» Horror » Watched, Rachel Brown, Megan Thurston [romantic story to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Watched, Rachel Brown, Megan Thurston [romantic story to read TXT] 📗». Author Rachel Brown, Megan Thurston


I suddenly hear it , out of the darkness it aros, making the hair on my neck tingle. i look around for the maker of this horrible noise. this cry of sedperation. the scream it is full of hurt, a broken hear, pain, and helplessness that i can not describe in owrds. the screaming becomes mroe frantic and shrill this fear in it's voice is unbarable. its stops for a breath and then lets out s shreek of horror that is suddenly cut off. i hear the thump of a body hiting the ground and the screaming stops.

It was a normal day for kage tain at his new school. as he walks wondering eyes follow his every move. he felt watched opening his dull gray locker. suddnely a loud ringing soud filled his ear. he jumped at starle of the bell. a big kid with greasy red hair and freckles hovering ove him started to put pressure on his body as he was lpushed against the locker.  the pressure becme to much his vision stared to blure and he slowly sinks to the ground. his vision still a blure he can make out a girl. avrage height, brown hair, green eyes, and freckles. shes shaking him to see if hes ok. a grown slips from his mouth as he gets the strengh to stand, "idon't need a girl to wathc over me." Kage sats with pain on his words. "fine i'll leave" she says then turns away. he starts waling to his first calss and admits she was cute. as he enters his first clas he can see one face has seen before and she is staring right back at him...

he slowly walks to his desk and sits. the teacher begins with "students we have a new class mate" she says as she points to kage. he quickly stand but trips on the edge of the chair. he feels the pain of his face hit the ground and an aplode of laughter quickly fills the room. he stands up to hear the whole room gasp and he feels the warmth of the blood drip down his face. the girl he had met earlier took his hand and rushed him to the medic. she sits down in the chair next to him and waits for asistance. in the waiting silence she smiles lightling and says. "hi, my name Kaylin." her smiles filled the room with light and he also begins to smile. he suddenly fines himself caught in her gaze. they seem to drift away in some uncertant land. and a startling yell of the nurse awakes them both. he walks away looking behind him mroe than once for her beauty. as the nurse fixs his head and cleans the blood he is fixated on her beautiful green eyes he doesnt even notice the pain. suddenly he is pushed off the cusion of the bed and over to the phone where he is to call his mom. "umm my moms at work and can't get the time off." he says. the nurse asks him about his dad. "we live in Utah my dad lives in minisota, thinks hes goign to take the time to come over here?" the nurse glares and walks away. Kaylin who was sitting suddenly goes up to Kage and offers him a ride to the hospital. he quickly agrees with a grin on his face.

a few hours later hes in Kaylins car again and is drivign to his house to be dropped off. in the car stands an awkward silence. he finally breaks the silence and says "earlier today when i said i didnt need you? well i have changed my mind turns out i really do." "and with you tripping all the time i'm goign to be out of gas in next few hours." she says as she smiles at him. "no problem, i will buy you more so we can have some mroe fun." he says with a grin.  the next Kage walks into school and sees a big colorful sign on the front of his locker. it says sorry i can't be here today to drive you to the hospital but im sure you could get another girl to do it with those looks of yours. im out at an ASL interperting class. keep safe, , <3/Kaylin. P.S giving you a HUGE hint. he folds up the letter and stuffs it in his pocket. he can smell her prefume on the letter, his nose could track that sent anywhere. the school day went by slower than other and he was waiting for that sent to come alone. the bell rang he quickly got up to go to her house where was to fall for her once again.

Red Eyes

"mom im going to go hang out with Kage, call yoiu when i get there!" Says Kaylin as she prances out the door. She climbs into her honda civic and starts to back out of the drive way. suddenly she sees a little girl with long black hair, a white sleeping gown on, pale skin and red eyes apear behind her car. she swore and slammed the brakes to a screedching hault. she quickly opened the door and went to see if the little girl was ok but when she looked around the girl was gone instantly without any notice. Kaylin looks around and sees a long white piece of cloth wich she figures belongs to the little girl. she gets back in her car and begins to follwow the cloth. more than 8 miles out of town she car begins to get slower and slower. she checks the gas gage which is completly full and then steps out of the car to find a fuse has blown.

she looks around and see a distant light. and hopes that its someone to help. she slowly and cautously walks to the light but then sees that it disisperead into the small barn house."hey!" Kaylin yells fantic to get help. she runs into the barn and sees there is noone there. she looks to the ground to find that she is standing on top of a small doll. the doll


Publication Date: 05-02-2013

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