» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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truthful, honest Politician working for the benefit of the American people.

“Israelis, American Jews and cooperative non-Jewish traitors, up to and including the President and especially the Vice-President of the United States, perpetrated the horrors of 9/11 upon the people of the United States” – Chuck Maultsby, American Author – ‘Who Should Go Down in History’.

“Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff and Judge Alvin Hellerstein are obviously central players in the 9/11 conspiracy because they were in positions of power that allowed them to facilitate the criminal cover-up. Their actions in these official positions, in which they were paid by federal funds, were essential to concealing the truth about what happened on 9/11. Chertoff and Hellerstein are also both dedicated Zionists with primary family members who worked with or for Israeli intelligence. Chertoff oversaw the non-investigation of 9/11, the release of Israeli terror suspects, and the destruction of evidence from the crime scenes. Hellerstein then obstructed justice for the relatives, excused the Israeli defendants (ICTS), and prevented a trial from taking place. If Osama bin Laden and 19 Arabs were truly responsible for the 9/11 atrocity, why did dedicated supporters of Israel go to such lengths, and violate federal law, to prevent the truth of 9/11 from coming out? The actions of Chertoff, Hellerstein, and Silverstein all support the thesis that 9/11 was an Israeli-engineered false-flag operation designed to be blamed on Muslims in order to kick-start the War on Terror, an Israeli stratagem to bring the U.S. military into the Middle East to wage war against Israel's enemies”, - Christopher Bollyn, Author - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World.

In Christopher Bollyn’s research and what you have read here, it shows that there are six major elements of the Jewish Zionists 9/11 cover up operation. This cannot be denied and the six are:

Law Enforcement. Control of the Criminal Investigation, Evidence and Prosecution. Jewish Zionist Michael Chertoff was in charge of the non-investigation and destruction of evidence as Assistant Attorney General. He made sure that 5 Dancing Israelis and the Israelis caught with explosives in their van were let go and sent back to Israel with out charge.

The Media Corporations. Giving the public the false story and lies about 9/11. As we noted earlier Jews loyal to Israel own most of the media in America, Britain and many other countries. Jewish Zionist Philip Zelikow was in charge of the 9/11 Commission Report which is a great work of fiction and did not even mention the WTC 7 collapsing at free fall speed.

Litigation. Control over the court process to prevent trials and legal discovery of the true facts about 9/11. Alvin K. Hellerstein was a Zionist Jew and a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. His cases included three airlines on 9/11 and ICTS International (the Israeli company that ran security ate the three airports. Hellerstein helped to settle all the victims’ families’ cases out of court (basically paid them off so that they would be no trials). Michael Mukasey - Zionist Jew - Federal judge in New York; presided over Larry Silverstein’s insurance claims. Also oversaw the detained material witnesses of 9-11, including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI.

Security. Israeli control of the passenger screening and CCTV at the three airports were the alleged aircraft flew from on the morning of 9/11 and also Israeli control of the security in the Twin Towers through Kroll Associates.

Government. Zionist control of the American Government which we will see in the next chapter. George Bush’s administration was full of Jewish Neocons on 9/11.

Military. Zionist Jews controlled the Pentagon on 9/11 through Paul Wolfowitz – Zionist Jew - Deputy Secretary of War and Richard Perle – Zionist Jew - assistant Secretary of War and chairman of the War Policy Board. Douglas Feith - Zionist Jew - Effectively in command, with Wolfowitz of War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel. Dov Zakheim - Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Department of Defense. $2.3 Trillion went missing from the Pentagon while he was in charge of finance.

“The evidential trail for 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (and Iran) runs from PNAC, AIPAC and there cohorts through the mostly Jewish Neocons in the Bush Administration and back to the Israeli government. None of the denials and political machinations can alter that essential reality”. – Dr. Alan Sabrosky – ‘Treason, Betrayal and Deceit: 9/11 and Beyond’.

“I find it extremely disturbing that the government and media cover-up of 9-11 has gone on for almost 18 years with so little resistance from the public. What does the cover-up tell us about the health of the American republic? It tells us quite clearly that our government and media are controlled by the same people who carried out the terror atrocity. This makes sense because the only people who benefit from, and who are protected by the cover-up are the terror masterminds behind 9-11. There could be no other reason to cover up the evidence if the official story were the truth, and there is abundant evidence that the government and media have covered up the evidence for nearly 18 years. What does this mean? It means we are living under a dictatorship! We live in a nation in which the president and members of Congress are ordered not to discuss what really happened on 9-11. They are given a diktat to prevent any discussion of 9-11 truth emerging from our government. It sounds outrageous, but it’s true. With Donald Trump, who told voters that he would reveal who brought down the towers in February 2016, we are still waiting, more than three years later, for his revelation. In the meantime, he has done everything he could to satisfy the outrageous demands of Benjamin Netanyahu. With Congress, it is exactly the same. The members of Congress work overtime to protect and support the state of Israel, while the Zionist state commits war crimes and aggression all over the Middle East on a daily basis. The 9-11 culprits who give the diktats to our political leaders apparently demand two things: utter silence on 9-11 truth and complete servitude to the Zionist agenda. Evidently, these are two sides of the same coin. Don’t expect the Zionist gangsters to give up and let us have our republic back anytime soon. They intend to maintain control of the White House and Congress for a long time, which is how they have enslaved us. This is why the controlled media is crafting the pseudo-issues that will define the next election. You can be sure that 9/11 truth will not be one of the issues of the debates. We are living under a Zionist dictatorship that uses deception to trick us into thinking we still live in a democratic republic. It relies completely on deception. Don’t be deceived!” – Christopher Bollyn (August 2019), Author: Solving 9/11 and The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East –

The BBC and the 9/11 Lies

On February 25 2013, in the small town of Horsham in the United Kingdom, there was a rare opportunity for the 9/11 truth movement. Three hours of detailed 9/11 evidence was presented and considered in a court of law where the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was challenged over the inaccurate and biased manner in which it has portrayed the events and evidence of 9/11.

The BBC has been challenged strongly by individuals in the UK over two documentaries that they showed in September 2011 as part of the tenth anniversary of 9/11, namely ‘9/11: Conspiracy Road Trip’ and ‘The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 Ten Years On’. Formal complaints were lodged with BBC over the inaccuracy and bias of these documentaries, which, according to 9/11 activists, was in breach of the operating requirements of BBC through their ‘Royal Charter and Agreement’ with the British public. This document requires BBC to show information that is both accurate and impartial. These complaints were supported by the US-based educational charity Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), which submitted detailed scientific evidence to BBC to support the complaints. The evidence focuses in particular on the confirmed free-fall of WTC 7 and NIST's 2008 admission of this fact. In addition, over 300 AE911Truth petition signers supported these complaints by sending letters to BBC, requesting that BBC show this evidence to the public.

As a continuation of this process with BBC, documentary film maker Tony Rooke decided to take a personal stand on this issue. People in the United Kingdom are required to pay an annual TV license fee which is used to fund BBC’s operations. Tony refused to pay his TV license fee on the basis of specific anti-terrorism legislation.

Section 15 of the UK Terrorism Act 2000, Article 3, states that it is offence to provide funds if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that those funds may be used for the purposes of terrorism. Tony’s claim is that BBC has withheld scientific evidence which demonstrates that the official version of the events of 9/11 is not possible and that BBC has actively attempted to discredit those people attempting to bring this evidence to the public. According to Rooke, by doing this, BBC is supporting a cover-up of the true events of 9/11 and is therefore potentially supporting those terrorist elements who were involved in certain aspects of 9/11 who have not yet been identified and held to account.

Rooke was charged with a crime for not paying his TV License Fee. However, he lodged a legal challenge to this charge and has now been successful in a court of law. Tony Rooke withheld payment of his government-mandated BBC license fee because the BBC is violating UK anti-terror laws. By withholding evidence that the official 9/11 story is not true, which in turn shields the real perpetrators of 9/11. While the judge in the case was legally obliged to find Rooke guilty of not paying his TV license fee, the judge “conditionally discharged” the conviction against Rooke and did not fine him, did not ask him to repay the license fees that had already been withheld, and only charged him the lowest level of court fees legally possible under the circumstances (£200).

The judge had privately seen summaries of all the evidence that Rooke was planning to present, and we believe that this evidence and the experts (Architects and Engineers) he brought in his defense, plus the overwhelming support for him outside the courtroom, had a significant influence on the judge’s decision.

As part of his effort to expose the public to 9/11 Truth, Rooke created Incontrovertible, a new documentary that chronicles his legal battle against the UK’s most powerful news agency. (He is also the producer of Offensive, a film about former UK police intelligence analyst Tony Farrell and the persecution he endured after questioning the official explanation for 9/11 and the 2005 London terror attacks.)

According to Rooke, the primary goal of Incontrovertible is to motivate people to follow his lead. “It’s a film that we hope will encourage others to do the same,” he explained. “Anti-terror laws are global. Just as we utilized [the British government’s] own legislation against them, so too can Americans, all Europeans, and anyone in the world who doesn’t want to let the 9/11 lies carry on anymore.”

Below a link to Mr Rooke’s 9/11 documentary ‘Incontrovertible’

The following is from the article titled ‘9/11 and the Collapse of WTC Building 7: The BBC’s Role in Distorting the Evidence and Misleading the Public’

The public relies heavily on the mainstream media as its means of finding out information about the world and for forming its opinions about global political events. So are we getting the information that we should be from these corporate media networks?

How can it be then, that on the vital issue of the on-going global war on terror, and the event that sparked this war, namely 9/11, the BBC is guilty beyond question of deliberately and actively supporting the cover up of irrefutable evidence which would help bring the true perpetrators of 9/11 to justice and most likely bring an immediate end to the global war on terror as we know it.

So overwhelming is the evidence against the BBC on this issue that it has recently been challenged in a British court of law. It lost, and yet the vast majority of the public would have absolutely no idea about this. It has also been demonstrated conclusively and repeatedly all around the world that if the BBC would simply show the public the damning evidence that it is deliberately withholding, the vast majority of the public would instantly understand and believe that they have been lied to about 9/11 on a truly grand scale and that what really happened on that day is in fact very different to what we have been told, as the judge in the courtroom in Sussex, South-East England, quickly realised when he saw this evidence in February 2013

However uncomfortable it may be, the unpalatable facts

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