» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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of nearly five years of conflict, a new report has found. Fatalities caused by war, directly and indirectly, amount to 470,000, according to the Syrian Centre for Policy Research (SCPR) – a far higher total than the figure of 250,000 used by the United Nations until it stopped collecting statistics 18 months ago. At least 10% of those killed have been children so that is at least 50,000 children have died in this conflict.

In all, 11.5% of the country’s population have been killed or injured since the crisis erupted in March 2011, the report estimates. The number of wounded is put at 1.9 million. Life expectancy has dropped from 70 in 2010 to 55.4 in 2015. About 13.8 million Syrians have lost their source of livelihood. The shrinking of the population by 21% helps explain the waves of refugees reaching Turkey and Europe. Nearly 4 million Syrians are now living as refugees in neighbouring Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, placing extraordinary pressure on already cash-strapped host countries.

To stop the war the solution is simple. The countries US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, NATO, and Israel should stop funding and arming the bloodthirsty rebels and Isis and then Assad does not have to fight to defend himself and the war stops.

Murder of a Reporter in Syria

It is undeniably documented that Turkey is the main rat run, supplying weapons, supplies, chemical weapon ingredients and manpower often via the pseudo aid convoys.  Serena Shim reported that WHO trucks were running arms and equipment to “rebels” shortly before she was killed in a mysterious car accident, after receiving death threats.

Serena Shim (below) was a 29 year old mother of two children and a American journalist for Press TV. In October 2014, Shim was sent to Turkey on a mission to cover the ISIL conflict. During her investigations for her job Shim claimed that ISIL fighters were being transported in trucks bearing the symbol of NGO’s humanitarian aid of World Food Organizations and other NGO's en route from Syria to Turkey, adding she had footage to prove her claim. She also claimed Turkey was helping ISIL. Shim told Press TV that the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT) had accused her of spying. Days later she was involved in a suspicious car accident after being threatened by Turkish intelligence.

Shim, said on air she's "a bit frightened" by what MİT "might use against me. She died on 19 October 2014 in a car crash on her way back to her hotel. She was returning to Suruç with her driver and camera operator Judy Irish in a rental car when the car collided with a cement mixer. Shim survived the crash, but died of a heart attack after being taken to an undisclosed location. Her co-worker Judy Irish was injured and taken to a different hospital to Serena Shim. The vehicle driver was subsequently arrested. Press TV disputed this, alleging that both driver and vehicle "have disappeared" and her death is "suspicious. Her tragic death came just two days after a video interview in which she claimed Turkish intelligence agents had threatened her after her report on the ISIL extremist jihadists being smuggled into Syria from Turkey. 

Serena’s sister is also suspicious "I think it was planned and plotted. There's no pictures of Sassy in the car. There is not one scratch on my sister's body. They took them to two different hospitals. Why? Why were there Army men on the ground, why weren't there police?" 

Serena Shim’s tragic death was almost certainly an unlawful assassination designed firstly to silence her from reporting further on Turkey's involvement in the rise of ISIL/Daesh, and secondly to act as a violent warning to other journalists to stay away from trying to expose the true nature of the war in Syria and the cynical manufacturing of the 'Islamic State' for geo-political purposes. The United States' lack of interest in pursuing the matter of her death also suggests the US is complicit in that warning too. 

No independent investigation has been conducted by the United States over her death, despite her US citizenship. 

Shim was one of the few who were risking life and limb in dangerous territory to report on what was really going on. And she paid with her life. 

In October 2014 Serena Shim herself joined the roll-call of brave journalists over the years who've risked - and ultimately sacrificed - their lives for the sake of uncovering the truth. Her bravery is all the more meaningful in the context of how most mainstream journalists has been either reluctant or unwilling to dig deeper beyond the superficial surface of the 'ISIS' story and report more honestly about the origins of the crisis.

Another person has also been murdered trying to report the truth. Former BBC journalist, Jacky Sutton (aged 50) is reported to have been found dead in a toilet in Istanbul's main airport. The British journalist who had been working as Iraq director for the Institute of War and Peace Reporting (IWPR). Turkish sources have allegedly suggested that she has killed herself after missing a flight connection, (sorry no sensible person would believe that) which colleagues of Ms Sutton are dismissing. In her role as acting Iraq head of the (London-based) IWPR, Jackie Sutton's role has been to support local journalism in countries affected by war and crisis. The organisation's previous Iraq director, Ammar Al Shahbander, was killed in a car-bomb in Baghdad on 2nd May 2014. It is claimed the British woman's body has been found hanging from boot laces. It is very suspicious that Jacky Sutton’s death in Turkey comes on the precise one-year anniversary of the equally suspicious death of Serena Shim, who was killed in a car 'accident' on the Turkey-Syria border in 2014.

When a terrorist atrocity occurs in the western world such Paris or Belgium and maybe ten or twenty people die it is in the media non-stop but compare these deaths to the number of civilian deaths in Iraq, Libya, Palestine and Syria were over 4 million civilians have died at the hands of the western world since 1990.

Here is a statistic which puts things in perspective. According to the monitor group Airwars, which monitors and assesses civilian deaths in Libya, Syria and Iraq, from May 23 to June 23 of this year (2017), at least 472 civilians were killed by U.S. airstrikes. That is significantly more than the 459 civilians who have been killed by terrorist attacks in Europe—in the last 12 years. So that is in one month 472 Muslim (mainly woman and children) civilians have been killed by the U.S which is more than the civilians killed in 12 years of terrorist incidents in the whole of Europe.

President Trump has been in office for just 9 months, and he has already surpassed Obama’s murderous record with estimated numbers as high as 4,500 civilian deaths from airstrikes. All in the name of freedom, how can you bring freedom with bombs? It just brings more hate to America from people who have just had their home blew up or their family wiped out. How would you feel if a foreign country dropped a bomb on your house and killed all your family but left you alive?

Civilian Deaths in Syria: 470,000

Syria, Russia and the Gas War

One of the few countries that have tried to help the official Syria Government has been Russia and Putin because he is not controlled by the Illuminati that rules the western world. That is why the western media (controlled by the Cabal) try to demonise Putin as much as they can. For helping Syria, Israel shot down the Russian Passenger jet over Egypt in 2015 and the Cabal also shot down the passenger jet over the Ukraine and tried to blame it on Russia. Even the Syrian peace deal of September 2016 which was co-ordinated by Russia and the USA was broken by US-led air strike on the Syrian army base near Deir Ezzor which was just murderous sabotage.

One of the main reasons in Russia’s decision to enter the Syrian war on the call of Syrian President Bashar al Assad on September 30, 2015 is also strategically and geopolitically tied to the entire issue of the future supplies of European Union natural gas. The 28 member countries of the European Union today are the world’s largest natural gas import market. Only 35% of the European Union’s gas demand is met by domestic production, with the rest imported mainly from Russia (40%), Norway (30%), Algeria (13%) and 8% from Qatar. By 2025, the EU is expected to be importing over 80% of its natural gas. In 2009 American backed Qatar Proposed to Assad a gas pipeline to the EU through Syria and Turkey. But President Bashar al Assad refused to give permission for the pipeline to go through his territory and instead he backed an Iran pipeline. These plans apparently had Russia’s blessing, possibly because it could exert more influence over Iran, which, unlike Qatar, did not host a US air base.

In July, 2011 Assad along with the leaders of Iran and Iraq announced they were planning an alternative to the Qatar-Syria-Turkey EU gas pipeline bringing natural gas from South Pars, the Iranian side of the same giant field as Qatar. The U.S. then gave the green light to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to back regime change in Damascus with a funded and armed proxy army called Isis. If they could remove Assad and install a puppet leader in Syria Qatar could then run this gas pipeline through Syria to the EU which would then be a big threat to Russia supplying gas to the EU.

Assad signed off on the Iran plan in 2012 and it was due to be completed in 2016 but it was ultimately delayed because of the Arab Spring and the civil war.

Many countries supporting or opposing the war against Assad have links to these pipeline plans.

Major Rob Taylor, an instructor at the US Army’s Command and General Staff College wrote “Viewed through a geopolitical and economic lens, the conflict in Syria is not a civil war, but the result of larger international players positioning themselves on the geopolitical chessboard in preparation for the opening of the pipeline,” he noted.


All of these facts (false flag terror, 9/11, 7/7, slaughter in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Palestine) just show the world the truth about the Jewish Zionist crimes against the ‘Goyim’ of this world. They have brought genocide, mass murder, treachery and terror to the mainly innocent civilians of this world. Don’t forget, not all Jews are Zionists. Zionism is a political movement that is controlled by the Rothschild Empire which then uses America, Britain, France, Israel, its armed forces and Mossad to bring terror to the world.

It does not matter which leader is in power in America or Britain they will always follow the same Zionist Jewish agenda as laid out in the PNAC document as mentioned earlier which advocated the destruction of Iraq, Libya and Syria and Iran. George Bush and Tony Blair helped destroy Iraq for their Zionist masters and then the baton moved on to President Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron who helped to destroy Libya and then armed and funded rebels to destroy Syria. The PNAC agenda is then continued by President Trump and British Prime Minster Theresa May with their sporadic attacks against Assad in Syria and Trump continually threatening Iran with Destruction for his Israel masters.

Let’s look at some quotes from some Talmudic Jews about what they really think of the rest of the people in this world.

During World War 2 American Jew Theodore Kaufman produced a 100 page pamphlet named ‘Germany Must Perish’ calling for the complete destruction of the German people and the eradication of the Germans from the earth.

Racist supremacist Jew Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said in 2010 said that ‘non-Jews exist to serve Jews’. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,"

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef called for genocide and blood in 2001 when he said “you must send missiles to the Arabs an annihilate them, the lord shall return the Arabs deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them, devastate

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