» History » A Short History of the World, H. G. Wells [beach books .TXT] 📗

Book online «A Short History of the World, H. G. Wells [beach books .TXT] 📗». Author H. G. Wells

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Charles I, King of England, 308, 314, 433

Charles II, King of England, 324, 434

Charles V, Emperor, 309, 310, 314, 316, 433

Charles X, King of France, 350, 434

Charles the Great, (See Charlemagne)

Charlotte Dundas, steamboat, 357

Chelonia, 27

Chemists, Arab, 257. (Cf. Alchemists)

Cheops, 83

Chephren, 83

China, 76, 84, 103, 166, 167 et seq., 173, 174, 233, 245 et seq., 248, 287, 290, 297, 333, 399- 400, 402-03, 411, 429-31, 432, 433, 435. (See also Chow, Han, Kin, Ming, Shang, Sung, Suy, Ts’in, and Yuan dynasties)

China, culture and civilization in, 247

China, Empire of, 196 et seq.

China, Great Wall of, 173, 430

China, North, 173

Chinese picture writing, 79, 167

Chosroes I, 243, 431

Chosroes II, 243, 431

Chow dynasty, 168, 173, 429

Christ. (See Jesus)

Christian conception of Jesus, 214

Christianity (and Christians), 224, 255, 272, 295, 319, 400, 431

Christianity, doctrinal, development of, 222 et seq.

Christianity, spirit of, 224

Chronicles, book of, 116, 119

Chronology, primitive, 68

Ch’u, 173

Church, the, 68

Cicero, 193

Cilicia, 299

Cimmerians, 100

Circumcision, 70

Circumnavigation, 302

Cities, Sumerian, 78

Citizenship, 187 et seq., 236, 237

City states, Greek, 129 et seq., Chinese, 168

Civilization, 100

Civilization, Hellenic, 139, 150 et seq.

Civilization, Japanese, 400

Civilization, pre-historic, 71

Civilization, primitive, 76, 167

Civilization, Roman, 185

Claudius, Emperor, 195, 430

Clay documents, 77, 80, 111

Clement V, Pope, 285

Clement VII, Pope, 285, 433

Cleopatra, 194

Clermont, 432

Clermont, steamboat, 358

Climate, changes of, 21, 37

Clive, 333

Clothing, 77

Clothing of Cretan women, 93

Clouds, 8

Clovis, 259

Clyde, Firth of, 357

Cnossos (Crete), 92, 94, 95, 101, 108, 127, 429

Coal, 26

Coal swamps, the age of, 21 et seq.

Coinage, 114, 176, 201, 319

Coke, 322

Collectivists, 375

Colonies, 394 et seq., 407

Columbus, Christopher, 300-01 et seq., 335, 433

Communism (and Communists), 374-75, 417

Comnenus, Alexius. (See Alexius)

Comparative anatomy, science of, 25, (Cf. Anatomy)

Concord, Mass., 338

Confederated States of America, 385

Confucius, 133, 168 et seq., 173, 429

Congo, 397

Conifers, 26, 36

Constance, Council of, 286, 304, 433

Constantine the Great, 187, 226, 228, 229, 241, 429, 431

Constantinople, 229, 238, 239, 243, 253, 258, 263- 64, 270 et seq., 272, 283, 292, 301, 321, 327, 431, 432, 433. (See also Byzantium)

Consuls, Roman, 193

Copper, 74, 80, 102, 360, 395

Cordoba, 256

Corinth, 129

Cornwallis, General, 338

Corsets, 93

Corsica, 182, 185, 232

Cortez, 314

Cossacks, 334

Cotton fabrics, 102

Couvade, the, 70

Crabs, 23

Crassus, 192, 194, 199

Creation of the world, story of, 1, 116

Creed religions, 240

Cretan script, 94

Crete, 92, 108

Crimea, 419

Crimean War, 390, 434

Crocodiles, 28

Crœsus, 111, 429

Cro-Magnon race, 51, 54, 65

Cromwell, Oliver, 434

Cronstadt, 419

Crucifixion, 204

Crusades, 267 et seq., 281, 304-05, 432

Crustacea, 13

Ctesiphon, 244

Cuba, 393

Cultivation, the beginnings of, 65 et seq.

Culture, Heliolithic, 69

Culture, Japanese, 402

Cuneiform, 78

Currents, 18

Cyaxares, 109-10, 429

Cycads, 26, 36

Cyrus the Persian, 111, 116, 121, 123, 134, 429

Czech language, 236

Czecho-Slovaks, 351

Czechs, 304


Dacia, 195, 200, 203, 227, 236

Dædalus, 94

Dalmatia, 431

Damascus, 243, 253, 431

Danes, 329, 330

Danube, 135, 200, 227, 430

Dardanelles, 136, 147, 292

Darius I, 112, 134, 135, 136, 429

Darius III, 147, 148, 430

Darlington, 356, 434

David, King, 118-19, 429

Da Vinci, Leonardo, 356

Davis, Jefferson, 385, 388

Dawn Man. (See Eoanthropus)

Dead, burning the, 104; burial of (See Burial)

Debtors’ prisons, 336

Deciduous trees, 36

Decius, Emperor, 200, 432

Declaration of Independence, 334, 434

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon’s), 288-89

Deer, 42, 56

Defender of the Faith, title of, 313

Defoe, Daniel, 365

Delhi, 292, 433

Democracy, 131, 132, 270

Deniken, General, 419

Denmark, 306, 313, 394, 432

Deshima, 401

Devonian system, 19

Diaz, 433

Dictator, Roman, 194

Dillon, Dr., 424

Dinosaurs, 28, 31, 36

Diocletian, Emperor, 224, 226, 227

Dionysius, 170

Diplodocus Carnegii, measurement of, 28

Diseases, infectious, 379

Ditchwater, animal and plant life in, 13

Dogs, 42

Domazlice, battle of, 305

Dominic, St., 276

Dominician Order, 276, 285, 400

Dorian Greeks, 108, 130

Douglas, Senator, 386

Dover, Straits of, 193

Dragon flies, 23

Drama, Greek, 139

Dravidian civilization, 108

Dravidians, 71

Duck-billed platypus, 34

Duma, the, 416

Durazzo, 268

Dutch, 329, 331, 332, 399

Dutch Guiana, 394

Dutch Republic, 350

Dyeing, 75


Earth, the, shape of, 1; rotation of, 1; distance from the sun, 2; age and origin of, 5; surface of, 21

Earthquakes, 95

East India Company, 332, 337, 393, 394

East Indies, 394, 399

Ebro, 182

Ecbatana, 109, 114

Echidna, the, 34

Eclipses, 8

Ecnomus, battle of, 181, 430

Economists, French, 371

Edessa, 271

Education, 294, 361, 368, 369

Egbert, King of Wessex, 263, 432

Egg-laying mammals, 34

Eggs, 24, 26, 31, 102

Egypt (and Egyptians), 71, 78, 90, 91, 62, 96, 98, 100- 101, 115, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 134, 138, 147, 174, 208, 209, 210, 238, 253, 267, 290, 292, 396, 398, 405, 429, 431, 434

Egyptian script,

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