la-Chapelle, 265

Akbar, 292, 332, 433

Akkadian and Akkadians, 90, 122, 429

Alabama, 385

Alabama, the, 388

Alani, 227, 430

Alaric, 230, 232, 431

Albania, 179

Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Prince Consort), 434

Alchemists, 257, 294

Aldebaran, 257

Alemanni, 200, 431

Alexander I. Tsar, 348

Alexander II of Russia, 435

Alexander III, Pope, 274, 432

Alexander the Great, 142, 146 et seq., 163, 186, 240, 299, 430

Alexandretta, 147

Alexandria, 147, 151, 209, 222, 239

Alexandria, library at, 151

Alexandria, museum of, 150, 180

Alexius Comnenus, 268

Alfred the Great, 26

Algæ, 13

Algebra, 257, 282

Algiers, 185

Algol, 257

Allah, 252

Alligators, 28

Alphabets, 79, 127

Alps, the, 37, 197

Alsace, 200, 309, 391

Aluminium, 360

Amenophis III, 96, 429

Amenophis IV, 96

America, 263, 302, 309, 314, 324, 335, 336, 442-23, 434

America, North, 12, 330, 336, 382

American Civil War, 386, 435

American civilizations, primitive, 73 et seq.

American warships in Japanese waters, 402

Ammonites, 30, 36

Amorites, 90

Amos, the prophet, 124

Amphibia, 24

Amphitheatres, 208

Amur, 334

Anagni, 284

Anatomy, 24, 355

Anaxagoras, 138

Anaximander of Miletus, 132

Andes, 37

Angles, 230

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 405

Animals, (See Mammalia)

Annam, 402

Anti-aircraft guns, 413

Antigonus, 149

Antioch, 243, 271, 431

Antiochus III, 183

Anti-Slavery Society, 384

Antoninus Pius, 195, 430

Antony, Mark, 194

Antwerp, 294

Anubis, 210

Apes, 43, 44; anthropoid, 45

Apis, 209, 211

Apollonius, 151

Appian Way, 191

Appomattox Court House, 338, 435

Aquileia, 235

Arabia, 77, 88, 91, 122, 123, 248

Arabic figures, 257

Arabic language, 243

Arabs, 253 et seq., 294; culture of, 267

Arbela, battle of, 147, 431

Arcadius, 230, 431

Archangel, 419

Archimedes, 151

Ardashir I, 241, 430

Argentine Republic, 396

Arians, 224

Aristocracy, 130

Aristotle, 142, 144, 146, 256, 282, 294, 295, 356, 370

Armadillo, 74

Armenia, 192, 268, 287, 299

Armenians, 100, 108

Armistice, the, 435

Arno, the, 178

Arsacid dynasty, 199, 431

Artizans, 152

Aryan language, 95, 100, 106

Aryans, 95, 104 et seq., 122, 128, 151, 174, 176, 185, 197, 198, 233, 303, 429

Ascalon, 117

Asceticism, 158-60, 213

Ashdod, 117

Asia, 72, 197, 227, 287, 298, 329 et seq., 333, 399 et seq., 403 et seq., 430

Asia, Central, 108, 122, 134, 148, 185, 245-47, 255, 334

Asia Minor, 92, 94, 108, 127, 134, 148, 180, 192-93, 238, 243, 258, 271, 292, 429, 430, 431

Asia, Western, 65

Asoka, King, 163 et seq., 180, 430

Assam, 394

Asses, 77, 83, 102, 112

Assurbanipal (Sardanapalus), 97, 98, 109, 110

Assyria, 109, 115, 119, 121, 122, 429

Assyrians, 84, 96, 97, 98, 108, 429

Astronomy, early, 70, 74

Athanasian Creed, 224

Athenians, 135

Athens, 129, 135-36, 139, 150, 185, 204, 431

Athens, schools of philosophy in, 238

Atkinson, C. F., 345

Atkinson, J. J., 61,

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