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A young boy's life changes when the mythical Knights of the Round Table arrive at his village.

Thanksgiving When was the first Thanksgiving and who created it? Thanksgiving is not just a day we celebrate in November here in America. From generation to generation, people have been giving offerings and Thanksgiving in a feast full way, every since about 1440 BC. This puts a different outlook on the Thanksgiving word and day for me. I will never take another [waking up] [eating] [going to work] or going to sleep with a roof over my head] ever again without thanking God our Lord and Savior

Not many will take on the responsibility of caring for an elder loved one. In that missed opportunity they will deny themselves the beauty of a lesson in compassion.

In an attempt of writing in a villager's POV. My Lai massacre. How would a single woman feel with men supposively good start killing the innocent?

This book describes the fascinating work-from agriculture to entomology- which has been done in the British Commonwealth from my own experience. And the heroes and villains. I was a government official in the South West of Uganda for five inspiring years just before independence in 1963. Followed by twenty years programming and managing big mainframe software, then twenty years as a consultant in computing for development, working for the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and World Bank and